What We Believe |

What We Believe

Curious what we believe, here at Modern Alternative Mama?

We believe in God, and Jesus as our savior.

We believe in the strength of families, and the importance of the family unit.

We believe that adults are intelligent and capable of thinking for themselves.  We believe that parents are the best people to make decisions about their child’s health, education, and other needs.

We encourage and support parents in doing their own research and coming to their own conclusions.  We protect this as a safe community for people, no matter what they decide.  We advocate for parents to have the legal right to come to their own conclusions and make their own decisions.

We do not allow bullying or rudeness.

We provide information, advocacy, and support to those who are looking to expand their knowledge on natural living.

If you believe these things in general (even if not all), you are welcome here!  Please contact us if you have questions or need help.


Hi, I’m Kate.  I love medical freedom, sharing natural remedies, developing real food recipes, and gentle parenting. My goal is to teach you how to live your life free from Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Government by learning about herbs, cooking, and sustainable practices.

I’m the author of Natural Remedies for Kids and the owner and lead herbalist at EarthleyI hope you’ll join me on the journey to a free and healthy life!

Meet My Family
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