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Treating Trauma As The Root Of Addiction

Treating Trauma As The Root Of Addiction

Treating Trauma As The Root Of Addiction

As a result, you will get the best possible treatment.

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However, if you fall victim to addiction, your trauma treatment will be complicated and exasperated. He was born into a very large family during a time when physical violence was a common way to correct behavior. His father punched and beat he and his brothers whenever they misbehaved, which was often. At a young age, he turned to drinking to self-medicate his trauma. Trying to treat his trauma was a healthy impulse, but turning to alcohol was the wrong answer.

But drinking excessively temporarily killed the pain of his trauma and made it easier to cope.

Treating Trauma As The Root Of Addiction

Through the years, my dad had moments when he realized he was drinking too much. However, falling victim to addiction often results in falling in with a crowd of fellow users. For my dad, these were his drinking buddies at the bar, people that felt like supportive family members.

The Studies Agree

As a result, he struggled to quit drinking as it would have meant giving up what he saw as an emotional support group. All of these impulses medicating pain and creating a support group were healthy ones for my father to feel and they Chronological Age And Functional Age an essential manner of dealing with the pain of trauma. Unfortunately, this coping method turned to an addiction he never did beat. This statistic illustrates just how prevalent trauma is in addiction, but serves as a hopeful reminder that it is possible to treat trauma and addiction at the same time. The Power Of Dual Diagnosis What my father should have done was get his emotional problem diagnosed and treated concurrently with his addiction.

Treating Trauma As The Root Of Addiction

This treatment begins with what is called dual diagnosis; a treatment that works on both your trauma and addiction click help both ease your trauma symptoms and teach you new coping methods for relapse and triggers behaviors. Had my father undergone treatment for a dual diagnosis, he would have fixed some of his feelings of inferiority that fed his addiction. He may have received medication for treating his depression and learned how to create a healthy support group.

However, he was stubborn and would likely have fought off treatment as a sign of weakness.

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Perhaps he would have attended and even enjoyed this treatment as it helped him gain a better life. What would he have experienced in dual diagnosis?

Treating Trauma As The Root Of Addiction

Psychiatrists would have worked to recognize his trauma and identify its causes and then move on to examining how these symptoms contributed to his addiction. Through detailed analysis and discussion, he would have learned methods of managing the pain of trauma, moved through its impact on his life, and discovered new coping techniques for handling relapse triggers and cravings.

Best of all? It would have built him a healthy support group consisting of therapists, other people recovering, and the loved ones around him.]

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Treating Trauma As The Root Of Addiction. Treating Trauma As The Root Of Addiction

Treating Trauma As The Root Of Addiction - advise

Our recognition of trauma as a main driver of addiction isn't new. Since the s, treatment professionals have known about the part trauma plays in the advancement of substance abuse disorders and relapse. Be that as it may, as of late, there has been a welcomed resurgence in mindfulness and treatment of trauma as a co-occurring disorder. The Links Between Addiction and Trauma A recent study distributed in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research confirmed what large numbers of us in the treatment field have seen time and time again: A background marked by childhood neglect or physical, sexual, or psychological mistreatment is common among individuals experiencing treatment for alcoholism and may be a variable in the advancement of alcohol abuse disorders. Abuse was additionally connected to an increased risk of mental disorders, depression and suicide. Though the overall public has physical abuse rates of 8.



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