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The Constitution And The United Kingdom

The Constitution And The United Kingdom

The Constitution And The United Kingdom

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Introduction Constitutional Law The Constitution of United Kingdom In Comparison with the Constitution of Russia Introduction: Constitutional law is concerned with the role and powers of the institutions within the state and with the source between the citizen and the state. Thus, it tends to concentrate on the relation between the The Constitution And The United Kingdom organs of sovereign power for example, Parliament and the judiciary and the fundamental principles of constitutionalism, such as the rule of law. All constitutional law presupposes the existence of a constitution, whether written or not. A constitution sets out the relationship between individuals and the Government. It is a document that sets out necessary rules for the framework and operation of state institutions, for example defining the powers of the state and its agencies.

The Constitution And The United Kingdom

Who can do what and where the limits click power are. This can only be of value if people feel an ownership of their constitution and other institutions are open and fair. This essay will examine the constitutional law of the United Kingdom in comparison with the constitutional law of Russia.

The Constitution And The United Kingdom

To do so a brief background and history will be discussed in order to explain how the current constitutional law of these two countries came about. An Introduction to the United The Constitution And The United Kingdom and Russia's Constitution Similarly, the study of constitution of the United Kingdom and Russia involves acquiring an understanding of variety of historical, legal, philosophical and political factors which have, over the centuries, shaped the organisation of these states.

The United Kingdom appears to be almost unique in not having a constitution, which is conveniently set out in a single written document. Instead, it is comprised of Acts of Parliament, treaties, common law and European law, amongst others.

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The Russian The Constitution And The United Kingdom, on the other hand is in a written format. The most important documents in the Russian constitutional law are the Constitutions adopted on 12 Decemberthe Declaration of Independence of Russia 12 Juneand the Federal Treaty the treaty on Middle The rule of law can therefore mean the supremacy of law over people, and in particular over rulers; and thus the protection of the citizen from arbitrary government.

In modern times it has been argued that one fundamental requirement of the rule of law is the separation of powers; the clear division of the three functions of government, executive, legislature and judiciary. Thus, for example the executive should not be able to adjudicate the care of conflicts arsing from legislation. Russia's Rule of Law In the 20th century the "bourgeois" and the "socialist" Constitutional law withstood. Two models were based on the contrary principles.

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Thus the soviet Constitutional law rejected the ides of the "rule-of-law state", the principle of the separation of powers, the professional parliament. At the same time even in the soviet Constitutional law it was possible to visit web page the formal resemblance with the Western Constitutional law of United Kingdom. In present the Constitutional State is a symbol of the democratic government, which is recognised by the countries with different political and legal traditions. Though the national Constitutional law keeps on the distinct features the universal standards of the constitutional government are elaborated. In Russian constitutional theory the constitutional review is considered The Constitution And The United Kingdom an element of the constitutional state, which ensures the supremacy of the Constitution and prevents from an arbitrary activity of the governmental bodies and restoration of a totalitarian regime.

Now it is obvious that the way to the "Rule-of- Law State" may be long, and the Constitutional court is an important factor of the establishment of the constitutional values.

The Constitution And The United Kingdom

Republican and Monarchical Constitutions A republic, such as Russia is a state that has a democratically elected President as its figurehead, answerable to the electorate and the constitution.]

The Constitution And The United Kingdom - with

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Britpolitics What is the UK Constitution? The Constitution Unit History of the constitution of the United Kingdom British Constitution Group The British Constitution Group campaigns for the restoration of Britain's ancient Divine Common Law Constitution which for several decades has been systematically denied and undermined by successive corporate governments of all political parties The BCG is non political and does not endorse or support any political party Britain's unwritten constitution The British Libra. Ferdinand Mount. The Constitution And The United Kingdom

The Constitution And The United Kingdom - remarkable

Parliamentary term fixed at up to 5 years. Following a general election, a new Parliamentary session begins. Parliament is formally summoned 40 days in advance by the Sovereign, who is the source of parliamentary authority. On the day indicated by the Sovereign's proclamation, the two Houses assemble in their respective chambers. The Commons are then summoned to the House of Lords, where Lords Commissioners representatives of the Sovereign instruct them to elect a Speaker. The Commons perform the election; on the next day, they return to the House of Lords, where the Lords Commissioners confirm the election and grant the new Speaker the royal approval in the Sovereign's name. The business of Parliament for the next few days of its session involves the taking of the oaths of allegiance.

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