By Dee, Contributing Writer
Spring! As the wind whips violently outside my window drying the earth I know it’s time…time to plan my garden. I grew up on a hobby farm in the country and now live in a suburb with city water and a small lot. However, that hasn’t held me back from gardening. With the added toxins from city water and the general environment, I am more focused on ways to detox.
The best way to do that is through the food we eat. So as I plan my 19’x20′ garden and dream of a one-acre hobby farm…here are my top 5 vegetables for our detox garden. These are all easy to grow in pots or beds which makes them good for adding to your arsenal of natural health care.
So what exactly do you plant in a detox garden? Here are the top five veggies that you should include.
Ok So I know it’s not technically a vegetable…it’s an herb. However, cilantro is a little-known heavy metal detox powerhouse. Compounds in cilantro bind to the heavy metal particles within your body and help them get flushed from the body. Heavy metal build-up can contribute to cancer, depression, hormone, thyroid problems, and several other maladies.
These veggies contain vitamin C, vitamin A, manganese, magnesium, potassium, folate, iron, and vitamin B6. They are key vegetables for heart patients, especially those on meds since they purify the blood and cleanse the liver.
This little bulb has is an anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is what leads to cholesterol build-up. So by taking garlic, you can reduce inflammation and slough away some of that extra cholesterol in your body. It is also excellent for the respiratory system and a natural blood thinner. This is one of my first go-to natural items for ear infections and sinus infections. It stimulates the liver to release detoxing enzymes to help your digestive system to filter out the yuck.
I know…it’s talked a lot about for good reason. Kale has vitamins A, C, K, Folate, protein, calcium, and Omega 3’s! It is packed with antioxidants to cleanse your body of free radicals (those nasty loose molecules creating havoc on the healthy parts of your body.)
Another herb that you’ll find in my herb garden has anti-ulcer properties, is anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and anti-cancer. It’s active ingredient is called terpenoids which help the body detox and digest food.
Looking for more info? Check out these sites:
- 36 Foods That Help Detox your Body
- Top 10 Foods For Detoxing
- What is the Nutritional Value of Beets
- 5 Best Fruits and Veggies to Detox Your Body
I’ve seen tons of these “Key vegetables” for detox and the overall constant in all of them is: Fiber
Fiber is the “Filler” that I think will keep sugar cravings away…At least that’s what it’s done for me.