Get everything you need to know about burdock. Find recipes, the 10 top uses, information, and history of the super healthy herb.
4 secrets that no one tells you about breastfeeding a newborn -- these things are normal! Plus, what's not normal and when to get help.
How I worked to heal my gut and balance my hormones, through pregnancy, and have a positive and healthier postpartum. With details!
Can you detox while pregnant and breastfeeding? Most people say no...but is that really true? Find out what the truth really is.
If you're ready to start a healing diet or detox protocol, wait! Are you about to make this #1 detox mistake, which could harm your health?
After a pregnancy that was simultaneously my easiest and hardest, I had no idea what to expect at birth. Turns out it wasn't anything like I thought!
Most consider the only option for a twin birth to be surgery. Learn if the common interventions surrounding twin birth are truly necessary.
Don't be scared of SIDS -- check out this possible TRUE cause and how you can naturally and safely prevent it or reduce the risk.
If you're trying to heal your gut, probiotic supplements aren't going to fix things in the long run. Find out why not...and what to do instead.
Breastfed baby not pooping? How often should a breastfed baby poop? It is common for babies to go several days between pooping, but this is not normal. Find out why.
Hi, I’m Kate. I love medical freedom, sharing natural remedies, developing real food recipes, and gentle parenting. My goal is to teach you how to live your life free from Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Government by learning about herbs, cooking, and sustainable practices.
I’m the author of Natural Remedies for Kids and the owner and lead herbalist at Earthley. I hope you’ll join me on the journey to a free and healthy life!
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