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why cell phones should be allowed while driving

Why cell phones should be allowed while driving

Why cell phones should be allowed while driving

The good Dr. Fareed has some bad news for the court. Notes: See the end of the chapter for notes.

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No one. No vampires. No spirits. He spread his notes out on the table and his book. He sat happily at the head of the table in the chair Marius usually took. He was only half surprised to see David had arrived before him. If anyone else would be too early for a meeting, it would be him. He threw himself into it, put his feet up on the table and leaned all the way back, closing his eyes for a minute to try to calm himself down.

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David felt a familiar hand on his shoulder and looked up from his book to see Lestat sprawled at the other end of the table. Apparently there just no place to find personal time alone in this castle. Which made sense, considering the growing population that inhabited it. Lestat looked tired and a little angry. Never a good mix. David felt himself tense in response. One never knew when Lestat was going to have a tantrum or lash out in anger.

why cell phones should be allowed while driving

Looking for some silence as well? He shook his head, trying to banish all his tumultuous feelings from it.

why cell phones should be allowed while driving

Opening one eye, he squinted across the table at David. This room will be full in thirty minutes or so. David narrowed his eyes at his maker. Clearly Lestat was bothered about something.

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Probably Louis-related. Why does Fareed always leave me off these memos? He felt he wanted to be here for this meeting, so had no intention of fleeing. Lestat wanted the fact to be true. If he insisted upon it enough, it would be.

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He was fine. Louis was fine.

why cell phones should be allowed while driving

The court was fine. Everything was fine.]

Why cell phones should be allowed while driving - good

Many are quick to say that will never happen to me, I am a pro at this, however I am sure the people who died from texting and driving said the same thing. We are a generation that is easily distracted, to some we are the technology generation our phones are the most important thing to us. How are we concentrating on the road if we are using our phone. Driving requires a great amount of concentration , judgement , and precision when you are using a cell phone your concentration is greatly shifted from the road to the cell phone. When texting or dialing a call they are not looking …show more content… About 11 teenagers die every day as a result of them texting while driving. Distracting driving 1 out of 4 car accidents in the U.

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Why cell phones should be allowed while driving why cell phones should be allowed while driving.



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