Breast to Bib |

Breast to Bib

It’s here!

The much-anticipated book all about feeding babies and toddlers (and more) has arrived.  If you’ve ever been confused about how to get a baby started with real food, this is a go-to guide.

Do you need advice and information about breastfeeding?  Do you suffer from low milk supply?  Not sure what solids to start first and when?  Have a picky toddler?  It’s all covered.

In this book, you’ll find practical, research-based suggestions on how to establish breastfeeding and why it’s so important.  Since some women — more and more these days — suffer from low milk supply, there are suggestions on why this happens and how to combat it (yes, it’s real.  And no, I’m not going to just tell you to “try harder” — there are real, hormonal issues at work for many women).  There’s even some information on homemade formula for those who can’t or don’t want to breastfeed.  This is all in the ‘infant’ section.

Next comes introducing solids.  This book explains how and when to feed a real food baby, and why baby-led weaning is a superior method for introducing foods.  The section offers practical advice on what foods to offer and what to do with a baby who isn’t interested.  It finishes with a handful of baby-friendly recipes (that were enjoyed by older testers, too!).

Finally, the toddler section.  This explains when your toddler can have those “no no” foods (like grapes, honey, and peanuts), and how to deal with a picky toddler who doesn’t seem to like anything.  This section finishes with around 20 recipes for delicious, family-friendly meals like chicken nuggets, popcorn chicken, barbecue sauce, fruit dip, and more.  They’re great for toddlers — but they’re enjoyed by all!  (One tester said one of the recipes was so good that she wished it were in a different book so that those without young children didn’t miss it!  Keep that in mind if that’s you — the recipes are still awesome for all ages!)

Take a look at the Table of Contents:


  • Why is Breastfeeding Important?
  • Does “Low Milk Supply” Really Exist?
  • What If I Need to Supplement?
  • What if My Baby Has Allergies?
  • Supplements and Babies

Baby-Led Weaning

  • When Do We Start Solids?
  • Which Foods First and Why?
  • Ideal Feeding Schedules
  • Babies and Finger Foods
  • Supplements and Older Babies

Baby Food Recipes

  • Guacamole
  • Pate
  • Yogurt
  • Scrambled Eggs
  • Veggies and Meat Dinner
  • Apple-Pear Sauce
  • Apple-Peach Sauce
  • Chocolate “Pudding”
  • Baby Custard

Feeding Toddlers

  • A Note About Full-Term Breastfeeding
  • Why is My Toddler Picky?
  • When Can My Toddler Eat…?
  • Transitioning to Table Food
  • Finger Foods and Snack Foods

Toddler-Friendly Recipes

  • Pita Pizzas
  • Quesadillas (w/soaked tortilla recipe)
  • Popcorn
  • Toast with Apple Butter
  • Chicken Nuggets
  • Barbecue Sauce
  • Pigs in a Blanket (w/soaked crescent roll recipe)
  • Mini-Meatballs
  • Easy Chocolate Pudding
  • Chicken and Bacon Salad
  • Popcorn Chicken
  • Cheese Sauce
  • Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chip Granola Bars
  • Grilled Cheese Roll-ups
  • Chocolate Hazelnut Balls
  • Fruit Dip
  • Vegetable Dip
  • Fruit Juice Popsicles

What are others saying about Breast to Bib?

Okay, I am in total love with your book. I have never been so happy with a book written about baby foods! I jumped on the “AP” bandwagon eight years ago, and have been immersed in all things AP since. I agree whole-heartedly with your breastfeeding advice, when to introduce what foods to toddlers, and your advice about supplements. Your recipes are easy to make and wholesome foods the whole family can enjoy!

–Lea Harris,

Breast to Bib is a fantastic resource, especially for new-to-the-game real food parents, full of practical advice and delicious sounding recipes. As the mother of a nine month old, I appreciate the time and effort Kate put into researching the topics addressed in this e-book and look forward to implementing her advice as my husband and I seek to raise a real food kid.

— Faith Storms, Storms Stories

I couldn’t help but get excited as I read this book for the first time. Kate has covered all the bases when it comes to giving your child the best nutritional start in life. From breastfeeding to toddlerhood, her explanations, advice, research and recipes have got you covered! I am constantly getting questions from mothers curious about appropriate first foods or baby food recipes, and I am thrilled to be able to point them to this resource from now on!

–Jill Winger,

Knowing what and when to feed your baby can be a daunting task. With Breast to Bib, all your questions are answered. This book walks you through your babies eating development from breastfeeding in the very beginning to picky toddlers toward the end. In addition to the wealth of knowledge about how to go about feeding your child, there are many great recipes to help you present creative yet nutritious foods for your child. I highly recommend this book!


With a two-year-old and an almost ten-month-old, feeding babies is something I’ve thought about often in the last couple of years.  Breast to Bib is full of great information regarding the all-important question of how and what babies should eat.  And while when starting solids, our family’s general philosophy is to just feed the baby what we’re eating, the recipes included for babies and toddlers offer great inspiration and ideas to fall back on when what’s on the table isn’t the best for the littlest ones.  I would recommend this book to any new mom!


I am a stay-at-home mom of two toddlers. I was single until the age of 37, so getting used to life as a married woman with children has been quite an adjustment! There are a few things that I struggle with as a new mom, and meal planning and nutrition would be near the top of my list! I have been very encouraged by most of Kate’s blog and the few books that I have gotten from her thus far! This book (Breast to Bib) is WONDERFUL!! Basic tips on feeding babies and toddlers, as well as some amazing recipes that I can be confident are healthier for our children. I am very thankful for the time that Kate takes to do research as well as experiment with new recipes, and that she is willing to share what she learns with so many others!

–Renee Cole, Tester

Breast to Bib is a book every expectant or new parent should read.  It boldly stands up against conventional “wisdom” and reinforces what maternal instinct has been telling us for years.  Well-meaning family, friends, strangers, and pediatricians are ripe with not only unscientific, but unhealthy advice about nursing, scheduling, weaning, and what to feed our babies.  Breast to Bib offers the discerning parent a scientifically sound, natural approach to helping little ones thrive in an increasingly unnatural world. Whether you are expecting, already have babies and toddlers, or simply want to know why many of us parents won’t feed our children puffed rice and graham crackers, read this book.  And if you ever feed my children, please read this book!  It is smart, to the point, and spot on.  The recipes are the icing on the cake.

–Christy Bagasao,     

Kate has done it again! Breast to Bib is THE book that every expecting and new mother simply must read! Kate clears up some of the misinformation floating around about breastfeeding, supplementing, weaning, and milk supply in a manner that even the most sleep deprived new mama can digest. She is supportive and practical giving the reader just enough information while not leaving out anything pertinent. Kate has also created a collection of recipes both for the newest eaters as well as those more preferential toddlers. These recipes are simple, use wholesome ingredients that any mama can easily obtain, and are appealing to the youngest of eaters. She mixes up tastes and textures without compromising quality. This book is long overdue and I am thrilled that Kate has been able to put together such a valuable resource.

–Jennifer, www.Hybrid Rasta

I wish I had this book when my first child was born! Breast to Bib is full of knowledgeable, non-judgmental advice on breastfeeding, introducing solids and solving food allergy problems. Not only does Kate offer plenty of delicious recipes (that the whole family can eat) but, more importantly, she explains the why behind it all. This is the perfect resource for parents who want to be intentional about nourishing their little ones in the best way possible.

— Nina Nelson,

Three years ago, pregnant with my first child and handling two Army moves in 6 months, I flung myself into every bit of research I could find about baby nutrition. Believing myself to be a “healthy eater”, I was tremendously confused by information that was contradictory and downright confusing. Today’s mamas can avoid that confusion by utilizing Kate Tietje’s e-book Breast to Bib: Modern Alternative Mama’s Guide to Nourishing Your Growing Family. Filled with easy to understand explanations of nutritional science and practical recipes, Breast to Bib offers moms the knowledge they need to provide their babies with the best possible start. Both factual information and personal reflection is delivered in an approachable, lets-have-coffee-and-chat manner that makes a touchy, highly individual topic easier to process.

As the mama of a toddler with a sensitive gut, I found Tietje’s information to be a comforting reassurance that it was ok to deviate from the “norm” based on my child’s specific needs. The recipes are a wonderful bonus. Perfect as a gift for an expecting friend or to expand your own knowledge, From Breast to Bib is the new must-have addition to every mama’s resource library!

–Kristen Smith,

Get your copy of Breast to Bib here.



Hi, I’m Kate.  I love medical freedom, sharing natural remedies, developing real food recipes, and gentle parenting. My goal is to teach you how to live your life free from Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Government by learning about herbs, cooking, and sustainable practices.

I’m the author of Natural Remedies for Kids and the owner and lead herbalist at EarthleyI hope you’ll join me on the journey to a free and healthy life!

Meet My Family