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symbolism in hills like white elephants

Symbolism in hills like white elephants

Symbolism in hills like white elephants

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The story starts out with a couple who is sitting outside of a train station in Spain. This short story is consisted of mostly dialogue between an American man and a woman who goes by the name Jig. The woman is apparently pregnant by the man.

symbolism in hills like white elephants

Throughout Hemingway 's short storythe author utilizes numerous symbols, metaphorical comparisons and beautiful diction in order to convey the struggle of decision between a man and woman with the acceptance or denial of a new life into the world. It is clear to see that Hemingway has a way of using the elephant in a highly metaphoric and symbolic way.

Hills Like White Elephants Literary Analysis

First by reading the …show more content… When you think of elephants, most people might think about the wildlife, running around and being free. In the story, Jig reminds the American that they could live free and do as they please. Although that is not an option for them if they do decide to keep the baby. The hills also come into play when comparing it to their lifestyle.

Hill Like White Elephants Symbolism

He thinks that if Jig has the baby, then that is what is going to happen. Jig is like the elephant which she is thinking they will still remain wild and free if they decide to keep the baby.

symbolism in hills like white elephants

The train station is also compared to their lifestyle as a couple. When you think about a train station, you know that someone is traveling somewhere.

symbolism in hills like white elephants

The train station is basically a turning point, or midpoint, in both of their lives. Whether it is going to Madrid to have the procedure done, or turning back and keep going along with the pregnancysome decision has to be made. The stickers on both of their luggage are also a symbol of their travels together. It is another way to show such a long way the two have come see more and what has brought them to this point in …show more content… If you look more into what he might be saying, is that the bamboo bead curtain is almost like a barrier, or separation for the man and women.

The fact that Jig is wanting to have the baby and the man does not, the pregnancy itself acts as a curtain. When the man talks through the curtain to hopefully someone on the other side about what drinks they want, is comparing indian national congress 1885 couple about their dilemma they are having about abortion.]

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Symbolism in hills like white elephants Video

Hills like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway - Themes symbolism in hills like white elephants. Symbolism in hills like white elephants



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