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why do people think vaccinations cause autism

Why do people think vaccinations cause autism

Why do people think vaccinations cause autism

Vaccines do not cause autism.

why do people think vaccinations cause autism

There has never been, and probably never will be, a proven scientific link between vaccinations and autism. So why then are there droves of people who continue to claim that vaccines are harmful and refuse to have their children vaccinated?

10 thoughts on “DO VACCINES CAUSE AUTISM?”

The whole debacle started with Andrew Wakefield, a British medical researcher who published a research paper claiming that there was a link between the MMR vaccine dances with wolves cover, mumps, and rubella and autism in In addition, most of the co-authors see more the paper later withdrew their support for the findings presented in the paper. Wakefield was also revealed by a review board to have undisclosed financial conflicts of interest, which included being paid by lawyers who were in the processing of suing the manufacturers of the MMR vaccine. As a result of his dishonesty while conducting research, his financial conflicts of interest, and the abuse of children during his study subjecting them to unnecessarily traumatic medical proceduresWakefield was struck off the British medical register equivalent of losing his medical license to practiceending his medical career.

That might have been the end of everything were it not for Jenny McCarthy, who became an outspoken critic of vaccines after her son was diagnosed with autism.

why do people think vaccinations cause autism

Other celebrities joined in, which soon led to parents around the country refusing to vaccinate their children. Sinceanti-vaccine rhetoric in the United States has increased dramatically. Unsurprisingly, the resurgence of certain diseases started around the same time.

why do people think vaccinations cause autism

The number of measles cases link from under 50 to over within the course of a few years. Other diseases, including rubella, tetanus, and pertussis have reversed downwards trends and returned to or exceeded pre levels. In many cases, the parents who decide to not vaccinate their children are themselves vaccinated.

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In a perfect world, these people would be protected by herd immunity. Herd immunity occurs when enough people in a population are vaccinated to prevent a disease from being able to spread effectively. The benefits that come from this include protecting unvaccinated people and denying the disease a place to go here and possibly mutate so as to be unaffected by vaccines.

According to modern medicine, there is no reason for the average person to not get vaccinated excepting those with allergies. A favorite argument of vaccine-deniers is that vaccines contain thimerosal, a mercury compound which they claim causes autism.

Vaccines Do Not Blame Vaccines For Children?

However, as has already been established, there is no link between thimerosal or any other vaccine ingredient and autism. Despite the mountain of evidence that vaccines are safe and effective, there continues to be a segment of the public which refuses to trust modern medicine.

why do people think vaccinations cause autism

In fact, presenting some people with proof that vaccines were safe only caused them to solidify their beliefs to the contrary.]

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About Do Vaccines Cause Autism? Picture this; you are the new parent to a perfectly healthy baby. You and your spouse could not be any happier. Like the good parent you are, you take your child to all the appropriate check ups. You take them to their one-year check up. The doctor asks some questions and then administers the required vaccines. You think everything is fine and then BAM over the next few days you notice your child is acting strange, is not responding to you like they used to, or has lost skills like motor skills that they used to have. You find this very abnormal, so you rush your child back to the doctor.

Why do people think vaccinations cause autism Video

Autism Occurrence by MMR Vaccine Status Among US Children why do people think vaccinations cause autism. Why do people think vaccinations cause autism



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