How To Use Essential Oils to Beat Sugar Cravings |

How To Use Essential Oils to Beat Sugar Cravings

Megan Buer, CECP June 10, 2016

How To Use Essential Oils to Beat Sugar Cravings

By Megan Buer, CECP, Contributing Writer

Ever wish you had a tool you could pull out and use when a sugar craving hits, besides sheer willpower?! Now you do! Plant remedies (herbs, essential oils, flower remedies, homeopathic remedies) can be used for so many things. In this case, we can use essential oils to support our hormones, digestion, and tastebuds to move past sugar cravings.

How To Use Essential Oils to Beat Sugar Cravings

Post-Meal Craving Buster

This tip is for those who get those cravings right after a meal. For me, it was a habit. I always wanted a little something after lunch and dinner. Long after I decided to replace my sugar habit with more loving self-care, my tastebuds were still craving sugar.  This tip did the trick – and still does:

1 drop therapeutic grade peppermint oil

Peppermint can clear out your sinuses, clear up your thoughts, and clean your palate. Dilute one drop in a teaspoon of carrier oil in your palm, rub your palms together, cup your hands over your nose, and inhale!  Alternatively, you can take a whiff straight from the bottle of essential oil itself.  This is my favorite tool for post-meal cravings.

Make sure you wash any excess peppermint off your hand!


Sugar Craving Buster Oil Blend

These oils have been selected to offer support while breaking your emotional and physical sugar cravings:

  • 4 drops Bergamot: supports endocrine system and promotes a sense of calm and wellbeing
  • 3 drops Orange: supports balanced blood sugar levels, uplifts and refreshes
  • 7 drops Dill: sugar craving powerhouse, helps remove addiction to sweets

You can put these oils into a 10ml roller bottle and fill remaining space with a carrier oil. (I use fractionated coconut oil.) Rub a little on your wrists a couple times a day while you are shifting your sugar habits. Then you can use just as a craving hits.



Want More Support?

Sugar cravings can be physical (lack of proper nutrients, neurotransmitter imbalance, or simple habit) or emotional (using sugar as comfort, joy, companionship, etc.).  If you want more support in healing sugar cravings and transforming your relationship with food, check out these other resources:

Want to Kick Your Sugar Habit?  Do This First! 

Release Your Food Anxiety

Transforming Your Relationship With Food: Sugar Series

What have you done to help break the sugar craving cycle?

This is the writings of:

Megan Buer is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, blogger, and health coach. She naturally healed herself from Hashimoto's disease, adrenal fatigue, food intolerances, anxiety, and panic attacks. Now she is on a mission to share the message of health with the world. She lives with her husband and 3 children in the Virginia countryside. Find Megan on her blog at


  1. I’m trying this! About 6 at night is my worst time


  2. […] Source: How To Use Essential Oils to Beat Sugar Cravings – Modern Alternative Health […]


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