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Gates of Fire Book Report

Gates of Fire Book Report

Gates of Fire Book Report

A Greek, who goes by the name Xeones, gives his story to a scribe who works for the Persian King Xerxes.

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One main theme that presents itself very well is the act of Patriotism. Something that one would learn from this novel is very similar to the basics of what it means to be a United States Marine past, present, and future.

Gates of Fire Book Report

At the beginning of the story the character Xeones is only nine years old when he loses his city to an invading force of Persians. He and his cousin Diomache, as well as a slave named Broxieus, seek refuge in the mountains. Xeones survives and learns https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/argumentative-essay/hiv-belongs-to-a-family-of-viruses-called.php be an archer, and travels to Sparta.

Gates of Fire Book Report

Diomache heads to Athens, but Broxieus dies. Xeones becomes a battle squire and a sparring partner for a Spartan named Alexandros. Xeones and Alexandros are forced against their will to go with the Spartan Army into battle. The leader of the Spartans, Leonidas selects of his finest to go on a suicide mission picking up allies along the way, equaling out to about 4, strong, to fight the Persians, who greatly out-numbered the Spartans.

Gates of Fire Book Report

The battle of Thermopylae begins around August BC, and the Spartans bring the troops through a narrow mountain pass with a https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/essay-service/review-writing-service.php off behind them. On the first day of battle, the Spartans use the mountain pass to their advantage and kill many Persians with only losing a few Greeks.

Hector's Speech - Book 7 Of The Iliad

Xerxes learns of a hidden trail that leads behind the Spartans and sends an elite force to annihilate them. Leonidas sends a party to assassinate Xerxes in the middle of the night, but the attempt fails. Leonidas released his allies on the third day, while him and his stay to die at the hands of the Persians.]

Gates of Fire Book Report

Gates of Fire Book Report Video

Gates of Fire: Discussing Thermopylae with Steven Pressfield

Gates of Fire Book Report - the expert

Hector's Speech - Book 7 Of The Iliad Words 4 Pages When Hector begins to speak directly to the Achaean army rather than the entire battlefield, he shows respect to the Greek warriors and admires their honorable individuals. Hector puts his attention on the Achaean force and states: But now, seeing the best of all Achaeans fill your ranks, let one whose nerve impels him to fight with me come striding from your lines, a lone champion pitted against Prince Hector 7. We are told that Haig used the resources that he was given the best ways he possibly good, a strong sign that he is a good general. Also, the British Army never mutinied, unlike the French, Russian and German armies, therefore highlighting the trust that Haig had created between him and his soldiers. Therefore, the strategy of which him and his soldiers having a common trust did help them to win the war. The Marines in this book are the kind of fighters we should all try to be. Courage is one of the main traits than shows the most throughout this story. Telemachus proves that he is a great warrior. Athena plays a huge part in the journey. Without Athena, there would have been no journey.

Believe, that: Gates of Fire Book Report

A MODERN DAY NATION STATE TURKEY Book report fire safety Comments on Book report fire safety By Akinozil My opinion on this book is that it is a great and interesting read that captures the attention of the reader and ties in ideally to our Marine Corps values. Jan 06,  · Gates Of Fire Book Report Title: Gates Of Fire LCpl Yaccarine A. Jared Author: Steven Pressfield Publisher: Turtleback Books Published: This book is about the Spartans warrior culture and how it ties into the Marine Corps values, and the present day warrior culture of our Marine Corps. My opinion on this book is that it is a great and interesting read that captures the [ ]. Download & View Gates Of Fire Book Report as PDF for free.. More details. Words: Pages: 2.
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