How to Heal Your Gut (Research + a Plan) |

How to Heal Your Gut (Research + a Plan)

admin March 24, 2019

By Kate, Lead Writer, and Rustina, Contributing Writer

I’ve been researching gut health for years.  Ever since realizing my daughter had food allergies, eczema, and other health concerns as a baby.  We were able to mostly heal her gut, and I’ve shared our journey with that.  But, even after, my research didn’t stop (especially after our experience with mold).

There are endless gut healing diets, supplements, and protocols.  Everyone has a different idea about which foods or supplements are good and bad, and why. Some of the advice is conflicting.  A lot of it feels out of reach for someone who is just getting into gut healing.  Many protocols also don’t address the gut in a way that really makes sense (you’ll see later!).

Most of the diets are extremely strict with lots of steps and stages.  Many of the supplements are expensive and can come with some serious side effects. “Die off” is a big topic.

So, what to do about all this?

Here is the brief summary, but keep reading for a lot more useful information!

There are different parts going on here.  The ones I added most recently have made the biggest difference.

1. I cut out sugar.  I still end up having a small sweet treat about once a week, but I can’t tolerate much anymore.  We got a ‘regular’ size milkshake the other day, I believe 20 oz. to split among 5 of us.  Half of it went into the freezer for later.  That’s what I mean by “small!  In this case, I didn’t really find cutting out sugar to be an issue.  I never had cravings or struggled with it, as I have in the past.  This, to me, was a good thing — I wasn’t “addicted” to it.  It also meant that I didn’t instantly get an energy boost or start losing weight, since that wasn’t the answer.

2. I attempted to go (mostly) grain-free.  I still eat quinoa, and occasionally rice.  After a week or so, I had wheat again, but had no issues.  For me, gluten doesn’t cause a problem, but for many, it can.

3. I am also focusing heavily on fruits and vegetables.  Most mornings I make a smoothie with yogurt or milk kefir, berries, and chia seeds.  I try to have salads several days a week.  I eat soups with veggies most days.  I’m also trying to include plenty of fermented foods in various forms.

These are the basic steps.  I opted not to cut dairy, because there were too many beneficial nutrients in raw dairy, cultured dairy was even better, and the dairy ‘alternatives’ I could purchase contained additives I didn’t think were a good idea.  Some of the cheeses I enjoy are also filled with key nutrients.  Romano, one of my favorites, is very high in vitamin K2.

My Research Into Gut Health

After 10 years of reading and playing around, this is what I’ve come up with.

It should be said, I’m not a doctor.  If you want the opinion of an MD, go see one.  Just know that most are unaware of the research being done into gut health, and they may not be all that helpful.  But, I’m not an MD, so proceed if you want to knowing that!

A lot of the people talking about gut health, frankly, don’t know what they’re saying.  But I’m not targeting them. All the research is very preliminary, all people are different, and none of us really know for sure.  Many have found protocols that work for them and possibly others, but nothing is universal.  It’s certainly great that those who have had success are speaking up and sharing with others.

Keep that in mind as you read through my research and experience.  I’ll be sharing studies to back up what I say, but I’m interpreting it all through my own lens.  Your experience or needs may vary.


I found myself in need of gut healing after mold exposure about 5 years ago.  I wouldn’t say I’m fully healed at this point, but I’m a lot better than I was, and so is my family.  (You can read about our mold adventure HERE.)

For the kids, it wasn’t that big a deal to heal from. They were young, and they were resilient from their good diet and lots of outdoor play.

For me, it was harder.  Not only as an adult, but I had two pregnancies since we left that house, which takes a lot out of me, and it disrupts the healing process.  Not that I would trade my babies!

When we first walked away from the mold, I did what everyone said we should do.  I cut out all grains and sugars and started doing lots of probiotics.  It didn’t work.  Any form of probiotics made my anxiety worse for years, and my gut didn’t get better.  There was definitely something missing from these protocols, in terms of herbs and foods.  But I didn’t yet know what.

After nearly 5 years of working on this, and many, many hours of reading studies and asking questions, I have stumbled on things that have actually worked.  My gut is better.  I can handle probiotics now.  I have more energy.  I sleep better.  My skin has mostly cleared up.  There’s work to do yet, but at least I know where to go now.  In this post, I tell you all I’ve learned.

How to Know if You Need Gut Healing

Basically everything in our modern life causes harm to our guts.  This includes:

  • All pharmaceuticals (antibiotics, birth control pills, statin drugs, anti-depressants, vaccines, etc.)
  • White, refined flour
  • White, refined sugar
  • Refined polyunsaturated vegetable oils
  • Chlorine in tap water
  • Triclosan and other antibacterial chemicals
  • Herbicides and pesticides on produce
  • Food dyes and additives in processed food
  • Fragrance and other chemicals in cleaning and household products
  • Mold in food or homes

So, yeah — everything.

That’s not good news, because most of America lives on all of these things.  Fast food, soda, regular ol’ laundry detergent, multiple prescriptions, plain tap water…it’s all wreaking havoc on our guts.

It matters because gut health has been linked to a number of health concerns, including:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Autism
  • Food allergies
  • Chemical sensitivity
  • Obesity
  • ADHD
  • Eczema
  • ODD and behavior issues
  • Impaired immunity/frequent illnesses
  • Autoimmunity
  • Cancer

Again, basically everything.

Some people like to harp on just one small part of this.  For example, “It’s all about the vaccines.”   It’s not, but they do play a role!  Or some people claim we need to focus primarily on mental health issues. They are important, but only a part of the picture. 

The good news is, we don’t need to play whack-a-mole! We don’t need to try to look at all the things harming us and all the problems they’re causing separately.  This is a universal issue.  Our modern life is, in many ways, simply bad for us.  But we can do something about it.

Some Symptoms You May Experience

Many people are dealing with the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Frequent yeast infections
  • Acne
  • Muscle pain
  • Lymphatic soreness
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Low energy
  • Gas and bloating
  • Food intolerances
  • Histamine intolerances
  • Poor sleep

These are some of the most common symptoms/problems.  And these are also non-specific symptoms — they could be related to any number of “diseases.”  But that doesn’t matter for the purposes of gut health here.

You may also experience some subtle symptoms that you didn’t even know could be related to gut health.  If you’ve seen any of these, they may also be a sign that you need some gut healing!

  • Lower back pain (with no obvious physical cause)
  • White/yellow coating on tongue
  • Chronic congestion or mild productive cough
  • Bloating/pain in the center of your abdomen, just below ribs
  • Small white bumps on arms or legs
  • Trouble falling asleep before 2/3 AM, or waking between 2 and 4 AM and being unable to fall back to sleep
  • Difficulty waking/feeling alert in the morning
  • Mild, aching pain around joints, or along the inside/outside of arms and legs (feels like you need to stretch/move but that doesn’t quite make it go away)
  • Urine has a bacon-like smell (this can also be a UTI)
  • Intense and frequent sugar cravings
  • Inability to lose weight, despite diet/exercise changes
  • Frequent heartburn
  • Irregular menstrual cycle

The body gives us many clues — if we know where to look and how to interpret them!

Detox While Breastfeeding?

Those who have been around for awhile or who read regularly probably know that I have an exclusively breastfed four month old.  There’s a lot of worry about detoxing while breastfeeding, and for good reason. I think, in some cases, it’s better to go ahead with it.  Whatever’s circulating in your body is already getting to your baby’s milk.  It’s better to heal, and pass on the healing to the baby before they start solids, so their gut develops properly.  It’s just important to start very slowly because it can upset the baby.

I kind of didn’t have a choice.  I started drinking kombucha after a few weeks break and felt like I was sort of detoxing.  I didn’t expect that since I’ve been drinking it pretty regularly for over three years now.  I decided to take a clay bath with baking soda.  I dumped in way too much clay, about 2 – 3 cups, and almost instantly got a headache!

This kicked off fatigue, foggy thinking, inability to concentrate, weight gain, and other minor but unpleasant symptoms.  It also led to Nathan getting cradle cap, which he hadn’t previously.  I felt angry, frustrated, ugly, anxious, and all around not so good.  It seemed obvious that I needed to finish what I had started.

I vary between using the Redmond Clay and Redmond Bath Salts (and nope, I wasn’t paid to write about these…I just honestly like them).  I make the bath as hot as I can stand and dump in about 1/2 c. of the one I’ve chosen.  I sit in it for 15 – 20 minutes then get out.  The heat of the water causes my pores to open and sweat, which dumps out toxins.  (This is the one thing that seems to affect the baby some, and I’m trying to combat it by taking my clay and baths at the same time, as well as drinking a lot of water.)

I will say that although I consider this generally “safe” while breastfeeding and I am doing it, that it does affect Nathan sometimes (parts of it), and I can’t actually recommend that you do it.  Of course, none of this is medical advice anyway.  I’m just sharing what I’ve chosen to do and why.

What Inflammation Has to Do With It

When something is going wrong in the body, inflammation is the result.

Now, sometimes this is a good thing.  If you cut your finger, your body will rush “defenses” to the injury, create inflammation, and heal itself.  Then the inflammation subsides.  Inflammation is very, very useful in the short term.

But when inflammation becomes chronic, then it’s a problem.  Long-term inflammation means there is ongoing damage to the body that it can’t heal.  Often, health erodes over time.  This is where we see high cholesterol, high blood pressure, overall weakness, leaky gut, and more.  They are all signs of chronic inflammation in the body.

We need to get rid of the inflammation — but more importantly, to heal anything, we have to get rid of whatever is causing the inflammation.

Before we talk about protocol, we need to understand something important.

The Body is a Complete Unit

Lots of people talk about the gut being the ‘root’ of everything.  Others will claim it’s the spleen, or the liver, or….  Listen.  No.  There typically is no one ‘root.’  The body is a whole unit.  What affects one area, affects the whole thing.  There is no way for something to affect just one organ and not others.  We’re dealing with a holistic view here.

(Plus, the gut and the liver are connected.  Even the mainstream knows that.  We’ll be addressing it all, and avoiding this common detox mistake in the process.)

This is not going to be a quick diet or short-term fix, and then you go back to your old ways.  The body is built by what happens within it long-term (diet, exercise, etc.).  Short-term fixes may help somewhat, in the short-term.  But if you want long-term health, then you have to change your habits.

Too many protocols out there look at the body as a sum of parts and target only certain areas.  Too many have specific stages and rules that allow you to ‘relax’ after a while. Then, many often go off the diet – and back to the things that caused issues in the first place!  These will not work properly.

This approach is going to be different.

The Gut Health Protocol

What I found when I first started trying to heal my gut was, I could not go on a super strict diet and protocol immediately.  It was too much for my body to handle.  There are layers of damage and it takes the body awhile to deal with each thing.  Try to do it all at once, and it just doesn’t go well.

That’s why, as you do this, pay close attention to what makes you feel good and what makes you feel weak or bad.  If something makes you worse, then either figure out the underlying need and address that, or stop doing it.

For example, if you cut out sugar and feel worse, it’s not that your body ‘needs’ the refined sugar.  It may be that you need more food intake, magnesium to balance blood sugar effectively, or to add cinnamon to help reduce inflammation and balance blood sugar.  Look for how to solve the problem that you are experiencing.  This feeling should be temporary (and that’s how you know it’s ultimately good — you should start to feel better over time).

Another example would be if you go completely grain-free and feel weak and sick. Your body may not be ready for that level. This happened to me at first, a few years ago.   Eat unrefined, whole grains again and plenty of fruit.  It doesn’t matter how many people extol the virtues of the grain-free/low-carb diet and how “everyone” needs to do it; if you feel terrible and non-functional, don’t do it.  Never push through a protocol that’s making you feel worse over time.

It’s okay to feel a little weird or not great for a few days, and then better.  That’s pretty normal.  Feeling worse and worse is not normal, and a key sign that it’s not working for you.  Feeling initially better but then starting to feel worse — that’s a bad sign.  Listen to your body.

Stage 1: Remove Pro-Inflammatory Items

The first goal needs to be reducing inflammation.  Something environmental is causing the inflammation, whether that is food, air, water, etc.  We have to get rid of the sources of inflammation, and then start a food and herbal anti-inflammatory protocol.

It’s okay if this process takes weeks or months to accomplish. You can simply stop buying certain products and replace things as you run out.  Make a goal to do a little better every single week, and keep at it. You’re at the store, you’re tired, and you may be tempted to buy more of something you know is not healthy for you, but don’t give in!

When it comes to a healthy diet, all processed foods are out.  Don’t use anything that is premade, unless it’s single-ingredient or small number of ingredients.  (Frozen organic mangoes = yes, boxed cookies = no.)  Even “organic” and “natural” processed, boxed foods have to be out – they have sugar, white flour, vegetable oils, etc.  No veggie chips, no rice cakes, no cookies. And absolutely no preservatives or additives of any kind.

Learn to read labels.  In a pinch, things like organic canned broth-based soups are fine.  They are expensive, but the ingredients are clean. 

 Avoid ingredients like:

  • Cane sugar
  • Cane juice
  • Unbleached flour
  • Natural flavors
  • Modified food starch
  • Yeast extract
  • Soy lecithin
  • Sunflower and/or safflower oil

Also, no white flour and minimal other grains — some will eventually need to go no grain.  This is not so much because grains harm the gut directly (although for some people, they can).  Whole grains contain phytic acid, which blocks nutrient absorption.(S)  Right now, you need all the nutrients you can get. Read more about why phytic acid is such an issue in gut healing diets.

There is some evidence that phytic acid can improve gut mucosa and reduce inflammation, which is why some people may be able to tolerate some grains.(S)  But be aware of the nutrient absorption issue and, especially if you are dealing with frequent diarrhea, plan to eat no grains for a while. 

Absolutely no sugar – not white, brown, sucanat, coconut . . .nothing!  Some people can tolerate small amounts of maple syrup or raw honey, but even these should be kept to a minimum.  We’re not trying to starve the yeast here; we’re trying to reduce inflammation.  High blood sugar levels and low-nutrient foods are hard on the liver, pancreas, and gut — so we need to stay away from this.

All other “real food” is permitted – unless you have a particular reaction to something.  Some may not tolerate foods like soy, dairy, beans, eggs, nuts, seeds, nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, white potatoes, eggplants), or high-histamine foods (meats, fermented foods, certain fruits).(S)  Keep a food diary and watch closely for symptoms after eating. Eliminate foods that make you feel not well.  Hopefully, as far as ‘real foods’ go, removal should be temporary.

Personally, I eliminate kidney-shaped beans, because these don’t work for me (I notice a flare in symptoms), but I do eat garbanzo beans and peas.  I also eventually eliminated chocolate, soy, carrots, potatoes, wheat, and a few others.  So don’t eliminate large groups of foods at once; see how you feel with each.

It’s also important to get off any medications that you can.  Obviously, some will be necessary, or can’t just be stopped right away.  But if you can, you should.  One of the most important to get away from is the proton pump inhibitors, which lower stomach acid.  This low stomach acid primes people to develop SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) and nutrient malabsorption.  The gut can’t heal if it’s still being exposed to these drugs.(S)

Anything that is causing inflammation for you, needs to go.  If you can filter your tap water, that is best.  (Read more on water filtration and what system to choose)  In your home, switch to natural shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, deodorant, laundry detergent, skin care, makeup, cleaning products, etc.  Get rid of scented candles or oil-based scents.  Add living plants and open the windows more often!  Essential oils in a diffuser are a nice touch to clean the air and make it smell nice (lemon is one of the best options).

Read more about clean home care products in our Clean Home Project Guide.

This is not going to be an overnight thing.  This is going to take awhile.  And that’s okay.  Just keep doing better, week after week.

Stage 2: What to Eat

Now that you have removed things that are pro-inflammatory, it’s time to start with things that are specifically anti-inflammatory to help your gut.

What you should eat:

  • Lots of raw greens, especially Romaine and dandelion greens
  • Any other vegetables, fresh or steamed
  • Any fruits, especially citrus
  • Nuts, if tolerated (small amounts)
  • Brown rice, if tolerated
  • Meats (chicken, beef, turkey, pork)
  • Raw dairy, if tolerated
  • Oils (avocado, coconut, olive, butter or ghee)

Notice that fermented foods are not on this list.  They are a bandage, at best, at this early stage.  And, they are high in histamine — which is a problem for those who are already experiencing histamine intolerance.  Histamine levels are normally high in the gut, but inflammation can cause an increase in this.  Chronic stress and low magnesium also play an important role here.  Unlike most protocols, we’re going to wait on fermented foods.

It took me probably 2 years to tolerate them, and I had to start slowly.  It would not have taken as long if I had known then what I know now.(S)(S)


This could easily be a post in itself, so I’ll try to keep it short.  My research into amino acids has convinced me that we typically eat too much muscle meat, and that we don’t balance it with organ meats and bones (stock made from bones, containing gelatin).  The amino acid contents are entirely different in these different sources, and nutrients are much more concentrated in the organs than the muscles.  In particular, muscle meat is high in tryptophan and cysteine, both of which, in excess, lead to inflammation (but we absolutely do need these, just like omega-6s, but we get too much).

Gelatin, on the other hand, is high in glycine, which we don’t get enough of.  Glycine is reputed to help balance blood sugar levels, aid anemia, fatigue, healthy digestion, wound healing, and even kill cancer.  It is also said to help collagen production, reduce cellulite, grow stronger nails and hair, and more.  It’s pretty awesome stuff.

I choose Great Lakes Gelatin because it’s grass-fed.  I dissolve 2 tbsp. in a few ounces of room temperature filtered water, then add a bit of very warm, filtered water, and top it off with a splash of juice for about 2 cups of “Jello drink” (what I told my kids it’s called).  I have this once a day.

Oil Cleansing

This isn’t eating, but make no mistake, your skin is absorbing the nutrients too! I’ve written about oil cleansing before.  Another unfortunate “symptom” I’ve run across is break outs, for the first time in years.  I’ve started doing my oil cleansing again, with a mix of castor and sweet almond oil (slightly more castor than sweet almond since my skin tends to be oily).  I am also doing clay masks 1 – 2 times per week.  With this, my skin has gotten smoother, breakouts are finally healing, and new ones are becoming much smaller.

Stage 3: The Specific Diet/Supplement Protocol

What do you really need to do?  What should you be eating and how should you be supplementing?  

Here is my actual plan.  Keep in mind…you may need to start slowly here too.

Choose organic foods and herbs if you can afford to.  Wildcrafted foods are great too.  I have a buying guide at the bottom where I list all of my recommended brands.

AM: The Detox Smoothie

  • 2 grapefruits, juiced
  • 2 cups frozen organic mangoes
  • 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper (slowly increasing)
  • 1/8 tsp. chaga mushroom powder (slowly increasing, to 1/2 tsp.)
  • 1/8 tsp. Oregon grape root powder (slowly increasing, to 1/2 tsp.)

Blend all of this until smooth.  Drink each day.  If you prefer, chaga mushroom and Oregon grape root can be taken in a capsule instead of mixed into the smoothie.

Yes, this has to be grapefruit.  In fact, organic grapefruit is the goal here. They soak up pesticides so well, so truly organic ones make a difference.  Grapefruit has been shown to increase glutathione production (S), reduce inflammation, protect the kidneys, protect the liver, and more.  Grapefruit also functions as a digestive bitter, stimulating digestive juices and making it easier to digest food throughout the day. Grapefruit can interact with certain medications though, so if you are still taking those, you may have to skip this at first.  Use plain water as a base in that case.

You can substitute mango with other fruits, like tart or sweet cherry, any berries, pineapple, etc.  Each has its own benefits.  I like the sweetness of mango blended with the bitter/tart grapefruit.  But sweet cherries and strawberries with grapefruit are also good.

Chaga mushroom is important.  It is strongly immune-supporting, and also functions as a prebiotic, feeding the normal gut flora that should be there, and bringing the gut back into balance. (S)

Cayenne pepper is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. (S)  If you cannot tolerate nightshades, cinnamon or turmeric can be subbed in here.

Oregon grape root, too, is important.  It contains a substance called berberine, which actually helps to heal the gut mucosa.  It also has antibacterial properties.  This is one of the most important supplements and cannot be skipped.  It plays a very important role in actually fixing gut health long term. (S)(S)(S)(S)

If you choose capsules of chaga or Oregon grape root, start with 1 capsule of each, and increase by 1 every 4 – 5 days until you are taking 5 of each.  If you have trouble tolerating so much at once, start with the Oregon grape root first, and begin the chaga mushroom a week or two later.

Clay is helpful for removing toxins.  I’m using Redmond Clay as capsules.  I take two every morning, an hour or two before eating anything.  They sell bottles of capsules, or you can buy the powder and make your own (I’m not sure it’s all that much cheaper though). It has electrically charged particles that ‘grab’ onto all the toxins and junk and carry it out of your body safely.  This is very important for me, while breastfeeding, because I want these things to get carried out as safely as possible rather than coming out in my milk whenever possible. Clay is also great in baths and masks. (I included it in our Lavender Green Clay Mask and the Detoxifying Pit Mask)


Snack time!  Now it is time for two things: herbal tea and protein.  Prior to the meal, 5 – 10 drops of digestive bitters are also beneficial.  (Bitter flavors stimulate digestion, promote nutrient absorption, and help deal with SIBO.)

Herbal tea:

  • 1 tbsp. fresh ginger root, grated
  • 1 tbsp. dried astragalus root
  • 1 1/2 cups water

Boil this mixture for about 10 – 15 minutes, then let it sit for another 10 – 15 minutes until it is deep yellow in color.  Strain, and add a small amount of raw honey (if desired and tolerated) and drink.

Astragalus root is extremely important.  It’s a little bitter and sometimes has almost a “peanut butter” smell or flavor to it.  It helps to modulate the immune system and heal the gut lining.(S)

Ginger also helps to modulate the immune system and is anti-inflammatory.  It has a long history of use for gas, bloating, nausea, and other digestive symptoms.  It inhibits histamine release as well. (S)(S)

For protein, choose your favorite source.  This will provide energy and will also have a positive effect on the gut.  Meat, beans (if tolerated), nut butter, whatever you prefer.  Pair it with fruit or veggies if you want.  Think: a clean jerky brand (no sugar), veggies and hummus, apple and almond butter, etc. (S)

Liver Pills

These are very rich in nutrients that we need.  I can even show you how to make them. 🙂

Lunch Time

Repeat the digestive bitters before eating.  Enjoy a salad or soup with lots of veggies and some protein.  My favorite is Romaine lettuce (sometimes with dandelion greens), tomatoes, red onions, garbanzo beans, and grilled chicken.  

I make this dressing for it:

  • 2 – 4 cloves raw garlic, crushed or grated
  • 1/2 tsp. Himalayan sea salt
  • 1/2 – 1 tsp. basil leaves
  • 1/4 c. red wine vinegar
  • 3/4 c. avocado oil

If you’re not a salad fan, any other fruit or veggie-heavy meal is fine.  Make chicken vegetable soup, or grill mushrooms and onions and peppers and top with balsamic glaze.  Taco salads are also fun, with fresh avocado slices, salsa, cheese (if tolerated), and meat or beans.


Snack, again!  Choose some fruits or veggies with protein (carrots and hummus, or apples and almond butter, etc.).


Repeat digestive bitters before the meal.  Again, stick to lots of fruits and veggies with some protein.  It can be as simple as sliced strawberries and celery with grilled meat.  You could choose a blended soup, or a smoothie.  I’m a fan of skillets — one of my favorites is chicken with peppers, onions, and mushrooms (topped with a little provolone cheese sometimes).

After dinner, golden milk!  This is a blend of coconut milk and turmeric.  Coconut milk has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and gut-protecting properties.(S)  Turmeric basically helps to reduce inflammation and heal the gut also.(S)  Blend 1/2 tsp. of turmeric powder into 8 oz. milk and warm it slightly.  A small spoonful of raw honey will make this taste nice.

Bedtime and Supplements

There are a few key supplements that will modulate the immune system, reduce histamine, and inflammation to support gut healing.

Elderberry is an important one.  If you’re worried about its immune-boosting properties and if it’s safe to use daily, I summarized all the research on that HERE.  I would use this nightly, preferably in tincture form.  1 ml of tincture per day.

Calendula is also important.  Most people are familiar with it for topical use, typically dry skin or diaper rash, but it also has a key role internally.  It fights certain types of mold and protects the liver, as well as reducing inflammation and helping the gut.  Take up to 1 ml of tincture daily, or make a cup of tea.(S)(S) Calendula is also in our Elderberry tincture.

Yes, this is less than many advise.  A lot of protocols will say 3 – 5 ml of tincture, 3x a day.  I have found that small doses help the body more gently and help bring it into balance.  High doses are often too much.  Start slow, and you can always do more if you choose to.

Finally, magnesium.  Low magnesium levels have been tied to high calcium levels, high histamine levels, lowered immunity, anxiety, depression, and more.(S)  Getting enough magnesium will also help to promote quality sleep, which is definitely necessary to feel better!  I use it as a lotion, about 1/2 – 1 tsp. per day – more if I feel like I’m having trouble falling asleep.

I will list specific brands and recommendations for all mentioned herbs and supplements at the end, so that it’s all in one place too!

Supportive Protocols for Gut Healing

That is the basic plan.  It’s not too bad, right?  It’s not overly complicated.  It’s not going to be easy, but it feels simpler to me than many plans out there.  (Maybe because I already mostly live it – ha!)

Along with all of this, there are things you can do to improve how you feel and support detox.  The goal is to make this as easy for your body as you possibly can. A happy body will make you happier too!

Liver Support

As mentioned above, there is a gut-liver connection.  Plus, the liver helps to process all of the “junk” in the body and excrete it, so supporting the liver is very important.

Key herbs include peppermint (as a tea or tincture), turmeric (already included in the golden milk, but tincture or capsules are good too), and milk thistle seed (as a tincture/powder/capsule — 1mL tincture, 1/4 tsp. powder, or 2 capsules).

Or grab my herbal liver support tincture, Liver Love.

Lymphatic Support

The lymphatic system consists of a bunch of lymph nodes and clear fluid that surrounds the cells.  It gathers wastes from the cells and takes it to the kidneys or liver for excretion.  It doesn’t have a “pump,” like the circulatory system, so sometimes it needs help.

Detox baths with baking soda or Epsom salts (1/2 cup of each per bath), light exercise (a brisk walk), and gentle massage are all great ways to promote lymphatic detoxDry skin brushing is beneficial too.  Herbs like burdock root or calendula will help also! Try our Detox Bath Tea.

Try this Lymphatic Cream (with burdock, cleavers, calendula, and more) to keep the fluid moving!

General Support

Get plenty of rest and a good night’s sleep every night, if you can.  Drink plenty of fresh water.  Take 1/2 tsp. of cod liver oil each day.  Cod liver oil is rich in vitamins A and D, which benefit the immune system, and omega-3s, which help with inflammation and gut issues.(S)

If you have access to the sun…get outside!  Enjoy fresh air.  Get some exercise.  The sun will help produce vitamin D and make you feel better too.

Lowering your stress can help.  Chronic stress is not good for your hormones or your gut!  Saying “no” to things that are too much for you, venting to a friend, finding better work-life balance are all helpful.

For stress, try Master Tonic — it supports the adrenals and can help with hormone balance and anxiety.

A Word on Die-Off and Detox symptoms…

Many people talk about die-off.  They may experience brain fog, fatigue, achiness, low fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.  Some people take this as a good sign — hey, the protocol is working!

While some mild symptoms may be good (tiredness, wanting to sleep more, a little soreness), more severe symptoms are not.  These more severe symptoms indicate that your body is overloaded and not effectively eliminating the toxins.  This means that you need to back off on what you’re doing, and support your liver more.  Going slowly and effectively is better than pushing too hard and feeling worse.

If You Suspect Candida Overgrowth and/or Parasites…

This does not play a role for everyone, but it can.  If it’s something you’re worried about, there are a few extra herbs you can add to the protocol — slowly!

Cloves are key.  They are a gentle herb, yet very effective in dealing with yeast and many types of parasites.  You can take small amounts of the powder mixed in food or in capsules.  It is also effective as a tincture.

Calendula will also help here (referenced above).

Turmeric, too, can help.

Pumpkin seed oil is a great choice too, or actual pumpkin seeds.  You can add the seeds to granola, or the oil to smoothies or salad dressings.  Start slow!  1/2 tsp. oil or 1 tbsp. seeds may be plenty if you really are having issues.

There are much stronger herbs, like black walnut and wormwood, but I would not start there.  They are harsh and can cause side effects. They are not safe for pregnant/nursing women while the other herbs that I mentioned are safe. There’s no reason to start with the strongest herbs when gentler herbs often work just as well.

Try Gut Health Oil or Candida Cleanse.

How Will I Know I’m Better?  And What Next?

There’s no definitive answer, and there’s no total “end” to it.  We’re constantly being exposed to less-than-optimal things around us.  Remember, this is a lifestyle shift.

However, there will be a time when you don’t need to do all the supplements everyday and your diet can relax a little.  You may be able to re-incorporate foods (real foods!) that you couldn’t tolerate before.

As you heal, you may see:

  • Brain fog receding/improved clarity of thought, better memory
  • Tongue turning pink and clean (no more coating)
  • Improved energy levels
  • Better quality sleep
  • Normal bowel movements (daily and formed)
  • Clear skin
  • Weight loss or gain (this isn’t the goal and won’t happen for everyone, but it might!)
  • Better mood
  • Regular cycles
  • Less frequent illnesses

When you are able to do the daily protocol, with the higher levels of herbs for at least a week without symptoms, slowly start introducing probiotic foods.  Kombucha, water kefir, sauerkraut, etc.  If you are still having histamine intolerance, wait at least a month after feeling better on the protocol before starting fermented foods.

Once you are starting to truly feel “good,” slowly ease off the Oregon grape root, ginger/astragalus root tea, golden milk, liver support, and elderberry.  You can still use these on occasion if you need a boost, but you don’t have to do them all daily.  If you do want to continue, though, you can!

It will probably take most people 3 – 6 months to see the level of healing they want (after getting on the full protocol).  Some people may take 1 – 2 years if they’re dealing with more issues or tend to be the type to need extra support.

At this point, you can also try reintroducing foods.  Go slowly, and introduce only one and wait 3 – 4 days for a reaction.  Sometimes, you may feel totally fine at first or for several hours, but then experience inflammation, brain fog, trouble sleeping, etc. the next day or so.  Pay careful attention so you don’t undo progress.

I hope this has been helpful for you!  Feel free to ask if you have any questions.  I cannot give out specific medical advice, but I can try to point you in the right direction to continue your research!

Supplement/Buying Guide

Not sure where to start?  No problem!  These are my recommended brands to buy.

This protocol doesn’t have to be expensive.  1 oz. of many herbs would be enough, and they’re $2 – $3 each.  Bulk herbs will be cheaper than buying capsules.  You can also buy capsules in bulk and make your own, which is fairly easy and cheaper.

How I’m Feeling

I should mention I’m also keeping up with my magnesium lotion daily.

I’m sleeping pretty well, when the baby lets me! I ended up with a fever for a couple of days during the worst of it all (the baby got one too for a few hours, not very high; no one else did). I felt better and stronger after.  I’m able to have energy, be in a better mood, handle stress better, and have even (finally) lost a little bit of weight!  I know I’m moving in the right direction.

A quick note on “why to detox.”

I know that a lot of people in the ‘mainstream’ think that detoxing is stupid.  But it’s not.  Our bodies have to cope with a lot of junk — unhealthy food, environmental pollution, illnesses, etc.  They have natural pathways to deal with that, like the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system.  But, some peoples’ bodies are more efficient at this than others.  Even those who are efficient can get bogged down because of the great amount of toxins in today’s world.  These herbicides and pesticides on our produce and chemicals in our processed food and so on aren’t harmless to us, especially not when they’re all combined.  Sometimes our bodies can’t deal with it all.

So, where does it go?  Much of it is bound up and stored as fat!  I believe if you can’t lose weight, this might play a big role.  I know it does for me.  Some is stored in the muscles, making you weaker.  Some of it continues to circulate in the body, causing fuzzy thinking.

The goal is to encourage the body to do what it should and to release those toxins via the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system.  These systems can be working slower or less efficiently than they ought to be, while still functioning enough to keep us alive and moving — just not feeling particularly well.  When we help them, these things are cleared out and we feel better.

I honestly think everyone could benefit from some sort of detox now and then.

That’s where I stand so far!  If you’re curious, I’ll post an update in a few weeks.

Have you ever attempted healing your gut and detoxing before?  Are you planning to now?



This is the writings of:



  1. What about rotation? I find once I am on the same thing for a few weeks I develop sensitivities or allergies to it because of the bad gut health. I’m concerned about implementing same foods (morning smoothie for example) with all the same ingredients on a daily basis.


  2. Hi!! Thank you so much! I’m so looking forward to trying this regimen to hopefully heal my hands! Are the herbs listed above safe for nursing mom & baby? Thank you.


  3. This is very helpful! Thank you!


  4. I’m curious why people say not to detox or deal with parasites when breastfeeding? My son is 7 months and I plan to BF until he weans so 2+ years maybe. I can’t believe I’d have to wait that long but I don’t know if those toxins go through my milk or let alone parasites travel through milk!


    • It is generally recommended because some of what is detoxed can (and will) go in the milk. A slow start and gentle detox with good liver support is often not a problem at all for momma or babe. It has not been documented that parasites travel through breastmilk (as far as we know), but it is plausible if there is blood in the breastmilk (from cracked nipples, etc). I used the Gut Health Oil and Liver Love after my youngest was 6 months old, and after 1 years old, I added Vaccine Detox. I just started off at 2 little drops a day, adding a little more each day or two until I was at the recommended amounts.


  5. Is it not recommended to do this protocol while pregnant? Could I still use some of the protocol and omit other parts?


  6. Can we eat eggs if not senstive to it? I noticed it’s not mentioned under what to eat. Are eggs not good for those needing to detox due to the bacteria in eggs?


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Hi, I’m Kate.  I love medical freedom, sharing natural remedies, developing real food recipes, and gentle parenting. My goal is to teach you how to live your life free from Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Government by learning about herbs, cooking, and sustainable practices.

I’m the author of Natural Remedies for Kids and the owner and lead herbalist at EarthleyI hope you’ll join me on the journey to a free and healthy life!

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