32 Simple, Homemade Gifts for Anyone |

32 Simple, Homemade Gifts for Anyone

Alisha December 5, 2013

This collection of simple, homemade Christmas gifts are purposefully practical — perfect for when you want to give people something they really need or would love to use.

By Jerri Ann Mills, Contributing Writer

Ready or not, we are in the midst of the holiday season. Are you still eating leftover turkey? Thanksgiving was later than normal this year, which means the Christmas season is shorter. This means less time to shop and busier stores. Sounds like a recipe for disaster if you ask me!

If you haven’t jumped into the world of online shopping, this year may be the year to start. Most of the ingredients found in typical homemade gifts can be bought online. A few resources I’d like to share are Amazon (are they still running the free 30-day trial of Prime? Free shipping on lots of stuff). I get most of my raw and/or organic beauty supplies through Amazon from Essentials Depot. Also, Mountain Rose Herbs has a great collection of supplies.

This collection of simple, homemade Christmas gifts are purposefully practical. These days, we want to give people something they really need or would love to use. I know it doesn’t sound like much fun to give someone laundry detergent as a gift, but a college student or mom of lots of stinky kids would love that, don’t you think?

Beauty Products

Homemade beauty products are incredibly easy to make, but you often need supplies that you don’t likely have at home. Think shea butter, beeswax, etc. These supplies are quite versatile though. By stocking up on a few simple ingredients, you can make an array of homemade beauty products.

Lavender Rose Body Polish This polish consists of sugar, oil, honey, and dried flowers, almost too easy to make.

Gingerbread Cookie Lip Polish Again, this polish consists of things most people have at home: a few spices, coconut oil, sugar, molasses.

Body Butter As the air gets colder and drier, our skin starts to itch and crack, this simple body butter is the perfect solution.

Raw Honey Lip Salve Our lips could use the nourishing effects of this salve. Stock up on a few ingredients, make this salve and have some left over for other beauty recipes

Ginger Lime Coconut Body Scrub That sounds good enough to eat, right? With the exception of the essential oils used in this recipe, I’ll bet you have everything else you need to make this.

Lavender Bath Salt This bath salt is perfect for the on-the-go friend. The lavender relaxes the body and mind and the salt has a slight detoxing effect. Slip into a hot bath with this bath salt right before bed.


Health & Wellness

These gifts are practical and useful. You may not think they make good gifts, but think about how you would feel if you received a ribbon-wrapped, relaxing tea blend from someone. Am I the only one who would love something like that? For those of us who are naturally-minded sometimes we assume others like the same things we do, which isn’t always true. However, these gifts would surely be a blessing to anyone.

Cough Syrup

Sore Throat Lollipops

Nourishing Herbal Tea

Stress Relief Bath Salts

3 Relaxing Tea Blends

Real Food Gifts

These recipes are simple, and most of them can be whipped up in a matter of minutes. Give the gift of food this year that comes straight from your kitchen.

Peanut Butter (or other nut butter) Nut butters are a favorite for most little ones. They can also be used in baking so many different things. Simplify a mom’s morning routine by giving the gift of homemade, simple nut butter.

Lara-inspired Bars These fruit and nut bars would make a great stocking stuffer!

Caramel Pecan Cups  Christmas candies are the best! A new twist on peanut butter cups, these little treats will surely be a hit with kids and adults alike.

Crock Pot Granola or this Gingerbread Granola would be so easy to make, would look lovely in a jar and can be mailed for those of us who are away from family during the holidays.

Pumpkin Whoopie Pies I know “pumpkin season” is over for some people, but these whoopie pies are too good not to share with someone!

Meat Rub    This gift is perfect for the meat lover in your life. This particular blend is great on beef, pork, or chicken. Surprisingly, it makes a great taco seasoning as well!

Truffles are a Christmastime tradition. Either of these would surely be well received by whomever is graced by them. DF Chocolate Truffles and Raw Nutty Truffles

Children’s Gifts

Have you noticed how the “too many toys phenomenon” happens with your children? Oftentimes children will play with the cardboard box their toy came in. Give your children simple gifts this year.

Wooden Domino Tutorial  This tutorial for wooden dominoes is easy enough for a little one to help with. Maybe your child would like to help make these for a friend or sibling.

Marshmallow Gun  Any little boy would love helping make this gift or receive it. Who am I kidding, I would have loved it when I was little. Don’t forget to buy some marshmallows to be shot from this homemade PVC pipe blow gun.


Simple Sewing Gifts

These three sewing projects are so simple, they can be started and finished in an hour or so. The flag may be an exception depending on how detailed and embellished you want it. Buy enough flannel (or other material) and make scarves for all the women in your life.

Skirt from a Bedsheet

Infinity Scarf

Garden Flag

Home Decor

If you’re crafty and have a bit more time, these home decor items would be fun to make and give. Most of these use items you likely have around your house and if you don’t, most craft stores will have everything you need.


Cinnamon Ornaments

Cardboard Basket

Yarn Wreath with Winter Embellishments


Crafty Gifts

It seems like I’m always getting cute little notebooks for someone, it’s kind of a go-to gift for me, but they can get pretty pricey. I love these personalized notebooks. Do you knit? Then you know how easy a baby blanket can be to make. Bless an expecting mom or little one this year with one of these. The funnest part is picking out the colors!

Personalized Notebook

Knit Baby Blanket

What are some homemade gifts that you’ve received over the years that you love? Do you have “go to” homemade gifts you like to give?


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  1. Thank you so much for featuring several of our projects. We love to give and receive handmade gifts. Since I have lots of stinky kids, I’m one who would enjoy getting laundry detergent, too. I can’t wait to check out some of these other ideas!


    • You’re welcome, Angi. I loved your projects. Glad to know I’m not the only one who would love some homemade laundry detergent!


  2. […] 32 Simple, Homemade Gifts for Anyone from Modern Alternative Mama […]


  3. I love these suggestions, and I will be trying some (that meat rub and crock pot granola sounds awesome) ! I am getting ready to make some sugar scrubs, body butter, and Christmas candy. Honestly cannot wait to get started! I have been delayed this week, taking care of a sick teenager, but ready to hit the door running tomorrow!


  4. […] a look at this list of 32 Simple, Homemade Gifts you can make for your friends and family this Christmas. You’ll find a wide range of homemade […]


  5. Wow, I got here from MSM and an so glad I did. I am an herbalist at heart and love the cough syrup, I make mine in tea form and have made it in tincture form as well. These are the herbs I use as well. But it has been so long since I have made a tincture. Thanks for the reminder.

    I have never made the throat lollies but have always wanted to. THanks again.


  6. My favorite homemade gift to give is vanilla. I buy vanilla beans ($1.25 each at Spice Merchant in Wichita) and cheap pints of vodka. This year I paid $5 each for them. Cut a slit in each bean and drop it into the vodka. Need to wait about 6 weeks to use. It is just like the good Mexican kind and so inexpensive. I make labels on the computer and soak off the original labels.


  7. […] 6. 32 Simple Homemade Gifts […]


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Hi, I’m Kate.  I love medical freedom, sharing natural remedies, developing real food recipes, and gentle parenting. My goal is to teach you how to live your life free from Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Government by learning about herbs, cooking, and sustainable practices.

I’m the author of Natural Remedies for Kids and the owner and lead herbalist at EarthleyI hope you’ll join me on the journey to a free and healthy life!

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