Breastfeeding: To Cover or Not to Cover? |

Breastfeeding: To Cover or Not to Cover?

admin June 24, 2016

When my oldest was about 6 weeks old, I had my first breastfeeding in public experience.

I had just figured out how to get her to latch consistently, and my parents had come to visit and we went out to lunch, then stopped by a store.  She woke up while we were shopping and got hungry.

It wasn’t all that discreet.  I walked down an empty aisle so no one would see, then lifted my shirt up and got her latched on.  I pulled my shirt down as far as I could, and I wrapped my jacket (it was mid-March) around me too.  It was about the best I could do, even with my mom’s help.  My dad, not sure what to think, wandered over to another aisle.

I didn’t have a nursing cover, and I’m not sure if I would have used one if I had.  It wasn’t busy that day, so I wasn’t uncomfortable.  It might have made things easier for me, when I was a new mom, still getting the hang of breastfeeding.

I did sew a cover before my second was born, and I used it possibly twice, before gifting it to another new mom.  It ended up that it just wasn’t for me.

Breastfeeding: To Cover or Not to Cover?

Of course, several of my friends feel otherwise.

I remember nursing my third baby in a church nursery once.  It was just a few women and babies, so I wasn’t being particularly careful to cover (although I also wasn’t exactly letting it hang out, either).  Another mom came in to feed her baby, and before started, put on her nursing cover so you could see absolutely nothing.

I felt sort of weird…but decided, that was her decision, and this was mine.

Every woman has her own thoughts about covering.  Some always do it; some never do; many choose to cover or not depending on where they are and how comfortable they feel.  There are some things to take into consideration when deciding whether or not you should cover.

How Do You Feel?

No matter what, if you feel you should cover, then you should.  It’s about what makes you comfortable.  If you prefer not to use one, then don’t.  This is your decision, and not something someone else can make for you.

Are You Good at Breastfeeding Yet?

Newer moms may prefer to use a cover so that they can pull their shirts up far and watch what they are doing as they help their babies latch on.  They may need to continue to watch baby closely so that his/her latch doesn’t end up too shallow, or that s/he doesn’t get too sleepy.  Many moms would not feel comfortable with the type of exposure needed to do this, which is when a cover can come in handy.

How’s the Weather?

More moms are likely to use a cover in the winter — when it’s cool and it’s nice to have something over baby, anyway.  (btw — nursing tanks layered under a warm shirt for the win!)  When it’s hot outside, a cover can be annoying and can make baby uncomfortable.

Who’s Around?

Many moms who don’t usually cover, would choose to if there were people around they did not know or did not trust, or who were staring at them or acting weird.  I definitely have changed how cautious and covered I was based on who was around.

What Does Baby Think?

Newborns don’t usually have much to say about covers — although some may be more distracted or seem uncomfortable with one — but older babies sure do!  Many will push them away or pull them off.

I was nursing my oldest at a wedding when she was 7 months, and she tried so often to rip the blanket off that I became flustered and visibly upset, and my husband suggested I might like to take her in another room…because clearly, this wasn’t working!

Do You Leak?

Some women, while nursing, find that leaking from the other breast is a major problem.  They may need to hold their breast to stop the flow of milk, and that could be awkward in public.  Using a cover may make that a little bit easier.  (Or maybe not — but it’s an option.)

bamboobies sample

The Early Days of Breastfeeding

So, cover or don’t — but, it’s definitely up to you.

When my second was born, I was tandem nursing him and my oldest.  I had so much milk that I woke up soaked most mornings — and sore!  I tended not to wear a bra at night, although I quickly figured out that wasn’t going to do.  I began wearing a soft sports bra and extra nursing pads to prevent the tsunami that seemed to occur nightly.

If you’re a newer breastfeeding mama, I bet you can relate to all of this.  Whether to cover, leaking breasts, sore nipples….  Right?  (I remember using breast cream so much with my oldest that her cheeks broke out.)

Bamboobies has a nursing solution for you!

They offer eco-friendly products for moms and babies, including a non-lanolin breast cream, bamboo velour nursing pads, and covers.

bamboobies® Washable Nursing Pads are ultra-soft, absorbent and eco-friendly. Made of ultra-soft and soothing bamboo rayon velour, an absorbent inner layer and an outer milk-proof™ liner to help prevent embarrassing leaks! Available in two absorbencies – ultra-thin, heart-shaped regular nursing pads for light leaking and round-shaped overnight nursing pads for heavy leaking and newborn nursing.

boob-ease® 100% Organic Nipple Balm is a great 100% organic, lanolin-free nipple balm. New moms can suffer from sore and cracked nipples in the first few weeks. Protect yourself and your newborn with a non-toxic, certified organic nipple balm that keeps nipples feeling soft, supple and healthy. All ingredients are safe for ingestion by your breastfeeding baby.

bamboobies® Chic Nursing Shawl is a versatile wardrobe essential for maternity, nursing, and beyond! So stylish and discreet, no one will know it’s a nursing cover!

All our bamboobies premium, eco-friendly products are created with love from one mom to many others to ensure that new moms and babies are happier and healthier, and so is their world. 

I love companies that are committed to safe, healthy, natural products for moms and babies, and Bamboobies is.  They’re found at Target, Babies’r’us, and online.

Right now, through June 30, 2016, Bamboobies is offering the chance to try their products for FREE.  You can get one pair of nursing pads plus a sample of the boob-ease nipple balm using code mamfree.  (Take advantage of that offer right here.)

So, tell me the truth.  I want to hear your stories.

Do you cover, or not?

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  1. I got Bamboobies after I bought an Undercover Mama nursing tank top – if I left a review of the tank top on Amazon they’d send me one pair of Bamboobies. I’ve since bought 8 more pairs, I love them so much. I have some of the heavy leaking ones and some of the light leaking ones. I will say that the night my son suddenly went from waking every 2 hours (yay, 4 month sleep regression!) to once a night I still ended up soaking wet despite having a pair of heavy leaking pads on, but I still love these pads. So soft!


  2. I really liked this article and completely agree that it really should have 100% to do with what mamma is comfortable with. For example, I very rarely use a cover when out in public and only when I feel uncomfortable with the particular people I am around. On the other hand, my sister who has a baby almost the same age as mine, uses a cover all the time because that is what she is comfortable with. I don’t think either is right or wrong. It just depends on the mamma and her personal comfort. I really don’t like it when momma’s shame other momma’s for being different. I have heard women make fun of other women who were super shy and felt the need for privacy and making fun of mothers who made no effort whatsoever to cover themselves. I think that is so destructive and silly. Do what works for you and your baby!


  3. My daughter is now 32 but I remember nursing like it was yesterday. The choice of a nursing mom in public or anywhere should always be to honor God with our choices. Therefore it’s not about how comfortable we are or what our rights are, but what is and is not honoring to God. We should also consider others. And nursing mom’s must realize it’s not just about feeding your baby. It’s about bonding with your baby. If you find yourself feeding your baby in public quite often it may be time to evaluate your routine. Is it necessary to be out so much? Will it be more beneficial to your baby if you’re home more often?


    • Amen Lisa!
      I don’t want to be a stumbling block to any one’s husband or son. I know my child needs to be fed and I will do that discreetly and right. Today’s female society seems very shameless and uncaring of other’s around them. My daughter is 23 and was very discreet when she fed her daughter in public and I admired want she did. We should care to choose wisely and think of other’s (the babies will be fed and will not die).
      Also, I hear people say that no one bats an eye at the female’s today who exposes themselves in revealing clothing but are quick to say something to a breast fed mother who exposes themselves….not true! People are also sicken by the way female’s are choosing to dress indecent in public. Times and females have really changed today.
      I didn’t come here to battle because I see that in the female spirit today. Argumentative and brutish!


      • Michelle, this is not biblical at all! Breastfeeding is NOT a “stumbling block” for men. Breastfeeding is NOT sexual. Continuing to look at breastfeeding through a sexual lense is a huge societal problem. If your husband is getting aroused by watching me breastfed my baby then he has some serious issues and he needs to seek help in the form of therapy. God made breasts for breastfeeding infants. Breasts are not sexual objects. Do you think our ancestors have been covering up their babies heads since creation? We do NOT need to use God or Christianity as a method of shaming moms who choose to not cover up while breastfeeding- that’s not biblical.


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