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The Health Benefits of Chocolate (and Why That’s Controversial)


Is it good or bad?  There’s quite a debate out there about this right now.  Some are saying chocolate is good, because is contains so many antioxidants and flavonols and other “beneficial” chemicals.  Others say it’s bad, because of its caffeine content and some of the chemicals it contains….  So, clearly, there’s disagreement here! 



Recipe Collection: Shrimp Au Gratin

About six weeks ago, we went to a restaurant to celebrate my father’s birthday.  They had “shrimp and crab au gratin” on the menu, and I had to try it.  It was so good!  I decided that I would need to make it at home.  I looked up various recipes and none looked quite right, so I set out on my own.  I omitted the crab, even though I love it, because it is very expensive! This is what I came up with.


10 Signs You Need a New Doctor

This post is particularly important to me, because in my first pregnancy, I chose a doctor the same way I chose every doctor at that point: I looked through providers on my insurance website and picked one that seemed nice. (i.e. had a name I could pronounce, was close to home, was a DO instead of MD….) Up until this point I’d always ended up with pretty nice doctors, so I felt comfortable choosing an OB this way too. Too bad that it didn’t go well.
But what I learned from this experience is that you can and should change your provider if you feel that the first person you’ve met with does not mesh with what you want. You have hired this person! You are not stuck! You have the right to work with someone with whom you are comfortable. I alluded to this in my post on Choosing a Provider, but now it’s time to discuss it a little more.


DIY: Vanilla Extract

Do you use vanilla extract in baking?  I know I use mine a lot for baking, homemade ice cream, and other things.  There are a lot of reasons why I choose to make my own extract for these purposes, which I will share with you.  And then I’ll get to the good part: how to do it!



Recipe Collection: Ginger Beer

Today we have a guest post from one of our readers, Anna Drozdova!  She mentioned in a recent comment that she makes ginger beer and I just had to know how.  I thought all of you would want to know too.  So here she is!


Hi, I’m Kate.  I love medical freedom, sharing natural remedies, developing real food recipes, and gentle parenting. My goal is to teach you how to live your life free from Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Government by learning about herbs, cooking, and sustainable practices.

I’m the author of Natural Remedies for Kids and the owner and lead herbalist at EarthleyI hope you’ll join me on the journey to a free and healthy life!

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