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Totalitarianism facts

Latin American dictatorships of the 20th century[ edit ] Dictatorships established by Operation Condor[ edit ] Henry Kissingerwho was the main thinker of the Operation Condor. However, the United States had previously made attempts to repress the communists via the "National Security Doctrine" that the United States totalitarianism facts in the s to indoctrinate the soldiers of countries led by them to confront the alleged "communist threat". On the same year the Uruguayan civic-military dictatorship seized power from President Jorge Pacheco Areco. Banzer would democratically return to office in The government committed several crimes against humanity, such as La Matanza The Totalitarianism facts in englisha peasant uprising in which the military murdered between 10, to 40, peasants my thesis edit civilians, the dictatorship ended in Trujillo ordered the assassination of Romulo Betancourtwho was the founder of Democratic Actionbut before he found out about this ambush, Totalitarianism facts plan ended in failure.

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The Dictatorship ended when Trujillo was assassinated in in the totalitarianism facts of Santo Domingo. Subsequently, a board composed of 3 generals was organized, one of them was Marcos Perez Jimenezwho later became dictator of Venezuela. The dictatorship totalitarianism facts the Democratic Action and the Communist Party of Venezuelaboth from left. Pedro Estrada led the DSN, which was a military organization Venezuelan that repressed opponents and protesters. Among the cases of crimes against humanity are the death of the Democratic Action politician, Antonio Pinto Salinas who was assassinated while trying to flee from Venezuela.

In an attempt was organized to overthrow Perez Jimenezfaced with political pressure Jimenez had to get rid of many of his totalitarianism facts such as Pedro Estrada. That same year, a movement totalitarianism facts civilians and military men joined forces to force Marcos Perez Jimenez and his most loyal ministers to leave the country.

The dictatorship ended when Marcos Perez Jimenez was exiled from the country, the civilians were To celebrate in the street, the political prisoners were released and the exiles returned to the country, the Venezuelans once again elected Romulo Betancourtwho had already been president years ago. However, he continued to use the political and economic system of the Jimenez dictatorship. Although a large part of the Latin American dictatorships were from the political right wingthe Soviet Union supported socialist states in Latin America as well.

Democratic Party Facts

Cuba under Fidel Castro was a great example of such state. Castro's government was established after the Cuban Revolutionthat overthrew the administration of dictator Fulgencio Batista inturning it into the first Totalitarianism facts State of the Western Hemisphere. In Castro left power and was replaced by his brother, Raul. InGuillermo Rodriguez Lara established a dictatorial government in Ecuadorand called his government the "Nationalist Revolution"[ totalitarianism facts see more ].

Inthe country entered OPEC. The government also imposed agrarian reforms in practice[ citation needed ]. Rodriguez Lara's regime was replaced in by another military junta led by Alfredo Povedawhose own rule ended in and was followed by a democratically elected government.

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These constitutions often failed to work without a strong middle class or work against the preexisting autocratic rule. Some elected presidents and prime ministers captured power by suppressing the opposition and installing one-party rule totalitarianism facts others established military dictatorships through their armies. Whatever their form, these dictatorships had an adverse impact on economic growth and the quality of political institutions. Starting with General Muhammad Ayub Khan who ruled from — Next was General Zia-ul-Haq who usurped power in and held on to power the longest until totalitarianism facts died in an air crash in He remained in power for 9 years until ]

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