Yes, this is last week’s picture! I got too tired to take a new one! This post finds me at …
Written by Kate Tietje In 2010, we decided to start the GAPS diet (grain-free) again. We do this periodically to …
When a woman is high risk, it means that she will probably be scrutinized heavily throughout her pregnancy. But what exactly does that entail?
Image by karenandbrademerson Why in the world would I write and publish a fall preservation guide in January? We’re nowhere …
If you're newly pregnant, there's probably a lot you don't know yet. These experienced moms will tell you what they wish they'd known!
Want to try cloth diapers but not sure about washing them? Here's my cloth diaper wash routine. It's simple, natural, and effective.
Written by Kate Tietje This recipe is one of my favorites. I originally developed my version of this recipe (because, …
Sleeping during pregnancy is no easy task. But if you follow these tips you will be sleeping like a baby, even while you are expecting a baby.
Image by Simply Organic Organic clothing. Everything these days is organic. And yes, clothing too. Most of us have probably …
Many people fail to realize that although food is readily available for them in the supermarket, it isn’t necessarily safe. …
Hi, I’m Kate. I love medical freedom, sharing natural remedies, developing real food recipes, and gentle parenting. My goal is to teach you how to live your life free from Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Government by learning about herbs, cooking, and sustainable practices.
I’m the author of Natural Remedies for Kids and the owner and lead herbalist at Earthley. I hope you’ll join me on the journey to a free and healthy life!
Meet My Family