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My Primary Objective As An Educator

My Primary Objective As An Educator

My Primary Objective As An Educator

Martin Harker I was raised a Catholic until the age of eight which was a normal life. My mother took everything the JWs said literally and this destroyed my Schooling and education. The issue that I have with this religion is that they contradict what they say about education and elders encourage parents to prevent kids from gaining a college or university education as the JW objectives should be the primary goal in life.

My Primary Objective As An Educator

They sometimes seemed to encourage education and recently I checked and now they are saying that education leads to alienation and suicide. They state that University leads to immorality and drug taking. I was forced to leave School in England at 16 although I was a promising student. Thanks to the JW movement I ended up working as My Primary Objective As An Educator cleaner and then in a factory where there was a lot of drug taking for recreation at weekend and at work and sexual immorality also.

I do not believe that the policy on education is even faced up to honestly as when I have confronted elders they read article denied being anti educational even though the pulications discourage some education and it's there in print.

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Denying an education leads people to have to work in poorly paid jobs with harsh working conditions. I have worked in appalling jobs and think that the JWs use denying education as a form of social control as uneducated people find them harder to challenge.

My Primary Objective As An Educator

Personally, I got an education later in life which has been very tough. I believe that the JW movement infringed my right to freedom of thought and education. I am not anti JW but I question the nature of their policies and whether they care about click the members have to go through due to this policy which is completely unrelated to anything written in the bible.

My Primary Objective As An Educator

People with an education could benefit their society as they have a higher skill set and are more motivated as they are are successful in their lives. Are JWs so insecure that they believe people will leave as soon as they learn enough to question them?]

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My Primary Objective As An Educator - speaking

Individual[ edit ] The formalization of constructivism from a within-the-human perspective is generally attributed to Jean Piaget, who articulated mechanisms by which information from the environment and ideas from the individual interact and result in internalized structures developed by learners. He identified processes of assimilation and accommodation that are key in this interaction as individuals construct new knowledge from their experiences. When individuals assimilate new information, they incorporate it into an already existing framework without changing that framework. This may occur when individuals' experiences are aligned with their internal representations of the world, but may also occur as a failure to change a faulty understanding; for example, they may not notice events, may misunderstand input from others, or may decide that an event is a fluke and is therefore unimportant as information about the world. In contrast, when individuals' experiences contradict their internal representations, they may change their perceptions of the experiences to fit their internal representations. My Primary Objective As An Educator. My Primary Objective As An Educator



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