DIY: Lip Balm |

DIY: Lip Balm

beth November 2, 2012

Written by Beth

We used to buy chapstick until we realized how tedious searching for a natural one was. The amount of greenwashing is overwhelming. Then, after all the searching, paying $3 per stick just wasn’t worth it.

Finally, we decided, “Hey…we can do this.” And we have. We now have our own stock, which takes no time to make. After doing the math, this comes down to less than a dollar per stick. Don’t want to make your own? Grab some Natural Lip Balm from our store! It may not be $1 per stick, but it is natural. 🙂

Lip Balm

Ingredients & Materials: 

  • 1 oz. beeswax
  • 2 tbsp. coconut oil
  • 4 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • Crockpot


Step 1: Place your beeswax and oil in the crockpot until melted.

Step 2: Then add the essential oils.

Step 3: Pour this mixture into your chapstick containers.

And you have chapstick!

It really is that simple! After you’re done just clean up with hot water — and I mean right after your done before it hardens.

If you’ve ever made your own lip balm, how did it work for you?

This is the writings of:

  1. How many containers of chapstick does this make?


  2. Just a question with the crockpot, is it ok after cleaning it to still make meals in it? I assume so,just a question. It May seem dumb to ask such. Thanks.
    It seems much better than store bought. Now I need some bees wax.


  3. Chapstick is my weakness. 🙂 Do you order the containers online? I have never seen them in a store. Do you mind sharing where you buy them from?


  4. This is one of the easiest recipes I’ve ever seen for chapstick. And you can still change up the flavors and colors as well. I love it! I try to do pretty much everything homemade. Pretty crunchy, I know, but it’s super fun!


  5. I know they carry the containers at Michael’s here in town.


  6. This recipe looks great and easy. Thanks for posting.


  7. How does this hold up with storing in your pocket.. My hubby uses chapstick regularly but worried about it melting?


  8. Thanks for the recipe. I will try this! I have searched for all natural chapstick too, and this looks perfect!


  9. I have never used oils before. Where canI find them?


  10. Essential oils? Try The owner is great and can help you with whatever you need.


  11. I have just came across this and so want to make it. I am wanting to get into diy products. I use chap stick everyday and I’m always applying it through out the day. My lips get a burn feeling when I don’t use a good brand like Polysporin. Would this give give moisture our would I need to look further for something with more oils added?



  12. […] I had no idea what I was going to do to get rid of that painful itch. Then I remembered I had my peppermint chapstick! I applied it to the bites and the pain and itching stopped right away! Certainly something I […]


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