DIY: How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar |

DIY: How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar

Rustina May 17, 2023

Written by Rustina

Grocery shopping can be so expensive! Shelling out all that hard-earned money is never fun. That is why I love being able to make as much as I can with each item that I buy. I love growing what I can, but I have a lot of work to do on my soil yet!

Maybe you already know, but apple cider vinegar (ACV) is great to keep on hand! If you read, The Truth About Vinegar (and How to Use It), you may have learned the many benefits from vinegar, especially apple cider vinegar. Now it is time to make some!

How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar 


  • Apple scraps from 2-3 apples
    • Skin peelings and cores are great for this project!
    • If resizing this recipe, it is about ⅔ of the jar.
  • 1 tbsp. of sugar 
    • If resizing this recipe: it is 1 tablespoon per 1 cup of water.
    • See the FAQ section below, regarding questions about the necessity of sugar.
  • 1 cup of filtered water (or more if that does not cover the apple scraps)
    • Make sure your water filter removes chlorine, or let the water you intend to use sit out in a bowl overnight to naturally evaporate the chlorine. The chlorine can harm the bacteria we are hoping to help grow for fermentation.


  • Spoon
  • A quart jar 
  • A medium-sized bowl or jar
  • A piece of cotton that fits over the jar opening and a rubber band or string to hold the cloth down


Step 1: Fill a clean glass jar with the apple peels and cores.

Step 2: Stir the sugar into the water until it’s mostly dissolved.

Step 3: Pour the sugar water over the apple scraps. Pour in enough to thoroughly cover the apple scraps while leaving at least 2 inches of empty space in the jar for fermentation growth.

Step 4: Cover the top of the jar with cotton; secure with a string, lid ring, or rubber band. 

Step 5: Set in a warm, dark place for around two weeks.

Step 6: Stir every few days. If any brown or gray slime develops on the top, that is a good sign that fermentation is occurring. This slimy stuff is the vinegar’s mother starting to grow! It is the collection of growing probiotics and enzymes that we are aiming to make happen!

Step 7: Once two weeks have passed, strain the scraps from the liquid into another clean jar. You can use the vinegar’s mother to start your next batch of ACV or use it along with the ACV you are bottling. The strained apple scraps can go to the chickens or compost.

Step 8: Set the strained liquid-filled jar back into the warm, dark place for another 2-4 weeks in a clean jar covered with cotton. After this time, it is ready to be used as desired.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

#1: What if my apple scraps are sticking out of the water?

  • You may be able to add water, but make sure there is a 1-2 inch space below the rim of the jar.
  • Weights can be used to keep scraps down, such as a smaller lid, pie weights, fermentation weights, etc.- just ensure they are clean.

#2: To sugar or not to sugar, that is the question.

  • Some choose to forgo sugar, but that will strongly depend on the yeast available in your air and the sugar content of your apples. The sugar may need to be added to achieve fermentation, though. This is not a big worry since the sugar will be converted into alcohol during fermentation, so there is very, very little sugar content left in the finished product.

#3: What is that slimy stuff growing on it? 

  • There will be a white or grayish scum that will form at the top. This is the vinegar’s “mother” and is exactly what you want! The mother develops the healthy bacteria for the fermentation process. 
  • Mold, however, is not good and will ruin ACV. The difference is in the texture. The “mother” will be slimy – mold will be furry or fuzzy looking. Be sure that the apples stay submerged under the water and that the jar and any weights used are clean to prevent contamination. 

#4: Why are there bubbles? Should there be bubbles?

  • Yes! Bubbles show that chemical reactions are happening inside your mixture. These reactions are the visual signs of the fermenting process and may be noticeable before the mother vinegar even shows.

#5: It smells strong; should it smell like that?

  • Fermenting is a very aromatic adventure! This means that there will be a lot of smells coming from your jar. 
  • In the beginning, it should be a light apple scent – sweet.
  • Once the bubbles and mother appear, it will be a stronger apple scent with a pungent smell – stronger, sharper, and not so pleasant.
  • After the first fermentation is complete, then the more “classic” ACV smell of cider and vinegar is present – a stronger, more cider-than-apple scent. This will deepen more during the next two weeks.

Keep in mind gnats and flies can be very attracted to ACV so be sure your jar is well covered with a breathable cloth or a very fine mesh fermentation-specific lid. 

What do you use apple cider vinegar for at your house?

This is the writings of:

Rustina started studying herbs and natural living after allopathic medicine was unable to provide answers or support when she needed it. She is continually working on learning more and improving her and her family’s health, diving in and researching any topic. A love of learning led her to homeschool and begin working from home. She now spends each day with her husband and four sons as they travel on their home education journey together. She is thankful for the opportunity to write about these interests and passions for Earthley Wellness and Modern Alternative Mama.


  1. Have you made it just using the apple core? I like to eat the peel with the apple for almost all of my recipes. I wonder if I could only use the cores?


    • Thank you so much for this wonderful question. I have read many recipes that only use the apple’s core and/or scraps, so that is definitely possible and a great way to lower waste. I plan to start making apple cider vinegar with just the cores, too. 🙂


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I’m the author of Natural Remedies for Kids and the owner and lead herbalist at EarthleyI hope you’ll join me on the journey to a free and healthy life!

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