Natural Remedies For Strep Throat |

Natural Remedies For Strep Throat

Sarena-Rae Santos September 11, 2012

By Jill, Contributing Writer

Strep throat plagued me as a child; I had it so often that the doctor began the talk about taking my tonsils out.  I took antibiotic after antibiotic to kill this bacteria.

Unfortunately we did not know at the time what the dangers were of taking antibiotics repeatedly, nor did we know there was anything natural that could work.  Circumstances would have it that we moved shortly after to an area that did not have so many cases of strep floating around, so my tonsils are still intact! 🙂

Why Not Just Take Antibiotics for Strep Throat?

I have had a few people speak to me of the dangers of having strep throat and treating it at home.  While I don’t take any sickness lightly, I do believe that strep can be healed naturally and effectively with healing herbs.  I have seen this happen time and again.  Antibiotics can shorten the course of strep, BUT they also great increase the likelihood that strep will come back all winter long (which is probably why I had strep all winter for more than one year as a child).

Antibiotics kill the strep, but they also work against our natural antibodies.  Using nourishing herbs to fight a sickness causes our bodies to create its own antibodies, which will help us fight the sickness the rest of the year without compromising our health.

Check out these home remedies for strep throat:


Home Remedy Options for Strep Throat

Dr. Christopher Strep Blend

Dr. Christopher Strep Blend is very effective.  This remedy has worked wonderfully for more than one person that I’ve recommended it to.


  • 1 TBSP. Raw Honey
  • 1/4-1/2 tsp. Cayenne
  • 3 Cloves Grated Garlic


Mix honey and cayenne together.  Add the garlic.  Chew and swallow 1/2 tsp. of this mixture every half hour.  This effectively kills the strep bacteria.

Throat and Tonsil Tincture

You can also make a Throat and Tonsil Tincture.  Make one pint of echinacea tea.  While the tea is still hot, stir in 1/2 cup fig syrup and 1/4 tsp. cayenne.  Add 1/4 tsp. of peppermint oil.  Stir well.

Mix 2 droppers of this tincture with 4 droppers of water.  Gargle and swallow every hour.  For a smaller child, mix 1 dropper of tincture with 3 droppers of water and administer hourly.

Throat Gargle

If you are experiencing pain from strep throat, mix a solution of 1/4 tsp. salt and a 1/4 cup very hot water.  Stir to dissolve the salt and gargle.  Spit out the solution after each gargle.  Do this hourly if needed.  Adding 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper to this solution will also help with pain.

Vitamin C

Take up to 1,000 mg. of vitamin C hourly for adults to help boost the immune system and shorten any sickness.  For a child’s dose, divide their weight by 150.  For instance, if your child weighs 75 lbs., you would divide it by 150.  75/150=.50 – you would give a 75 lb. child half of the adult dose.

Be Consistent

If you are experiencing great pain, also gargle with the solution of salt, cayenne and water for relief.  I would take these frequent doses for 2 or 3 days (or longer if needed), and then just 2 or 3 times a day for about a week.You may ask, which remedy should I use?  Do I try all of them?  My suggestion is to take either the Dr. Christopher Strep Blend or the Throat and Tonsil Tincture (you would not need to do both of these).  I would add to one of those the high dose of vitamin C.

It is important to follow the directions carefully and consistently.  I’m always surprised when a person tries a home remedy, but is not consistent with it, and thinks it failed them.  If you take the Strep Blend or the Tincture only once a day for a more serious illness like strep (instead of the frequency of the directions), it just may get the best of you and really bring you down, requiring a stronger medicine at the doctor.  Be consistent, and you will enjoy the results!

Have you successfully treated strep throat at home?  What remedy did you use?

This is the writings of:

Sarena-Rae Santos
Sarena-Rae Santos' journey to natural health began in 2019 when she swayed away from allopathic medicine after becoming wheelchair-bound due to the side effects of 20+ medications. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and dizziness due to nystagmus were the sources of her many health complications. Sarena's symptoms diminished after adopting a healthier lifestyle surrounding whole foods and herbs, leaving her a fantastic quality of life and a passion for educating people.


  1. I have been successful with the strep blend with a little apple cider vinegar and also by using garlic oil. I infuse a little olive oil with raw garlic and rub it on the glands and throat often.


  2. Grapefruit seed Extract!


  3. I tried to treat strep naturally but still had a fever 7 days later, hadn’t eaten in 2 days, and could barely talk. I did everything. Natural is great but set some parameters from the onset as to when you’ll seek treatment (time or symptom wise).


  4. We are big “Firewater” fans. I make a batch every fall and it gets us through the winter sickies.


  5. Thank you for this post. I’m saving this for future reference! I had it bad a couple years ago, I tried waiting it out and didn’t visit the Dr until I had problems with choking on my uvula. This was before knowing anything about real food and natural healing, so I took antibiotics to help me cope. Even back then, we tried avoiding Dr visits as much as possible. “Health Care” is just too expensive!


  6. I have 6 children and myself who have never needed any medical treatment for strep. Natural remedies have worked very well for us but it also starts with good diet and lifestyle to encourage a strong immune system. Melaleuca and oregano oil would also be good to help strep. 🙂 We also avoid all sugar possible when facing illness. <3


  7. olive leaf extract works great for us in the past. Haven’t had to use it for that in awhile 🙂 We stay on vitamin C year round.


  8. […] Natural Remedies for Strep Throat : Modern Alternative Health […]


  9. That you for sharing your great ideas! 🙂


  10. Quick question – it says to chew the Strep Blend every half hour…but for how long? 24 hours? days?


  11. My 6 1/2 y/o tested pos for strep Tuesday. We immediately began her on the strep blend every 30 minutes for 48 hours (with the exception of sleeping at night). My husband took her to get tested again today and is dismayed she is still testing positive and is pushing for antibiotics or the strep shot. I’m pretty anti-vax and abx and feel like he’s not waiting an appropriate amount of time. Our daughter says her throat isn’t hurting, she hasn’t had a fever the whole time,and is overall her normal self. We’re not dealing with a suffering child at all.

    I guess my question is – do any of you have experience with how long it takes to recuperate from strep using natural remedies? (I know it’s suggested the regimen be given for 2 days, but is she supposed to be well after 2 days??)

    Also, I know with abx, they say that the child is no longer contagious after 24 hours. But with natural remedy, is there a time period after which they’re no longer contagious?


  12. I am sure my 7 year old son has strep we have been treating it with colloidal silver we make ourselves. I kinda think he is on the uphill slide he has no fever today but his throat has scabs well they are more on the roof of his mouth. I am thinking of taking him to the doctor just to make sure but I have always tried to avoid antibiotics unless it is the absolute last resort. He has not been miserable this whole time infact he was riding our horses yesterday but it seems like when his Tylenol wears off he starts feeling bad again. He has not eaten much due to his throat being sore. It has been 5 days now. Should I trust that the colloidal silver has worked or take him in to get checked out. Or is there something else I should try. I don’t want to be stupid and him get worse. We have never had anyone in our family be sick for 5 days strait so it scares me.


  13. I make something similiar but add fresh ginger, cinnamon, and raw cider vinegar. It is wonderful at keeping coughs at bay at night.


  14. hI, I have been giving my son this remedy today (he is 5, and i suspect he has strep), but the cayenne pepper I think is burning his tummy. I only used the 1/4 tsp. Can I leave it out for this remedy to still be effective? Just with Garlic and honey? And vit. c?
    I could also try the apple cider vin?


  15. I’m 23 and my entire life, if i got seriously sick, I’d go see the doctor and take antibiotics. I’ve gotten strep throat several times in my life. Well I just got it 7 days ago again. I don’t have health insurance so didn’t want to pay to see a doctor and then buy the antibiotics.

    So I looked for a natural approach to curing it. I searched and found multiple remedies, but less than a handful seemed widely popular.

    What I used: oil of oregano, silvercillin, acv, cayenne pepper, garlic and some herbal teas.

    However, what I believed really did the trick and took the strep out was the oil of oregano with the silvercillin in 2nd place.

    Last Sunday morning I felt a sore throat coming on, but it was nothing big then. The next day I wokeup and had a nasty sore throat and felt like crap, very sluggish. So I drank hot herbal teas as well as crushed up garlic and acv. It helped, but not by much. The next day (tuesday) I wokeup with an even nastier sore throat. Now I had a fever and really felt like crap. I looked at the back of my throat and saw a couple white/ yellow spots in the back. I knew I had strep. I went out to a natural health store and was recommended to try Silvercillin. I bought it and sprayed in 6-8 times about 4-6 times/ day.

    I wakeup the next day (Wednesday) and my throat is terrible. The night before I could hardly sleep because the pain of swallowing. I was getting tempted to just say F it and see a doctor because of the pain. My tonsils were HUGE, had a fever and everything ached. I researched oil of oregano and bought some. I use 2 doses at 5 drops before going to sleep.

    Thursday, still the same pain, same terrible throat, huge tonsils, fever and felt like the walking dead. Half of me wants to go to the doctor really bad, the other half tells me to wait it out a day or 2 more. So I take about 4 does of oregano at 6 drops each time throughout the day. I use the silvercillin about 4-5 doses also. The oregano does help soothe your throat a bit instantly.

    Friday, feeling much better, but still minor sore throat, still huge tonsils…but no fever and less body aches. I continue thursdays regimen and keep drinking herbal teas.

    Saturday and I’m feeling pretty dang good. About 80% of my sore throat is gone, no more body aches and I’m feeling a bit more energized, a bit more like my normal self. I continue the same regimen of oregano/ silvercillin.

    Today, no sore throat at all, no body aches at all, and I’m feeling about 95% back to normal. My tonsils are at about 90% and almost back to normal. I only take 2 doses of oregano and 2 of silvercillin.

    So I can finally say… I beat strep throat naturally! All of the haters out there against natural remedies and have the “take the antibiotics or your dead” belief, you are wrong! Yes you will have to take some pain. I was in excruciating pain Monday night through Thursday..everytime I swallowed I would have to pinch myself or something to distract me from the pain. But just take the oil of oregano and silvercillin, drink your herbal teas and eat your chicken noodle soup. It works!

    Sorry for the longgggg post, but when i was in serious pain this is all i wanted to read. Exact remedies to take and to know exactly what to do and someone who had great results.

    Good luck to you!


  16. Been doing the apple cider, warm water, and salt gargle every 5-10 minutes today. Was too weak to even do anything the first 2 days. Also been taking 20,000 IUs of vit D and 5,000 of vit c. Drinking lots of coconut water and soup.

    I have been bed ridden for 3 days now starting on Tuesday Night. Symptoms starting on Monday night with me not being able to stand after a long shift at work.

    Tuesday and Wednesday were terrible body aches and migraines. Uncomfortable fever. Used cold packs all over my face to relieve the pressure. Could not stand, sit, lie down without incredible pain.

    Body Aches gone….sore throat shown through and I discovered the delightful white spots. Darn! Strep Throat!!

    Today is Friday and the fever is finally gone today and so are the body aches – but those white spots and the incredible strep throat pain!! Wow! And this is day 4! I am not use to getting sick and especially for not this long.

    One thing I wish I would have tried from day one was my niti pot. My migraines were spurred from all the inflammation in my sinuses. I am niti “ing” it up about once an hour now and it helps.

    Still not much relief with the strep, but I am glad I can at least rest without the body aches and fever.

    I know my body can beat this…The body can heal! You have everything inside of you already to combat sickness. I am banking that by Saturday night it will be all cleared up.

    Thanks for opening up a topic like this!


  17. I was wondering if there is any way to make this so that it doesn’t have to be chewed? My 4 year old is struggling with that part…


  18. How long do you continue the Strep Blend? I made it as listed above, and am just finishing with the last of it, having taken it every 1/2 hours as you suggested. Do I continue this all day, several days, etc., making more batches? Many thanks for the great tips!


  19. Can I use honey in place of Fig syrup for the tonsil tincture? Could not find any fig syrup at any stores near by. Want to do this so bad since i have a bad reaction to antibiotic (numbness and tingling all over my body). Thank you so much for sharing! U are a blessing!


  20. what would you suggest for young children? I don’t think my 4 year old will chew cayenne and I don’t have time to make a tincture.


  21. am in the middle of strep throat or something just as bad
    am forcing myself to drink lots of water and taking probiotics
    am gargling with hydrogen peroxide
    cannot get to the store
    need to get over this
    had strep and symptoms for three months last year after a death in the family
    have some honey
    am just trying to breathe with this bad cold
    and I have a cold sore – haven’t had one of these in 10 years
    just shoot me


  22. I suffer from strep throat at least 4 times a year. I am currently dealing with it and can’t sleep because of the pain. So I have 2 questions for you: 1. Anything I can do to sooth my throat so I can sleep. I have a prescription from doctor because home remedies were not working this time. 2. Anything I can do to help prevent it?


  23. I have struggled with strep throat and sinus infections since childhood. I have been on two rounds of antibiotics and a steroid shot just this year so far…I’ve always been desperate to get back to work and not be contagious. This week, my family has been on vacation up in the middle of nowhere in the mountains of Colorado. Tuesday, I started with the signs of strep throat…my fever was dangerously high and my tonsils were marbled white. There is no hospital close and I don’t have the $ for it anyway, so I googled “strep throat home remedies” and this came up. We just happened to have all the ingreds for Dr. Christopher’s so I started taking it religiously. I hate the stuff…it makes me gag and want to vomit every time I smell it now because I’ve taken it so much, but holy wow, IT WORKS! I saw significant improvement in 16 hours. I haven’t had fever for two days and as of this morning, no more white marbling in my tonsils. I cried for gratitude this morning. Thank you so much. I feel like I should buy you flowers or something! I think my whole perspective on healing has taken a dynamic shift. No more crippling my body by not allowing it to fight for itself! I have hope that I won’t have to be sick all the time anymore! Thank you! Thank you!


  24. Quick question. I started antibiotics for strepon sat. night. I really didn’t want to take them but Iwasn’t well enough to make anything myself and I didn’t want to risk my two kids getting it. Is it ok to stop anitbiotics now and continue with one of these remedies?


  25. For how long should we keep taking the high dose of vitamin C.?


  26. Jill,
    I’ve been taking aspirin cause it hurts so much but I’m thinking about using the natural remedy. I don’t have raw honey, though. Will regular honey work?


  27. I’m pretty sure I have strep throat (have never had it before in my life) but haven’t been to the doctor yet to verify it.

    I tried the raw honey/cayenne/garlic paste. I have been eating it bit by bit but it’s irritating my throat and seems to make my headache worse. Is this normal? I am also using cayenne powder instead of fresh cayenne, so I only put about 1/8 tsp in there.



  28. My 7 yr old was just prescribed Cleocin for strep throat; a strong antibiotic that has potentially horrible side effects, including “rarely fatal intestinal problems”! I can’t bring myself to give this to her. I have been rubbing the soles of her feet w/ olive oil and wild oil of oregano because I read online at a site that sells oregano oil that a child up to the age 7 should not take it internally but had the foot rub on it. I have been mixing a teaspoon of raw local honey with a tablespoon of natural hot apple cider and doing that a few times a day. Her fever is gone and she’s feeling better, but throat is still red and a little painful. I want to give her a garlic oil capsule because she will not do the raw garlic and cayenne. Will the garlic capsule treat the strep?? If so,how much and how often should I give it to her? Also, how much and how often on the vitamin C??


  29. Jill,
    I was wondering if there is something else that can be substituted for the Garlic as I have an allergy to it. Thank you very much.


  30. It say take the honey, garlic, cayenne every 1/2 hour. Even throughout bed time? Or can you just continue when you wake up?


  31. Why must the blend be chewed? Can we just swallow with out chewing?


  32. Thank you! We never take antibiotics (anymore, now that we know how they strip away so much goodness), and I think I have strep throat. I’ve gotten over the worst part and have used a myriad of natural things, but today I was discouraged to wake up and feel it worse than yesterday. I found this (Christophers) regimen and it made me feel confident to really keep going in fighting it myself! I have a little bowl to eat a 1/2 tspn from every half hour, which I’ve done twice already. I already feel like I’m getting better. I’m going to do this for several days along with Vitamin C and maybe some grapefruit seed extract and/or colloidal silver.

    Thank you. so. much!


  33. Must the garlic be fresh or can I use jarred?


  34. Jill, (or others), what do you think the side effects are of using ibprofen along with the mixture? It has helped so much with my throat pain and fever. I am on day 2 of using both.


  35. Sounds good! Thank you Jill.


  36. Can I replace the cayenne with cinnamon?


  37. I started the strep blend last night at 10pm. I felt it working almost instantly. However, I woke up several times in pain, I added the gargle remedy as well. I’ve had the strep throat ever since sunday, and hope to be better soon.


  38. Question: What causes strep throat, and is it normal for your body to ache when you first get it?


  39. Hi there. I jsut started this tonight – I have had recurring strep since late April and have had five rounds of antibiotics to no avail. Doc says go see ENT, ENT says gosee doc because he doesn’t want to take the tonsils out. So I am tireed of antibiotics at this point. Tried this but not sure why there is chewing – the honey was raw and solid but still spoonable so I kinda chewed kinda swallowed. I’m looking forwrad to seeing how this works but I have some questions:

    1. Must it be every half an hour? I will be out for a substantial amount of time tomorrow and wil not be able to hit that timeline.

    2. Will this help my voice? My voice is comproised by the swellig I guess. I don’t have white splotches on my through but one side is a little swollen.

    Thanks so much!


  40. I just wanted to come back and say that after three doses my voice sounds 100% better. My headache is also gone. Wow!


  41. I actually tried this remedy this morning and it literally made me sick to my stomach. My body went into a sort of shock. I burped garlic all day and the remedy did not want to leave my throat. I would try to drink it down for hours and it just kept rising back up to my throat. I do have strep throat and I am so desperate, but in my honest opinion, this was not worth it. So disappointed. I wish it was a one shot deal rather than every half hour. To me, that is truly impossible.


  42. Hello,
    I started the strep treatment yesterday after noticing the white spots on my throat and the worsening pain from the day before. Im a firm believer in natural medicines but have never taken garlic in such high quantities before. Today , the pain is almost gone along with the white spots. Very exciting

    As a precautionary measure, I also put my 4 young children (7, 5,3, & almost 2) on the medicine. My 5 yr old was already having strep symptoms. Today everyone seems fine as we continue the 2nd day of every half hour except we are all experincing stomach pain. Is there anything I can do to help this? Can I give it to them every hour or even longer to help them? I do not want to discontinue cause I can see the positive effects, but they are starting to have some bad tummy aches. Any advice? Thank you


  43. Hello again,
    We made it through the second day. I made sure the kids had a little snack every hour and added more honey to the mixture and they were able to continue every half hour for the rest of the day. I have just a few spots left and no pain, however we are experiencing complications.

    All my kids woke up with congestion and very chesty coughs. My younger two are running fevers about 101. I, too, am feeling a little rough. We have followed the regiment consistently. I know we have a ton of garlic in our systems. Is it possible to go downhill first with all this in our systems? At this point, day 3, I lowered the number of doses from every half hour to 3-5 times a day. Im wondering if that is a good idea, but I dont know if the kids could take any more. We must have some sort of mutated cold strain on top of the strep , but Im not liking the sound of those coughs. Any ideas? Advice?


  44. Thank you. I will give it a try!


  45. I always hear how contagious strep throat is. During school time notes have been sent home saying that if your child has strep throat, you are required to take antibiotics in order to return to school. I read online that if you don’t take antibiotics, you can continue to remain contagious for 2-3 weeks. Only 2 of us in the house have been infected. I worry that if I don’t take the antibiotics I will be contagious to the rest of them. Not to mention friends we may be around & infect. And also the complications & risks I read about if you do not take the antibiotics. Things like “rheumatic fever.” I avoid antibiotics at all cost but I want to do the best thing for myself & my 10 yr old daughter. Thank you.


  46. Hi, I am checking to as about something. I started the every half an hour on the 4th and did it for two days. Move to fie times a day after that and am doign that now. My only symptom was a red throat, one swollen tonsil, and hoasre voice. I stil have a the hoarse voice and it is worse. The throat is less red but now I have a headache (I think it is from effort, honestly because I am forcing my voice out). Do you get worse before youget better? How long should I stay on this regimine?




  47. I have had eight cases of strep in a year. I am so thankful to live in the age of modern medicine, but I’m also concerned about being on antibiotics so frequently. Can you please point me to any links that explain, legitimately and scientifically, *why* this honey garlic remedy works? I am interested in the research behind this because I may consider trying it. I also think much caution must be exercised with children because of the risk of developing rheumatic fever. Thank you.


  48. Hi Jill, I’ve a question regarding raw honey is it safe for a 2 year old? Also, if my child doesn’t want to chew the garlic (which probably won’t ), can I mince it or blend it?

    Thank you very much?

    Overall is this a safe remedy for toddlers?


  49. Sophia,
    I would give this remedy to my children for strep. Raw honey is safe for 2 year olds. If your child won’t chew the garlic, I would mince or blend it or do whatever you need to get your child to take it. Thanks for the questions!


  50. Hey, if anyone could answer this… i noticed some others used ginger, cinnamon and apple cider vinegar. Could the original recipe but substituting the cayenne for ginger??


  51. Your strep symptoms should definitely be improving after 24 hours. Be sure to stay away from sugar and processed foods to help your body in fighting sickness. I would only take this every half hour for a day or two, and then take only a few times a day until better. This mixture should kill the strep bacteria, if there is any, but may not necessarily improve a hoarse voice. It will help fight any sickness though.


  52. Elisa,

    You could try one of the other remedies. Best wishes to you!


  53. Hello Jill, any advice for a 16 month old child with strep throat? Thank you.


  54. I have never dealt with strep that young, Mirplace. I would just use your intuition with what you would be comfortable with. Best wishes!


  55. I used the garlic remedy for 48 hours every half hour. I then switched to every hour. I did ths for a week or so. The tonsils would not shrink. Blisters would come and go. I decided to stop the garlic treatment, and try apple cider vingegar. Within a few days the blisters and cough are back. Any other natural remedies you might recommend


  56. Hey Jill, I was checking out your site because I think I’m bearing signs of strep throat but I don’t want to go to the doctor if it can be avoided. I appreciate your post.

    However I have more of a personal question… I was really surprised when I read below that you are a “child of God” and that you homeschool your children. When you say you’re a child of God, I assumed you meant a born again believer?
    I am a Christian, I was homeschooled when I was a child and I want to homeschool my children in the future. I was wondering where you’re from?

    When you say you’re a child of God, do you mean that you are a Christian


  57. […] Here’s a link to natural remedies that fight strep, (HERE) Here’s a link to an article called “Are Antibiotics Necessary For Strep Throat?” […]


  58. I just want to say that the honey, garlic, cayenne recipe just blew away my expectations. I had a slight sore throat and post nasal drip on Thursday into Friday. I woke up Saturday in misery. Debilitating joint pain, fatigue, swollen and painful throat glands, swollen tonsils with white spots and my gums were red, also swollen, and so painful I couldn’t brush my teeth! With my high deductible insurance, I avoid the doctor like the plague. I found this recipe and I really wish I had taken before and after pictures. Now, 36 hours later, I am almost in the clear. I could almost watch the white spots healing throughout today! A word of fair warning to anyone reading – the mixture is strong! You may gag. I almost vomited twice. Everything tastes and smells like garlic. I feel like I have turned into a giant walking garlic clove, but it was worth it! I did the mixture every hour and rubbed tea tree oil on my gums between every hour. Tea tree oil has been more effective at combating a history of bad gums than anything else for me. My throat is still a little sore, but the swelling is almost gone completely. My gums have a little farther to go, but have definitely healed. I don’t know if I had strep or tonsillitis or a mouth infection, but this remedy worked! Thank you!


  59. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing!


  60. Hi Jill,

    I took one pill of antibiotic this morning and I’m still debating whether I should stop taking it and just do the honey/cayenne/garlic, add high dosage of Vitamin C and gargle with cayenne/salt. The antibiotic and one prescribed pill made me feel so tired, feverish, and weird feeling in my tummy(it’s like i’m always hungry but there’s also like a grinding feeling). I’m worried to continue taking them but at the same time I’m also worried to stop taking them for fear of getting complications. What do you think should I do?


  61. I am trying this for the first time. I just had two questions. This remedy is very acidic. If I were to take a drink of milk shortly after taking this remedy to help lower acid level, would it decrease the effectiveness of the remedy? Also, is the garlic the main thing killing the bacteria? The pepper greatly helps the pain but does it have “antibiotic” properties as well or is it just the garlic?


  62. We rarely get strep throat, but have very atypical presentation and it gets bad FAST. My kids get a sudden onset high fever, abdominal pain and vomiting (much like symptoms of a ruptured appendix). They rarely complain of a sore throat with strep. I waited too long once with my daughter, took her to the ER for blood in her urine and it was strep, needing IV antibiotics and an overnight stay in the hospital.

    If effectively treated, strep should not come back without another expoure an infectious source. The only definitive diagnosis is a positive strep culture and it should not be treated unless the culture is positive. So many people “think” they have strep, but it is really not. Strep actually does NOT cause pustules on the throat, but has a rather distinctive bright fire engine red petichial-like appearance. Is is spread by contact with infected body fluids (think sharing cups, straws, drinking fountains, etc.) and is not airborne. You cannot catch it by talking to someone.

    I have had strep twice in my adult life, got it both times from one of the kiddos. MISERABLE. Sudden onset high fever and horrible throat pain, even painful to talk. No pustules, no upper respiratory symptoms, no gradual onset. Literally fine and fully functional, then out of comission and misearable 2 hours later. Went to the doctor, positive swab, got antibiotics and was a new woman in 24 hours. No way could I wait 3-5 days for a natural remedy to maybe take effect. Can’t return to work post-strep until after 48 hours of antibiotics and a physician’s note stating as such. I would use a year’s worth of sick days in less than a week and could lose my job.


  63. is there any way to take this that won’t make me gag and vomit. i got the first dose down and it burned and i dry heaved for about 5 min. i’m committed to no prescription meds, but dear lawd. haha! help!


  64. Came down with extreme sore throat and fever Monday – got throat swabbed on Tuesday morning and then started the strep blend – got the swab results back Thursday afternoon but I was already feeling so much better I’m not even going to take the penicillin the Dr. proscribed. I would definitely recommend this. What a life saver! I’m SO glad to be free of the severe pain I had in my throat and to not have had to take the antibiotics!!!



  65. I’ve been using the blend remedy for about half a day now but it seems to be getting worse. Is this normal?


  66. This whole page makes me furious. I’m going to try to be respectful about my response, in the hopes that we can have an actual dialog. As a disclaimer, I think alternative/natural remedies are great, and use them whenever I can, but I have a serious problem when it gets into resisting medical attention.

    Because I don’t see it being said a lot, I’m going to just list these facts.
    -Strep goes away on its own in 3 to 7 days typically. The fact that your strep went away within that period in no way indicates these remedies did anything.
    -Strep does not have to be accompanied by a sore throat – just because the sore throat is gone does not mean you have done anything but treat that specific symptom – same for ALL symptoms of strep aside from the fever, although even that can be lessened in a similar manner
    – Unless you’re a doctor, you’re not qualified to diagnose yourself with strep. You can have all the symptoms and not have it, or nearly none of them and have it.
    – Strep can cause other, more serious conditions that can permanently disable or kill you if not properly treated. Just because you didn’t develop them doesn’t mean they don’t happen; don’t go around telling people “there’s nothing to worry about.” If you don’t get antibiotics within 3-5 days of initial onset, you are at risk for these otherwise preventable illnesses.
    – Not treating with antibiotics increases the likelyhood of spreading the disease. There is no evidence that any of these natural remedies will shorten the period during which you are contagious.
    – If you have a small child infected with strep, not treating them may allow it to spread to their brain and cause brain damage, or the other typical complications

    – I’ve seen several people on here mention that they were going to stop taking their antibiotics – DONT DO THAT – Once you start, you HAVE TO FINISH THEM (unless your doctor specifically tells you otherwise), even once your symptoms are seemingly gone. It’s not actually just about you – when you start taking them and don’t finish you actually help develop new, antibiotic-resistant strains of strep that can more easily kill someone with certain risk factors


  67. Hello,
    I used Dr. Christopher’s Strep Blend about 2 weeks ago. I have my tonsils and I have had strep at least once a year for as far as I can remember; every time I get strep my tonsils get extremely inflamed with puss pockets. I have always gone to the doctor in the past. I didn’t have the strength to go to the doctor nor the money really. I decided to Google home remedies for a cure and found this site. I started the blend on a Sunday night. I took it every 30 minutes for approximately 5 hours that night. After two hours I started to feel better, not so drained. The next day I did the same thing for about 5 hours. It wasn’t till the third day that I noticed my tonsils were a little less inflamed. By the third day I went to using the blend 3 times a day and so on for the next 4 days and each day I noticed fewer and fewer puss pockets until Saturday I was completely puss pocket free. I never felt any pain throughout the blend treatment and I felt fine physically. After I started the blend you would not have known I had strep unless I told you. This blend works beautifully. The blend itself is not as bad as I thought it would be and I used 1/4 tsp of cayenne because I don’t care for really hot stuff. I found really crushing the garlic, cayenne and honey together really well that it blended nicely. Don’t get me wrong after a while of taking this stuff it was hard to keep down but this was only the first two days when you hit it hard and heavy. After that it was more manageable. Thank you for this remedy; I will always keep it on hand.


  68. This is very similar to the cold medician I make I simmer a pot of hunny with onion garlic and ginger until the onion is clear strain it and take a spoonful every time my throat tickles. Would this work as well for strep or would you recomend I still add the cayenne pepper ?


  69. I have had strep every 3 to 4 weeks for the last year with the exception of 3 months this summer. Usually within 2 weeks of stopping antibiotics its right back. Im so tired of being sick!!!! This morning I woke up with pus on my tonsils again and it seems like a 10day antibiotic only cures it about 90% anyway. How many days should I use thetreatment?


  70. I would personally use the garlic remedy about every 30 minutes for the first 24 hours, and then a few times a day for 5-10 days.


  71. Thank you! I have been dosing every 30 minutes all day + vitamin C and I can feel and see a difference.( I took pictures,lol.) I seem to be horribly susceptible to strep, is there something I can do to lessen the chances of having throat infections all winter? I already wash my hands like crazy and take vitamin C.


  72. Hey Jill !
    Glad to have come across this information (: Haven’t given it a try just yet, but looks like I know what I’ll be doing today-some grocery shopping! Anyways, just wanted to let you know that I was so happy to see you find your identity in the Lord. Hope you have a nice day. God bless 🙂


  73. what about treatment in babies? I think my 10 month old might have strep, but I’ve read you can’t give honey to babies. We do buy local raw, honey and I’d rather not give her antibiotics, but is it ok to give these things like honey and cayenne pepper to a young baby?


  74. Noelle,
    I would not give this remedy to babies. I would contact a local naturopathic doctor for advice.


  75. Hello I’m sure i have strep as i was a carrier as a child so i know the symptoms well. but how do i treat my children if they get it they are 1 year old and 3 years old.


  76. For children, I would use something like the Throat and Tonsil tincture that is listed above.


  77. I’m allergic to garlic. That seems to be the ingredient that is helping the most. With the honey mix, IS there a way to replace the garlic, or is it so integral with the mix i need an alternative?


  78. where can I purchase fig syrup? Any ideas
    I have not confirmed that I have strep (but had it last year along with mono at this time and had symptoms indicating I may have strep starting so I got right on top of it) I have used the honey garlic and cayenne mix yesterday and continuing today and it has worked well, but I have to serve at a dinner tomorrow evening and would like to use the other (at least for the afternoon) as the garlic smell is really strong. I know by tomorrow I could use it less often also, but the smell tends to linger. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thanks so much


  79. I haven’t tried this yet but I’m willing to try something new. When I get strep throat I only have symptoms for the first 4 days PERIOD. I eat foods high in garlic, and I eat more when I’m sick then when I’m not sick.. And take echenasia 700mg 3 times a day. I also gargle 6 times a day with salt and warm water. Hopefully with your recommendation I can cut it down to 2-3 days of symptoms


  80. sorry my son has strep throat he is 5 I am reading the post but im not understanding what am im mixing and how am I taking this mixture and how much to take


  81. Hi there,
    I’ve been reading through your posts and I am so happy to have found you. Here’s my situation… My 6 y/o had a light fever on Saturday, at night a bad sore throat that stopped him from eating. Later, the mucous came down and, by Tuesday, some pimples appeared between his nose and upper lip. I am suspecting some kind of staph infection.
    I am also thinking strep, so even though he is not complaining I want to treat him for both. For staph on his face I will use tea tree oil and I want to use your recipe with the honey, garlic and cayenne for the strep. Here’s the issue… The recommendation is to feed them half a teaspoon every half hour but, because of his activities, I can only do that one and a half day. The other days only before or after activities. Will it still work?
    Thanks and blessings


  82. Hi Jill, I’m a city worker & a school bus driver & I try to eat as healthy as I can. I am exposed to a lot of sick kids, so my immune system is pretty stout. I was driving a bus load of girls going to a volleyball game & I over heard someone saying that strep is going around. So sure enough I got strep. Determined this time to find a natural cure I came across this website. I have had strep before & heard that there was no natural cure for it. Well they are wrong! I think this is an awesome remedy. I’m on my second day of the strep blend & my wife thinks I smell like a walking garlic clove, but my symptom are subsiding & it is working wonderfully! Thanks a bunch!


  83. Hi jill my 4 year old has strep, I’m a natural remedy gal, and would like some advise i am going to do Dr. Christopher remedy but he has also broken out in little fine bumps that itch the dr. said it is a reaction from the strep throat i have been bathing him in oatmeal,baking soda and also have done aztec clay body wrap at separate times and once I pat him dry I moisturize his body with organic coconut oil, he also takes caprylic acid capsules. Any other suggestion and how often.


  84. The Dr. Christopher remedy is recommended every half hour for one or two days, and then 2 or 3 times a day for 7-10 days total. You could also try something like the Throat and Tonsil Tincture.


  85. How Long Should I Do The Vitamin C Every Hour?


  86. could you use ginger instead of Cayenne?


  87. I would love to use these alternatives for my 14-year-old daughter, but would love your input about whether I should in her case. Her doctor sent her for a blood test suspecting a chronic strep infection because she’s had back, shoulder, and side pains together with mild cold symptoms for a week or more. She didn’t have a major sore throat before that, to the best of my memory, she did complain about a mild sore throat for a day or so. Her blood test (saw it on my HMO’s website) shows high antibodies for strep.

    I’m sure my doctor will want to prescribe antibiotics. For an acute sore throat, I’d be willing to go with heavy garlic, honey, and vitamin C first, but this chronic thing worries me – maybe this has gone on too long already? If I try the alternatives, how will can I tell if she’s improving quickly enough? (The body pains come and go.)

    Any input gratefully received.


  88. My son is 4 and is autistic. I can barely get him to eat different foods let alone medicine, etc. We are waiting to get results for Strep. I am scared to death because I don’t know what to do with him 🙁 I have the vaporizer going but can’t do the stuff to eat or gargle 🙁 Anyone have an autistic child who had it?? Any help is appreciated! Thank you!


  89. Hi Jill. Thanks for all of the information in this post. I have a few questions.

    My husband has strep for the second time in a few weeks. He was on an antibiotic for ten days and three days after he finished the course of them he came down with strep again. Now the doctor has him on a stronger, five day antibiotic. My first question is, do you think it is safe to take the antibiotic and Dr. Christopher’s blend together?

    Secondly, my children had strep at the same time my husband had it the first time. I worry about them getting it again. Can I use the Dr. Christopher’s blend as a preventative measure? And if so how often? I also worry that I may be a carrier despite not getting sick with it. Wondering if i should take it as a preventative as well?

    My other question is, can you point me in the direction of some scientific research on the effectiveness of this remedy or of garlic in general as an antibiotic? I hear about antibiotic resistant strains of strep and other illnesses. Is that possible with the garlic too?

    Thanks so much again for this remedy and for taking the time to answer everyone’s questions.


  90. What can be used in place of fig syrup?


  91. okay, so take every 1/2 hour or every hour, depending on the method in which you select… is that every 1/2 hour or every hour for all 24 hours of the day? what about “sleeping”?….. or is it while you are awake?


  92. I gargle with Thyme oil drops dispersed in water. Careful though, Thyme oil is very strong. I use 1 or 2 drops of the natural essential oil (organic groceries carry thyme oil) and disperse those in a full glass of water – then I gargle that mixture twice a day.
    Thyme oil contains large percentages of thymol, a very strong disinfectant, I guess that is why this works.
    This method is not for children and even for some adults the thyme oil – even with a lot of water – may be too strong. And while I hate to gargle with that stuff – it is always nice to have any throat problems gone within a day or two – without any other medication.


  93. How important is the honey in the strep blend?
    Is it just to sooth the throat?
    Can one chew on garlic and cayenne and get the same results?

    I am actually not sure if I even have strep. Had a sore throat for past 3 days. Small light fever. Maybe some body aches on first days but no symptoms of a cold like runny nose and no white spots that would signal strep. Rapid strep test was negative. Waiting on the lab test. My throat is definately irritated and red. but at this point I’m thinking it might just be canker sores in my tonsils. If I do this remedy will it hurt me if I’m not actually sick?


  94. Hi! Thank you so much for all this information. I’m wondering if there is any specific remedy that would work well for toddlers. I don’t think she would chew garlic/cayenne, or gargle. Can I double the honey in the strep blend to mask the taste of everything else, or would that dilute it and make it less effective? Also, I’ve seen people mention oil of oregano and colloidal silver- are those safe for 2 yr olds? Thanks again, adore your site.


  95. Hi, Rachel. You can use more honey to mask the taste. I do give oregano oil and silver to my children that young. 🙂


  96. I realized yesterday that I had Strep and immediately searched for a natural remedy and found yours. By the end of the day I was taking the honey mixture and have taken it consistentently today every 30-45 minutes. There is a noticeable improvement, but I feel the symptoms won’t go away for at least another day. How many days after do you recommend taking the honey mixture? I am assuming at least a day or two, but can imagine I might need to do it much longer than that too. Thank you!


  97. I have strep. Don’t need the doctor to tell me because after years of having it 4 times a year or more, I know how it feels.

    But I can’t take antibiotics. My strep is immune to most if not ALL antibiotics for strep. Any good remedies? I gargle saltwater already and drink honey. :/

    Side note: You may test POSITIVE for strep but that doesn’t mean you are infected with it. You could be a carrier!


  98. Is it safe to continue breastfeeding my 18 month old while using the raw honey, garlic, and cayenne?


  99. Just started the blend recipe while the culture grows for 2 days…………not so bad but whoa garlic breath—getting my hair done tommorow hope she doesn’t smell it to bad!


  100. Tried this mix.. helps some but I could only stomach it once.. I cannot swallow the stuff.. it made me want to puke and I did. No pun but next time I will chew and NOT swallow. LOL!


  101. My poor baby and I have had the “common cold” for a week or so now and I believe it is starting to turn into Strep. I’ve had Strep so many times and it definitely feels like it is trying to root itself. Because I am a breastfeeding mother to an infant (4 1/2 months old) I am needing to locate a natural remedy. My question… is this remedy safe for breastfeeding? The last thing I want to do is ingest something that could hurt my baby or dry up my breastmilk. Please, help.


  102. So, super frustrating. I am trying to locate Fig Syrup and they don’t sell it anywhere. I looked online and in order to get it by tomorrow it will cost me $97!!! Or I can get it in 2 weeks for $30. I need to know if there is alternative, please. I can not go 2 weeks with this, it will only get worse but I also can not afford 100 bucks for syrup. PLEASE HELP.


  103. Thank you so much for this remedy, Jill. It was 3 days before Christmas, I was hosting the holiday festivities and relatives were coming in from all over the country. I woke up with painful swollen neck glands, tonsils swollen and covered with puss patches. I called my family physician to find the office closed until after the holidays. Then…I found this article. I immediately began taking the mixture every 1/2 hour for the rest of the day. Within 2 hours the swelling in my tonsils, as well as the pain, had significantly decreased. The next morning all but 2 very small spots on my tonsils had disappeared. I continued to take the mixture every 1/2 hour for the next 2 days (even though the symptoms had all completely disappeared by the 3rd morning). Christmas was yesterday and I didn’t miss a beat! I will continue with the 3 times a day dosage for the next week to make sure it doesn’t flair up again. Thank you so very much, Jill. You were my Santa this year <3


  104. Tried blend of garlic, honey, and cayenne and I am not sure how anyone can do this! I did it three times hours apart and it tears my stomach up and I puked on the third dose! Any advise?


  105. I’ve been using the strep remedy for two days and it seems to be working. However, I have read that sugars should be avoided when dealing with strep. Is the sugar in the honey counterproductive? Could I omit it in favor of apple cider vinegar?


  106. Hello Jill (and anyone else who reads this)!

    I have been susceptible to strep since I was a child, and get it on average six to eight times a year. My pediatrician was against tonsil removal, and would always prescribe me amoxicillin. Now, at twenty-five, I can no longer take amoxicillin. My doctor told me that I’ve taken it so much that it no longer works on me. I am now prescribed The Z-Pac, which works, but I feel like the strep lies dormant and reappears months later. My tonsils (because of strep), are now permanently enlarged then that of the average person. I do believe I am a strep carrier.

    I tried home remedies back in October, but my strep got worse and my fever peaked at 103.2. At that point I needed medical attention. It’s now January and I am starting to get sick again, only this time I am trying to nip it in the butt before anything worsens. I just tried your Dr. Christopher Strep blend and all I can say is…wow! On top of that I am downing a mixture of Emergency and Airborne(4x a day), gargling with warm salt water and hydrogen peroxide (every hour), and drinking herbal tea mixed with raw honey, lemon, and whiskey (Hot Toddy – 3x a day). I have not tried the colloidal silver yet (I am a poor college student), but so far all of these concoctions are working! I was able to go to work today and not have the body aches, chills, fever, swollen throat! It’s still there, but it’s not getting worse.

    I was also told that reoccurring strep is usually caused by allergies. This person told me because of post natal drip due to allergies, bacteria collects and feeds in the tonsils. Reoccurring strep can also be a sign that your tonsils do not function as they should.

    I wanted to say thank you Jill for this forum! As well as everyone commenting, and giving advice. Please everyone take Jill’s number one advice and BE PERSISTENT! As hard as it is to get out of bed to do these things it’s worth it in the end

    Best wishes!


  107. thanks jill, that Dr. Christoper Strep Blend saved me after i spent tons of money on strep cough drops and antibiotics, that blend is seriously a miracle, thanks for sharing


  108. Hi Jill,
    Great website! Just wondering how to use oregano and/or colloidal silver for my 6 year old who isn’t eating much. I think the garlic would bother his stomach. How often and how to take would be helpful.
    Thank you!


  109. I did this last week, totally killed it! I cant thank you enough! I had been in bed for 3 days with a fever and the only thing I was willing to drink was nyquil just so I could sleep and not be awake in agony! Seriously, Thanks!


  110. I have strep as I type now. My son just got over it and now my daughter has it. I do things naturally because I don’t believe that doctors really care about what’s best for us or they wouldn’t prescribe antibiotics like candy and for literally EVERYTHING! It’s ridiculous! I do things naturally because that’s what the good Lord put these things on earth for. Not antibiotics…Garlic is a great antiboitic and so is honey. I use these often with my kids when they’re sick. Elderberry syrup or capsules, echinacea and slippery elm (which works great for sore throats.) are all very useful. Essential oils such as perppermint, thieves, eucalyptus and lavendar are good to help fight off sickness. Natural things work really good but people are hung up on these lies about antibiotics. Sure, they “work” but at the same time they’re weakening your immune system. Natural things build up and strengthen your immune system…Not some pills made by man.


  111. What about tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar? This has been really helpful as I don’t have health insurance, and the last time I had strep my body didn’t respond to the antibiotics (I am allergic to Penicillin) so I had to be hospitalized to get an IV. Joy. So I’m trying to avoid that again. Do you have any home remedies for tonsil removal? Haha, just kidding. I’ve had strep so many times, I am very grateful to find something all-natural. Let’s hope it works!


  112. I have had strep for 3 days and im down right miserable so at this point im willing to try anything. I read people were drinking herbal tea. Is there any certain brand or kind I should drink that might help give me some relief from the god awful pain?
    jill I think its awesome u put this up and offered what helps you and your family, im most certainly grateful! Thank you!


  113. Hello Jill,

    I’ve been sick now for a week+ and today I just noticed 2x noduals forming in back of my throat, so I freakout STREP THROAT!!! I’m new to this natural cures but learning about it everyday. First step I take 1tbls coconut oil pull 20 min. Next followed by a cup of minced garlic/honey/lemon. After reinspecting my throat the 2x nods are completely gone. But the area is enflamed. Don’t think I’m not completely cured but I know heading to the right direction. Thanks Jill.


  114. What is colloidal silver? And how can I make it at home or where can I get it ? Please


  115. I believe my 6 yr old daughter may have strep throat. She came home from school yesterday afternoon complaining her ‘eyes hurting’ which I believe is her way of describing a headache, tummy upset, and throat in excurciating pain. While I am not against taking her to the dr I suffered my entire life with strep and tonsillitis and I do not want the same for her. Please help….do I try the homeopathic methods described here….how horrible does the garlic/cayenne taste….how long do I wait if I don’t see improvement…..

    I am one very confused and stressed momma. Any insight you could offer would be wonderful. Thank you!!!!


  116. Using these can also be helpful.

    1. Honey, Garlic and Pepper Chew

    >1 tsb of raw honey
    >1/2 tsb ground cayenne pepper
    >3 cloves garlic, grated on a micro-plane

    2. Mix 7 drops of Oregano oil with extra virgin olive oil in a spoon.

    3. Gargle with Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV).

    Source: (


  117. How long should you chew it before you swallow? I am trying this along with the vitamin c. Wish I could get my 3 y/o yo take it!!

    Is it ok to drink water right after or should you give it some time?


  118. I just want to say thank you! This worked. I got strep Sunday, started the Dr. Christopher Strep Blend on Monday, not even every 30mins, and it cleared up my throat, getting me back to working order by Thursday.

    Thank you!


  119. My son got strep about 9 times when he was in first grade. The Dr. kept putting hiim on antibiotics until it was causing a problem with his stomach. Took him off all antibiotics and searched for natural cure. This is what we used. Raw honey, finely chopped garlic, and the finest grade cayenne pepper. mixed them all together and placed the waxy ball at the back of the tongue. We left it there for as long as he could, then spit it out. We did this 2-3 times a day for no more than 2 days and have not used antibiotics since. It helps to get at it at the first sign. Good luck!


  120. I tried this, and it is starting to work. But I couldn’t stand the Cayenne, so I did it without it and it still works. Would that weaken the recipe? Without the Cayenne?


  121. Would roasting fresh garlic have the same benefits? I am not sure I could get my son to eat fresh garlic.


  122. Ok well, Im going to give it a try. I can choose the free antibiotics that the docs gave me or try the 95$ tab that I just bought of natural remedies.

    Here is what I have

    colliodal silver
    propolis tincture
    Kids tincture w Echinacea, elder flowers, and Vitamin C
    Kelp powder
    Cold and flu tea blend from health food store with elder ginger and a bunch of other stuff
    Raw honey from Neem flowers.
    Manuka honey lozenges propolis and lemon
    Zinc lozenges
    Raw rejuvilac probiotics
    carrots and turmeric for juicing.


    Im going to make a tea from the herbs. and mix the tintures and other liquids accordingly. once every hour.

    This is for my 3 yr old by the way. But I will be joining him just to assure that I dont get it too

    Wish Us luck! will keep an update.

    PS I have the doctors antibiotics on stand by if needed. But I think we will be ok.



  123. Wow! Thank you for the salt water/cayenne hot water gargle tip. It brought much needed relief:) I have been waking up the past 2 mornings with a very sore, red throat(no white patches or anything on my tonsils except redness) and swollen neck glands. I do feel better as the day goes on after taking advil but using that suggested gargle brought alot of relief:)

    When I was young I always strep or very sore throats and I remember being at the doctor’s office when the doc told my mom he would not take my tonsils because they help keep me healthy and fight off infections. Well guess what? I never get the flu nor hardy any other sickness BUT I get horrible sore throats. UmmmI guess I would have the sore throats though. Thanks again for the tip!



  124. Can I sub agave nectar for honey? This case of strep is the worst I have had.


  125. I have had strep throat for about two weeks with a fever and head ache off and on. I have colloidal silver, elderberry capsules, and probiotic capsules. How often and how much of these products should I take for strep throat? I am unfortunately allergic to both cayenne and garlic so the remedies listed at top can’t do the trick fro me. I will start gargling salt water tonight. Thank you.


  126. My daughter can’t have honey due to yeast overgrowth. Is it that important in the mixture? Thank you!


  127. Could you please provide links or PDF attachments to the research you have seen that studied the effectiveness of your treatment and strep?


  128. Well, unfortunately for us we ended up giving our daughter anti-biotics on the 4th day. It’s interesting though because we did the mixture every half hour and by the 3rd day, she was feeling so much better and the pain in her throat turned into just a tickle! We were thrilled. And then the 4th morning, she was all ready to go to school and then her mouth was filled with blood. Her tonsils were bleeding. So now we’re on the way to pick up the meds. It scared me too much to not start meds.


  129. Hi can someone please give me more details on Colloidal Silver how to give it to children and what is a safe source to purchase from? Never heard of this and I am not sure how to administer it…


  130. Mike, mike mike mike mike! Guess what day it is… Time to wake up! You are a drug pusher for big pharma… you went to a school that teaches big pharma… you take pills that are made by big pharma… you believe in big pharma… natural cures have been around for at least 10,000 years… big pharma, maybe 200. Do the math, unless you are brainwashed by big pharma!


  131. Hello, i believe I have strep. May I do the suggested garlic/honey/cayenne route while breast feeding my 3wk old? I had never had antibiotics until I delivered him and ended up having one during delivery. Definitely don’t want to have doctor prescribe them now.


  132. Do you have any suggestions on how to treat strep throat naturally in a 10-month-old infant? I know they can’t have honey for sure, how about other ingredients? And how do you get a baby to take in something that tastes nasty?


  133. For those in doubt about the effectiveness of garlic on Staphylococcus bacteria, there are studies that have shown it to possess an effective anti-bacterial agent. You can read about it here.

    The study showed significant variation from the control using streptomycin alone vs pairing it with garlic extract and using garlic extract alone.
    Simple version is go to your doctor and get antibiotics, then prepare the natural remedy described in this article and kick that strep right in the ass. The antibiotics do have the benefit of rendering you non-contagious in a few days and the garlic will increase the effectiveness of the standard treatment.

    Don’t believe every natural cure you read on the internet but chances are good some reputable lab has done a study and you can find published material.


  134. Capsules would not have the medicinal properties that fresh garlic does. If you used capsules, you would likely have to take large doses, but I don’t have experience with it.


  135. Jill – Thanks for your advice on this! Also, in case this helps anyone else: I had something that could have been strep throat (never received an official diagnosis). So I tried the garlic/honey/cayenne mixture plus 500mg of Vit C every 30 mins, and it seemed to be helping. But after three days of still having throat pain (and various other symptoms), I started taking Colloidal Silver on top of everything. I took 1 tsp 4x a day and gargled with it 2x a day. And within the first day I was already feeling 10 times better. So now I’m just taking it 4x a day for about 5-7 days to make sure it’s completely gone.


  136. wish me luck, its the night before Easter and I have a tournament next weekend, starting treatment tomorrow and going to doctor on monday to confirm if I have it


  137. Hi Jill,
    I would like to treat my 6 year old with Throat and Tonsil Tincture. He had 3 strep throats in last 6 months. I have few questions:
    Do you think that Echinacea tea is safe for kids? I can not find peppermint oil without alcohol, do you have any suggestion where should I look up? Can I use this tincture to prevent any future strep throat?
    Thank you SO much!


  138. This is my second time using this natural remedy to heal my strep throat. The first time I tried it I just kept telling myself ‘it’s either this or another round of antibiotics that surely are one of the causes of my RA.’ Also I set a timer for 30 minute intervals and wrote down every time I took it. So I stuck it through and was really amazed that it worked! So this time was a no brainier. Doing it again. My gut is thanking me.


  139. I’ve found this posting last night and because I’m taking anti-inflammatory for other reason I wanted to try something natural. I have a history of strep throat and so does my mom (56 yo) and my daughter (8yo).
    I can’t thank you enough!
    After two terrible days in which swallowing my own saliva was almost excruciating , in 3 hours (6coffee spoons) my throat felt normal! It’s 8pm and I’ve started at 10:30am today, I feel wonderful!
    Again thank you so much for sharing this!!!!!


  140. What I like to do to sooth the pain (whether its strep throat or just a sore throat) is to take a teaspoon of garlic and ginger paste, lemon, honey, put them in hot water and it really helps. Plus all the above are natural antibiotics (and I rather that than take medical antibiotics which you have already mentioned kill even your good bacteria, which kills your immune system, so you get worse when you get sick again and its a vicious cycle), so it can be used for when one is sick in general to help them get better!


  141. Hi,

    How a good way to get rid of infection in the throat?


  142. Gimmy,

    A good way to get the infection out of your throat is take some salt and green clay ( from online or health food store ) mixture with warm water until dissolve, gargle 8-7 cups every hour. best wishes! 🙂

    ( note I haven’t tried it myself )


  143. I keep a piece of ginger root on hand as well as peppermint oil – some strains of garlic can be very hot and cause me to want to vomit even when not taking the mixture on an empty stomach. Chewing the ginger root and taking some peppermint oil quells the vomit reflex. Fresh grated horseradish root is good to add to the mix too and I’ll even use the stuff in the jar if that’s all I have on hand.


  144. Is it safe to take this remedy while pregnant? I just found out I have step and am nervous about putting antibiotics in my body while pregnant.


  145. This was very successful!!!

    I’ve used mainly fresh lemon juice with honey and some vitamin c pills and it is gone after just 1 day!
    I’ve had white stripes and dots on my throat, high fever up to 39.2 C and my head was hurting bad.
    Then I’ve tried the pepper with some garlic but it made my stomach feel bad, I’ve also sipped a bit of the apple vinegar but what I did for the whole day was a glass of fresh lemon juice with honey that I’ve gargled and then swallow throughout the day.

    this was yesterday and at the evening I was feeling better but still had the white stripes and dots so I’ve gargled again and went to sleep just to wake up this morning and see that it is all gone!!!

    thanks for the tips! Stay away from the drugs and go back to nature!


  146. I am so glad I found this! I have been getting strep a few times a year since I started having children…I am in my 40’s now and surgery is not an option. Antibiotics no longer work, I just get strep again a week after the antibiotics are finished. So I have been eating raw garlic and raw honey several times a day. I am glad to have found your recipe. it works way better more often and with the cayenne. I actually love the taste! For those people that cant stomach it, try it spread on toast or crackers….I do have one question though. Do I need to keep the paste in the fridge or leave it out in a container??


  147. By the way, for the skeptics….I had strep so bad a few years back, I was on antibiotics and I still got rheumatic fever. Also the W.H.O. ( in whom I have very little trust anyways) has recently stated that we are at the end of the antibiotic era, and they will be urging doctors worldwide to only prescribe them in life threatening situations.


  148. I would take these frequent doses for 2 or 3 days (or longer if needed), and then just 2 or 3 times a day for about a week.


  149. I’m just wondering if there is any problem with taking this if it is not actually strep? I have had a very sore throat for 5 days (with a fever for the first two days) but I am not sure if it is strep or not because my son (14 months) went through the fever and sore throat for 2 days and now he is fine. So if I do the garlic/cayenne treatment (with extra vitamin C) and it is not strep, will there be any harm? Also, I only have Time Release capsules for vitamin C… would these work to take every hour as you say?


  150. Thanks so much for sharing! I just started. I took a few droppers full of colloidal silver & vitamin d first, followed by the recipe listed. I don’t happen to have fresh garlic on hand, but I do have a jar of minced garlic in my fridge. So I just added a big spoonful of that to my tablespoon of raw honey & 1/2 teaspoon cayenne. I also added oreganol (oregano oil). I forgot vitamin c but I’m going to take it now, as it’s time for my next dose anyway. Hope it works! Today is the first day for me having a sore throat, but my son tested positive for strep 2 days ago. He is taking antibiotics, I had no idea there was any other way. I don’t have insurance and can’t afford to go to the doctor myself. So I feel like I really lucked out finding this! My son agreed to take it with me. Should I give it to my daughter as well, for prevention? Or just give her more vitamin c and d with colloidal silver?


  151. […] Natural remedies for strep throat | modern alternative health […]


  152. […] your immune system so that the strep does not come back. I originally adapted this recipe from here […]


  153. […] Natural Remedies For Strep Throat | Modern Alternative … – If you are experiencing pain from strep throat, mix a solution of 1/4 tsp. salt and a 1/4 cup very hot water. Stir to dissolve the salt and gargle…. […]


  154. hi Jill,

    I think this remedy is great. God bless you. I have been on it know for two days. I make the mixture and follow the instructions of one 1/2t every half hour until the mixture is finished. I have logged this regiment and the recipe yields nine 1/2t per mixture. My question is how many times should I make and consume the mixture daily (i.e. 1 mixture per day)? Thank you.


  155. […] Natural Remedies For Strep Throat | Modern Alternative Health – If you are experiencing pain from strep throat, mix a solution of 1/4 tsp. salt and a 1/4 cup very hot water. Stir to dissolve the salt and gargle…. […]


  156. […] you have a specific condition, such as sore throat, check the Internet for good natural remedies, such as this one. Don’t forget to balance that with your doctor’s opinion on your condition. And level […]


  157. […] Natural Remedies For Strep Throat | Modern Alternative … – Modern Alternative Mama Read more about Modern Alternative Mama. Why Young Kids Learn Better Through Play. These days, a lot of parents feel anxious about giving …… […]


  158. […] Natural Remedies For Strep Throat | Modern Alternative Health – Modern Alternative Mama Read more about Modern Alternative Mama. Why Young Kids Learn Better Through Play. These days, a lot of parents feel anxious about giving …… […]


  159. […] Natural Remedies For Strep Throat | Modern Alternative … – I have had a few people speak to me of the dangers of having strep throat and treating it at home. While I don”t take any sickness lightly, I do believe that strep …… […]


  160. […] Natural Remedies For Strep Throat | Modern Alternative … – If you are experiencing pain from strep throat, mix a solution of 1/4 tsp. salt and a 1/4 cup very hot water. Stir to dissolve the salt and gargle…. […]


  161. […] Natural Remedies For Strep Throat | Modern … – You may ask, which remedy should I use? Do I try all of them? My suggestion is to take either the Dr. Christopher Strep Blend or the Throat and Tonsil Tincture (you …… […]


  162. […] Natural Remedies For Strep Throat | Modern Alternative … – Modern Alternative Mama Read more about Modern Alternative Mama. Why Raising a Healthy Family is Important to Me. When my husband and I first got married, we were …… […]


  163. […] Natural Remedies For Strep Throat | Modern … – If you are experiencing pain from strep throat, mix a solution of 1/4 tsp. salt and a 1/4 cup very hot water. Stir to dissolve the salt and gargle…. […]


  164. I need some help please. I am 27years old and have had a throat and ear infection for the past 4 days, I cannot express how much pain this is causing me. I have fever and cannot swallow, I cannot hear out my left ear. I cannot take this pain any longer. please help


  165. I have had strep throat one month ago for the first time in my life, I had taken antibiotics and was in bed for five days with fever and throbbing headache.
    Now i have strep throat again i have tried the ACV ,garlic,cayenne and honey. I am on my second day, its working! i don’t have a fever and am not in bed. my throat feels better. but still have the white spots at the back. I have one clove of garlic every two hours.
    It is strong on the tummy but working on the throat.


  166. I’ve been battling the flu the past 5 days now. I’ve been gargling with ACV and cayenne, taking elderberry lozenges, and drinking lots of immune-boosting tea. I haven’t been eating garlic, honey, and cayenne together, because my stomach was upset the first few days.
    I wonder if I start this regime now if it will combat my (perhaps strep) throat problem? Is it too late? I’m really trying to avoid going to the doctor. I’ve been taking ibuprofen when the pain is too much to bear.
    Any suggestions would be well appreciated!


  167. What can I use in its place if I am allergic to honey/bee products? Also, what is a safe and effective home remedy for strep while pregnant and/or nursing?


  168. […] 18. Dr. Christopher’s Strep Blend – here is a recipe I found online but didn’t try. I didn’t think I’d be able to stomach it, although it doesn’t sound too bad. Combine 1 TB of raw honey, 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper, and 3 garlic cloves, grated. Combine and chew and swallow 1/2 tsp every half hour. See link below for the full article.Natural Remedies for Strep Throat […]


  169. […] Natural Remedies for Strep Throat […]


  170. […] Natural Remedies for Strep Throat : Modern Alternative Health […]


  171. […] to the area so it can heal faster. The garlic is the natural antibiotic. You can read more about it here at Modern Alternative Health. I have no affiliation with this website. I found it by doing a quick Google […]


  172. Are these safe to take while nursing and pregnant? Thanks!


  173. I am on day two of what I am convinced is strep. Am I too late to try this natural remedy? Or would it still work?


  174. […] recommended in the American Journal of Surgery for its antiseptic properties. It’s useful for neutralizing Strep infections, healing ear infections, healing wounds, and even reducing the visibility of varicose […]


  175. Hi all, I just want to ask if someone ever tried using shrooms or truffles for medical purposes? I was reading some articles about this magic truffles and shrooms before engaging my self for the first time. Like this one from .They say that it has a very potent effect on the brain and hallucination. Unlike marijuana does it have any medical use? In one article that I’ve read magic truffles or shrooms compaired to synthetic drugs are very alarming. Also magic mushroom are use on reducing the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety. It can also help people to quit smoking and alcohol addiction. Some studies also suggest the property of magic shrooms/truffles can be useful for cancer patients. I would really want to hear other insights regarding this new possible alternative meds. Thanks


  176. I have a cold, sore throat, running nose and fever. Whenever I get sick, it’s really bad. I stay sick for weeks – even if first few horrible days pass, my nose and throat would stay congested for the next few weeks. The worse was two years ago when I ended up getting strep throat which came back in 3 months time along with painful ear infections in both ears. It was so painful. I ended up getting tinnitus in my left ear since then. I really want to avoid going through that again. It has been two days since I’ve been sick and today was worse than yesterday. I also feel the signs of developing an ear infection.

    I’ve been drinking black tea with raw honey and black pepper consistently for the past few days but for extra reassurance I thought I’d give this a try since I had all the ingredients. Instead of cayenne powder I used a chilli powder that my mom made from her garden. It is spicier then the regular chilli powder that she puts in her Indian dishes.

    This was different but a similar concept my mom’s remedy for coughs. If I start to cough uncontrollably, I usually take a spoon of honey, dump black pepper on it and suck on it. It helps reduce the itch to cough. I always pinch my nostrils together to mute my taste buds because it doesn’t taste good.

    This doesn’t taste good either. I don’t take a 1/2 teaspoon but more like 1/4. This tends to upset my stomach slightly but that’s probably because of the type of chilli powder I used. I drink warm tea after a session. It’s a must because of the overwhelming spiciness. Since I like spicy food, I don’t really mind much. Hot tea, however, is too much.

    The mucus and swelling in my throat seemed to reduce after two sessions.


  177. My family has been using a tea made out of raspberry leaves. You could even gurgle with it if you make a strong tea.


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Hi, I’m Kate.  I love medical freedom, sharing natural remedies, developing real food recipes, and gentle parenting. My goal is to teach you how to live your life free from Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Government by learning about herbs, cooking, and sustainable practices.

I’m the author of Natural Remedies for Kids and the owner and lead herbalist at EarthleyI hope you’ll join me on the journey to a free and healthy life!

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