Chiropractic care is a totally natural way to help keep your body healthy during pregnancy, and prepare you for a safe, healthy natural birth.
Nowadays, kids don't have much use for survival skills. However, letting kids play with fire can be good, vital even, for a child's development.
Does sneezing, wheezing, and watery eyes sound familiar? A great way to ease allergy symptoms is to use a seasonal allergy tincture with three simple herbs.
4 super foods everyone should eat and how to use them in your everyday life! Health benefits of papaya, maca, tart cherry, and acerola.
Many people are fearful of cosleeping with their baby. However, here are five great reasons you should cosleep with your newborn!
What to do with your cloth after cloth diapering? Do not throw these away or donate, you can still use them everyday in your home, saving money and time.
GOOT, Garlic oil ointment treatment, is an ancient remedy used for a myriad of illnesses. Learn how to make it yourself and how you can use it in your home.
A look at one dad's thoughts on homebirth gives insight into what the joys, and struggles are on the other side of homebirth.
Wherever we fall on the spectrum of discipline, we should note the difference between permissive and gentle parenting, as they are decidedly not the same.
Once touted as safe and gentle, new research suggests Tylenol should be approached with greater caution. Learn its risks and alternatives to consider.
Hi, I’m Kate. I love medical freedom, sharing natural remedies, developing real food recipes, and gentle parenting. My goal is to teach you how to live your life free from Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Government by learning about herbs, cooking, and sustainable practices.
I’m the author of Natural Remedies for Kids and the owner and lead herbalist at Earthley. I hope you’ll join me on the journey to a free and healthy life!
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