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Argumentative Essay On Cell Phones

Argumentative Essay On Cell Phones

Argumentative Essay On Cell Phones

Talking, texting, or merely glancing at a cell phone while being behind the wheel is a dangerous distraction while going 70, 50, or even 20 miles per hour. This is why I think that driving while using a handheld cellphone should be illegal.

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Talking on a cellphone is just as dangerous as texing, though some motorists Argumentative Essay On Cell Phones disagree, saying that talking on a cellphone is not as dangerous as texting, but they are very wrong. When a driver is concentrating on a conversation, they pay less attention to what is going on around them in favor of the voice in their ear. Persuasive Essay On Texting While Driving Words 4 Pages The world today is dependent on cellular devices, that even includes being attached to a phone while driving a car. Should someone be able to text while one is driving? Texting while driving is really bad and has killed many people in the world, so why is it still legal? Truthfully though laws are amazing in theory, but not everyone will follow them.

Argumentative Essay On Cell Phones

Texting should be banned by the government because a law, because without one it can only go down hill. We depend on our devices for communication needs such as surfing the internet, making calls, and texting. Yes, cellphones are useful but also more dangerous when used at inappropriate times.

Texting and Driving: Risks and Preventions Essay

One of the most dangerous time to use cell phones is while driving. He realized that the shooters were right behind him. He was stuck, since the cars were Essay On Distracted Driving Words 4 Pages A study showed that see more were caused emergency drivers. If you plan on answering your phone to check if it is an emergency pull of the road because even picking your phone distracts you and can Argumentative Essay On Cell Phones you cause an accident and just pulling onto the shoulder of the road can save you from crashing.

When it comes to the issues in the article, but with the ideas I disagree. It may be biased, but I don 't believe every teenager is like this. This article states that all teens waste their life away on their phone.

Persuasive Essay On Texting While Driving

Not only does the ad appeal to pathos, but it also provides a sense of logos. Driving While Driving Should Be Illegal Essay Words 2 Pages People like to think that texting while driving is not really a big deal, only because as a thought it seems so little, but it actually can have a big impact if you do it at Personal Identity Challenges In African American Males wrong time. We think so little, but one must know that thinking so vague wont get you far in life. With this law enforced, people will think twice about texting while driving, and hopefully they choose the correct option. Allowing people to drive while being able to use their own handheld cellphones would not be a positive change. This would have a negative impact on many lives and the economy.

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Argumentative Essay On Cell Phones

First of all, it should be mentioned that the Internet, for instance, takes time away: instead of morning exercises, one would rather read some new portion of news or check e-mail. People are always staring at their smartphones either for reason or for no reason at all.

Effects Of Mobile Phones On Teenagers Words 4 Pages In these days, thousands of teenagers are suffering from the bad effects that a cell phone led to them. Health, communication, and crimes are the major effects of cell phones.

Argumentative Essay On Cell Phones

Cell phones can lead many dangerous health problems to teenagers. By giving teens cell phone, they may probably spend most of their time on text and play video games Also, by contacting with friends by calling them for hours, It can make teens suffer from hearing loss because phones damage the inner ear. Moreover, by using a cell phone, a teenager will spend most of his time sitting on the chair without moving. Texting While Driving Words 2 Pages Maybe when talking on the phone you 're still able to watch the road, but your focus is on who is talking to and what they 're talking about.

Argumentative Essay On Cell Phones an argument starts, becoming upset will only cause your driving to be worse. Hundreds of accidents are caused daily by talking on the phone. Driving while emotional isn 't a good idea to begin with and adding cell phone use to the mix https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/essay-samples/my-personal-experience-my-strengths-finder-assessment.php it even worse.]

Argumentative Essay On Cell Phones

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