11 Natural Headache Remedies |

11 Natural Headache Remedies

beth October 16, 2012

Sometimes you slowly feel them coming on. Others, you feel like you just ran into them unexpectedly. Either way, when you have a headache you want relief – and you want it fast. This usually sends people grabbing for the medicine bottle (and understandably so). However pain relievers like Tylenol and Goody”s Powders can cause far more harm that good – especially to important organs like your liver and stomach. When your head starts pounding you have other ways to turn!

The Reason

What have you eaten lately? Anything with extra additives? Are you dehydrated?  Are you stressed out? Do you have a sinus headache?  Do you stare at a odd angle at bright computer screen for long periods of time? Have poor posture?

All of these could trigger a headache. Knowing what caused it might not help you in that moment – but it may prevent you from having the same problem in the future.

Essential Oils

There are many oils you can use for a headache – but my favorites are clove and lavender. You can use these in your bath or a diffuser. Lavender is very relaxing and my choice when I think my headache may be brought on by stress.

*Clove is not safe for pregnant women.

Want Relief?

  • Water – make sure your not dehydrated.
  • Eat – If you have not eaten lately that might be the cause. Also, if you have eaten something you shouldn”t have. In that case you might just have to wait it out.
  • Relaxing bath – Pour a nice bath and add some lavender essential oil.
  • Massage – Get someone to massage your shoulders, neck, and even your temples.
  • Arnica – can be used as a salve to relieve pain.
  • Feverfew – helps control expansion and contraction of blood vessels in the head and helps neutralize the chemicals causing the pain. (Especially helpful with migraines)
  • Caffeine – If your a avid caffeine drinker and miss your intake for a day or two you may get a headache. It”s better for your body all together to cut the caffeine – and after a day or two you won”t even notice and will feel much better.
  • Exercise – While it might not be first on your list of what you want to do it helps! Exercising releases endorphin”s that reduce pain and stress. Just going for a nice walk could greatly help.
  • See your Chiropractor – If this is an ongoing problem something may be out of line. Try getting adjusted.


Sometimes when my head is really pounding the best thing is to sleep. This isn”t always a option – especially if your a busy mom. If you can”t sleep cut your self some slack and have the kids do quite indoor activities that let you put your feet up and relax while they play nearby. Usually just taking a while to give my body a break really helps with a headache!

How Do You Treat Your Headaches?

This is the writings of:

  1. Another great option is Peppermint essential oil. Put a few drops in the palm of your hand, rub it around with your finger and then rub it on your temples (being careful to avoid your eyes). Then rub your hands together with the remaining oil and place one hand on your forehead and one on the back of your next and hold for 30 seconds or so. This provides nearly instant relief for me everytime!


  2. My headaches seem to be clustered around “that time of the month.” I have been trying to figure out if that means I am especially deficient in something or other. I do have hypothyroidism, which I take medication for until I can find a more natural remedy (I’m new at this!) Would anyone be willing to offer me some tips?


  3. My triggers are needing to be adjusted, (thankfully my hubby is a chiropractor), not drinking enough water, and needing to sleep!


  4. Mine seem to be triggered by changes in the weather as well as severe sinus headaches. My mom on the otherhand suffers with “vascular tension” headaches constantly and has not been able to find any relief her entire life. Does anyone have any suggestions for either of those causes?


  5. […] If your interested in learning more about different types of headaches and ways to fix them you can read this post. […]


  6. […] News About Sinus Headache Relief: sinus headache relief Sinus Headache Symptoms Natural Headache Relief […]


  7. […] levels in your system. If you need headache relief, ibuprofen is not recommended during pregnancy. (There are some natural headache relief strategies, if you want to go the natural route, and stay away […]


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Hi, I’m Kate.  I love medical freedom, sharing natural remedies, developing real food recipes, and gentle parenting. My goal is to teach you how to live your life free from Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Government by learning about herbs, cooking, and sustainable practices.

I’m the author of Natural Remedies for Kids and the owner and lead herbalist at EarthleyI hope you’ll join me on the journey to a free and healthy life!

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