5 Detox Bath Recipes |

5 Detox Bath Recipes

admin February 19, 2015

Detox baths play a significant role in our family’s health.

Our bodies have natural detox pathways. We eliminate junk through urine, feces, sweating, and breathing. Our kidneys and liver process what we are exposed to and deliver the junk to those elimination pathways. Our mucus membranes protect us against bacteria and other germs from getting in and making us sick.


Sometimes, our systems become overtaxed in today’s world. We are exposed to so much more junk through contaminated air, water, pesticides on foods, processed foods, and so on. Some of this we can control, but some of it we can’t. This means that sometimes, our detox pathways can become blocked. When that happens, we feel tired and sluggish and can get sick more often. So! It’s essential to keep that from happening. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and veggies helps. Drinking kombucha helps. Drinking lemon water helps (or add apple cider vinegar to water). I do most of these things daily. Detox baths are gentle and helpful, too.

What is a detox bath?

A detox bath is a warm or hot bath with some type of addition — salt, clay, etc. — that helps to draw toxins out through the skin. It allows the perspiration pathway to work more effectively. We’ve experimented and found that after a bath with these additions, we often feel more tired for a little while and better after rest. It works for us! So much so that when I traveled, I brought boxes of baking soda with me…in case we needed it.

Depending on your needs, there are several different types of detox baths. I’m sharing a few of my favorites today.


Detox Baths

Epsom Salts

Epsom salts are probably the most common type of detox bath because they’re readily available at any store. They are high in magnesium, which can help soothe sore muscles (including after injury or overuse), relieve constipation, and promote restful sleep. I use this bath most often for sore muscles or for children who aren’t sleeping well.

To use:

· 1/2 cup of Epsom salts

· Warm to hot bath water

This bath doesn’t need to be too hot to help. Dissolve the Epsom salts in the bath water and soak for 10 – 15 minutes. If any muscles are sore, get the affected parts in the water as much as possible.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another easy one since it’s also available anywhere. Baking soda is a very gentle form of detox that alkalizes the skin and anything coming out of it. It’s good after exposure to radiation (X-rays, airplanes) and if you are sick. Since it’s gentle, it’s also good for pregnant women or younger children.

To use:

· 1 cup baking soda

· Warm to hot water

This bath is better on the hot side but makes it comfortable for the person in it. Dissolve the baking soda in the water and fill up the tub. Soak for 10 – 15 minutes, reclining in the tub if possible. Drink water and rest after this bath.

Redmond Bath Salts

These are hard to find (easy online, but not in stores), but they’re one of my favorites. They’re unprocessed salts from the same mines as Real Salt but with many more trace minerals. I like these much better than Epsom salts most of the time. They provide trace minerals to your body that are absorbed by the skin. Plus, I know people who’ve had amazing results with these! I like to use this while pregnant because it is pretty gentle, too.

To use: · 1/2 – 1 cup Redmond bath salts (where to buy)

· Warm to hot water

This works better if the water is very warm, opening the pores and drawing in the trace minerals. Dissolve the salts in the bath. Some trace minerals, reddish-brown ones, will not fully dissolve (they will need to be rinsed down the drain after the bath). Soak for 10 – 20 minutes, then rest after the bath.

Bentonite Clay

This is another favorite. Bentonite clay has absorptive and adsorptive properties. Absorptive means that it draws junk into itself (it’s a swelling clay that absorbs

a lot of water…and whatever else is in the water, like junk your body releases). Adsorptive means it attracts junk to itself. The molecules are like little “credit card” shapes that are negatively charged and pull junk onto them. Clay is one of the best ways to detox and one of the strongest. I do not use it while pregnant (although some do) and rarely use it for children. I usually would use it while sick but not all the time, personally (some do it all the time as prevention).

To use: · 1/2 – 1 cup clay (where to buy)

· Hot water

This works best with very warm to hot water. Put the clay in the bath, give it a few minutes to absorb water, and then stir it in. Soak in the tub for 10 – 20 minutes. After the bath, the clay will clump and must be rinsed down the drain (or scoop the clumps out into the trash).

Combination Baths

Our two favorite combination baths are Redmond salts with baking soda (mine and the kids) or Redmond salts with clay (my husband’s).



How to Increase the Effectiveness of Detox Baths

The adults take detox baths 2 – 3 times per week. The kids do them if they are getting colds or have been exposed to colds (like if we go to an indoor playground). We also do them after vacation or if we eat a lot of “compromise” food.

It helps to consume fresh juice along with baths—greens plus lemon, ginger, apples, or pineapples) Lemons squeezed into room-temperature water are also excellent. Some people like to do skin brushing before a bath. Others enjoy regular massages or even using a sauna (but don’t do a sauna for children or while pregnant).

Drinking lots of water before and after baths is helpful. Some prefer ginger or dandelion tea (leaf or root; the leaf is gentler, but both are liver-supporting). Doing some of these things regularly will help keep your body healthy!

If you would like to add herbs to your detox bath, I recommend checking out DIY: Herbal Detox Baths and Earthley Wellness Herbal Detox Bath.

Do you do detox baths? What are your favorites?

This is the writings of:

  1. Just a warning on the Redmond salt baths – it irritated my skin on a *very* sensitive area if you get my drift & was very uncomfortable. Maybe start with less salts & work up to see how you react first. I use them now for a foot soak instead of a bath.


  2. […] will vary, and there will be an additional probiotic food or drink with it.  Then, there will be a detox bath with baking soda or bentonite […]


  3. […] probiotics both preventatively, and extra if we are sick.  This combination, plus extra rest and detox baths, works fast.  Often we feel “okay” within a few hours, and symptoms are gone in a day […]


  4. Why the restrictions on clay for pregnancy and kids?


  5. […] gentle detox bath once you return can ensure that you get rid of any nasties picked up during your […]


  6. What about a bath full with fluorided water if you’re trying to detox?! Will these items like baking soda, or bentonite clay remove fluoride from bathwater while bathing? Any suggestions?


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Hi, I’m Kate.  I love medical freedom, sharing natural remedies, developing real food recipes, and gentle parenting. My goal is to teach you how to live your life free from Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Government by learning about herbs, cooking, and sustainable practices.

I’m the author of Natural Remedies for Kids and the owner and lead herbalist at EarthleyI hope you’ll join me on the journey to a free and healthy life!

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