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Essay on the help

Essay on the help

One character in this story decides to stick up for what she believes in.

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The bold actions she takes brings society one-step closer to racial equality. This year-old white woman from Jackson, Mississippi devotes herself to a cause greater than herself.

essay on the help

Her dedication she displays towards helping the maids in the story speaks volumes towards her character. Skeeter develops a great relationship with one of the main characters in the story, Aibiline. Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan is a hard-working individual, determined to publish a story revealing the turmoil of African American maids in her town, despite the negativity shown towards these women.

essay on the help

In some cases, Skeeter seems sincerely concerned about the treatment of the maids in her town. After her return from college, Skeeter finds her maid, Constantine, had moved away to "live with her people up in Chicago", said her mother Constantine was the primary care taker of Skeeter as she was growing up.

Constantine instilled a sense of confidence and self-acceptance in Skeeter that her mother did not help her with.

essay on the help

Constantine was like a mother to Skeeter, and with her disappearance, Skeeter feels hopeless in the face of "these people," that surround her Skeeter pushes on with the determined character she is. This has much do to with the inspiration from her former maid, Constantine.

essay on the help

This genuine personality allows Skeeter to get along with most people and sympathize even when society does not. Skeeter is friends with other high-society ladies Cited: Page.]

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Topics: Feminism , Domestic violence , Betty Friedan Pages: 2 words Published: November 5, The Help is set in Mississippi during the early s, when the groundswell of feminism's "second wave" was still building. Kathryn Stockett's novel revolves around events in , before thewomen's liberation movement, before Betty Friedan and other feminist leaders founded the National Organization for Women, before the media invented the myth of bra-burning. Although The Help is an imperfect depiction of the s and the author stifles the budding feminism of some of her characters, the novel does touch on many issues that were relevant to s feminism. Here's a look at some of those feminist issues that are worth exploring after you finish reading The Help. A hint of feminism in The Help may be most evident in post-college Skeeter, the young woman who questions restrictions placed on her by society's traditions. Her Southern socialite best friends have conformed to expectations by marrying, having children or trying to and even questioning why Skeeter stayed four years at Ole Miss to finish her degree, while they were dropping out of school. Skeeter is still trapped and still trying to fit in, but her inability to do so is partly due to her discomfort with the myth of femininity she is expected to live. Essay on the help essay on the help.



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