Image by footloosiety By Hannah Landis, Contributing Writer Confession: during my third trimester with my third child I let myself become …
While many of us are joyfully skipping our way into spring others are hunkering down for the discomfort of allergy season. Honey can help soothe allergy symptoms naturally. What's even better than plain raw honey? Herbal infused raw honey of course!
Written by Malissa McClintock In the summer of 2011, a good friend’s little man turned one. We had been co-teachers …
This is a guest post by Sara Baker of A Joyful Mother The television constantly bombards us with the newest …
Feel the need to freshen your home but don't want to use store-bought fragrances? Check out these Do-It-Yourself methods to naturally freshen your home.
Image by Sterlic By Nina, Modern Alternative Pregnancy editor Lady’s Mantle is an herb that’s useful for women in all …
The foods of Mexico tend to be based on frugal, basic, easy to prepare foods. Sure there are your elaborate, expensive dishes but the everyday food of Mexico is filling, delicious and perfect for the busy household. When I want a filling and tasty meal that is ready in less than 30 minutes chicken tacos are my go to.
We love to have this jambalaya on cold, dreary winter days, as the spices warm up your whole body! It is loaded with nutrient-rich bone broth, tomatoes, and shrimp.
Image by Micah Taylor By Nina, Modern Alternative Pregnancy editor Having had four kids, I’ve had to explain to toddlers a few …
From good heart health to fighting cancer, this fruit has given me more than one good reason to add them to my "super foods" list. Here's how you can get more avocados in your diet.
Hi, I’m Kate. I love medical freedom, sharing natural remedies, developing real food recipes, and gentle parenting. My goal is to teach you how to live your life free from Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Government by learning about herbs, cooking, and sustainable practices.
I’m the author of Natural Remedies for Kids and the owner and lead herbalist at Earthley. I hope you’ll join me on the journey to a free and healthy life!
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