DIY: Anti-Nausea Honey |

DIY: Anti-Nausea Honey

admin October 31, 2011

Written by Kate Tietje

In 2011, I had the unfortunate need for this anti-nausea honey. The two family members who had semi-compromised guts seemed to experience vomiting with every illness. We used probiotics and other protocols to help this issue, but when it comes down to “My tummy hurts,” you need something soothing now.

If I think a child will vomit, I will wait and let it happen, then give them a good hour of rest — nothing by mouth — before I administer anti-nausea honey. It soothes upset tummies, but if something really needs to come up, it will. My husband, Ben, tells me it works well at the beginning of an upset stomach, before nausea is severe, or after the stomach is empty. You may need to take small doses frequently.

I usually make double-strength black tea (the tannins and caffeine seem to help, too), mix in a good spoonful of this anti-nausea honey, and let the nauseated person sip. If you don’t want black tea, try lemon balm tea (naturally caffeine-free).

Anti-Nausea Honey


  • 2 cups raw honey
  • 1/4 cup dried lemon balm
  • 1/4 cup dried peppermint


Step 1: Pour all the ingredients into a medium saucepan.

Step 2: Stir to combine, then turn on low. The honey will melt and become thin; as you hold it at this low temperature, the herbs will infuse. Keep it like this for 2 – 3 hours. You can infuse honey without heat, but it takes weeks, which you may not want to do.

Step 3: Time to strain it! Pour it through a strainer into a glass jar. I used a pint-sized mason jar. Go slowly because the mixture is still thick and sticky. Mash the herbs with a spoon to help the honey get through.

Now your honey is done! You can eat it with a spoon or stir it into tea.

What are your favorite anti-nausea remedies?

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  1. I would put your mixture into peppermint tea. Peppermint is naturally soothing to the stomach.

    Another option would be to make a tea from slices of ginger root. Three or four thin slices of ginger root simmered for about five minutes in about 1.5 to 2 cups of water. This is good for any kind of upset stomach; car sickness, sea sickness, morning sickness. It also is a great help with a baby with colic; watered way down and served is doses of about one tablespoon at a time in a baby bottle.


  2. How long will this keep? Can it sit on the pantry shelf, or should it be refrigerated?


  3. Hi Dellaina,

    This can be in the pantry. It should keep a year or so.


  4. one thing i’ll do if i have an upset stomach is grate fresh ginger and mix it with plain carbonated water and stevia – it is like a ginger ale, and the carbonation helps with the upset stomach as well as the ginger.


  5. Would this work for morning sickness, too?


    • It may. Mix with some lemonbalm tea. However, morning sickness is usually caused by vitamin deficiencies, especially magnesium and B-complex. Supplementing with these greatly reduces morning sickness, and you can supplement magnesium topically (really great if you’re nauseous!).


  6. […] for a few hours…decided to just come home.  I’m going upstairs.  Bring some of that anti-nausea tea.”  But by the time I got it upstairs 15 minutes later, he said it was already too late.  He […]


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Hi, I’m Kate.  I love medical freedom, sharing natural remedies, developing real food recipes, and gentle parenting. My goal is to teach you how to live your life free from Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Government by learning about herbs, cooking, and sustainable practices.

I’m the author of Natural Remedies for Kids and the owner and lead herbalist at EarthleyI hope you’ll join me on the journey to a free and healthy life!

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