DIY: Elderberry Lollipops |

DIY: Elderberry Lollipops

beth October 11, 2012

Written by Beth and Rustina

You know how during the fall months, the weather fluctuates and people are in full swing enjoying the cooler weather and spreading colds? Ever notice how common sore throats are after those events? Of course, sickness doesn’t come from cold weather, but that doesn’t make it not happen. So what can you do when you have a sore throat?

Cough drops are usually the first thing people reach for – however, they shouldn’t be. Most are filled with sugar, dye, and other food toxins. When the body is healing, you don’t want to harm it in the process! The best, cost-efficient solution? Make your own!

While these are called lollipops, you can make a cough drop by simply skipping the stick or buying molds. However, it feels like more fun with the stick! Another great option is homemade cough and cold lozenges. If DIYs aren’t your thing, consider Earthley’s Herbal Throat Spray.

Elderberry Lollipops


  • 1 cup of raw, local honey (If you don’t have local, try this one)
  • 1 cup of Elderberry Syrup
  • Optional additions: syrup from ginger, mullein, wild cherry bark, or cinnamon. The possibilities for this are endless, really!


Step 1: Add ingredients to a small pot and turn on high, ensuring you stir it consistently.

Step 2: When the mixture reaches 300ºF (use a candy thermometer — it won’t take long), you can turn the heat to low and carefully spoon it onto a non-stick surface placing sticks in the center, do drops, or into a mold. When the mixture has been used, turn off the heat.


Remember that heating honey to this temperature does take away some of its benefits. However, it still does the job of soothing and certainly doesn’t harm. To get the most out of the honey, choose a local, raw honey. Sometimes what is on the store shelves does not contain much honey!

Usually, give the first round a chance to set for a minute, and then spoon a little more over the top in order to get more of a lollipop shape. As you can see, some shape well – and others less so. Let them sit until they are firm, which usually takes a few hours. Alternatively, using a mold will help ensure a more structured and consistent appearance. 

 And there you have it! A good-tasting, fun way to soothe a sore throat this winter. This is something that kids and adults can use. You can whip it up quickly, keep it handy, and the best part – you know exactly what is in them! 

If your child is under the age of one, be sure to consider this information: Why Babies CAN eat Honey (Sometimes).

What is your favorite way to soothe sore throats?

This is the writings of:

  1. I love that these literally have only 2 ingredients (unless you choose to add more of course) and I can use my oils in them. Will definitely be making these soon!!


  2. Awesome and so simple!!

    thank you for sharing!


  3. Hi Beth, thanks for posting this recipe. I had been looking for something similar but wondering about the health benefits of the raw honey once it was heated enough to turn to candy. Could you please share where you get your lolly pop sticks? They look to be made of bamboo or some other wood. If I can’t find that kind, is it ok to use the regular paper sticks? I always worry that there are unwanted things in those paper sticks.


  4. I think I might have to make these today! Thanks Beth!


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I’m the author of Natural Remedies for Kids and the owner and lead herbalist at EarthleyI hope you’ll join me on the journey to a free and healthy life!

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