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compare and contrast the two main branches of physical science

Compare and contrast the two main branches of physical science

Compare and contrast the two main branches of physical science

Emphasis will be on the examination of the living patterns of the various peoples who have inhabited the region during this time. This course will also analyze the social and economic factors and political objectives that transformed the central plains from the domain of the bison-hunting Plains Indian to a society based in a market-agricultural economy. Organized around a readings and discussion format, students engage some of the world's most provocative and influential literature.

compare and contrast the two main branches of physical science

Western Civilization: Ancient World to the Renaissance begins with the ancient cultures of the Middle East, Greece and Rome and follows the development of Western thought from the medieval period to the Renaissance and Reformation. One-credit hour honors contract is available to qualified students who have an interest in a more thorough investigation of a topic related to this subject.

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An honors contract may incorporate research, a paper, or project and includes individual meetings with a faculty mentor. Student must be currently enrolled in the regular section of the courses or have completed it the previous semester. Organized around a readings and discussion format, the course allows students to engage some of the world's most provocative and influential literature. Western Civilization: Scientific Revolution to the Modern Age begins with the go here revolutions that define modernity the Scientific, French, and Industrial.

The course also highlights the new ideologies of the 19th compare and contrast the two main branches of physical science and more recent themes of modernization and the cultural crisis of the 20th century. Primary and secondary texts and visual resources will be used to illuminate the period that saw first the decline into relative stagnation caused by barbarian onslaughts and then gradual reemergence of a powerful civilization that revitalized itself by renewing the insights of ancient times.

HIST Early Modern Europe 3 Hours This course is an introduction to early modern European history, with emphasis on the economic, social and political developments that have shaped the modern world: the Renaissance; the Catholic and Protestant Reformations; the rise of nation-states; the new inter-cultural contact between Europe and the world; the Commercial Revolution and the Enlightenment.

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HIST European History Since 3 Hours This course covers the major political, intellectual, and economic and social developments in Europe from the end of the 18th century to the present, including modern political ideologies, major wars, the growth of strong governments, the effect of modern science on social and political thought, the Industrial Revolution, the creation of large middle classes and the effect of modern technology.

It emphasizes the fundamental characteristics and long-term developments in the evolution of African political and socioeconomic institutions. Through lectures, readings and discussions, the course will focus on aspects of the history, politics, art, literature and economics of China, Japan and India. The major traditional themes and concepts of these civilizations will be stressed. The course is divided into three five-week segments.

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Each segment relates to a historical period: slave, post-emancipation and contemporary. Each segment also permits a flexible, interdisciplinary approach that will include literature, fine arts and the social sciences. HIST U. History to 3 Hours This survey course in U. Topics will include the Colonial era, the Revolutionary period, the Federalist era, the expansion of the Republic during the midth century, and the Civil War and Reconstruction.

compare and contrast the two main branches of physical science

The emphasis will be on analysis and interpretation of these developments. History Since 3 Hours This survey course will emphasize developments and trends in American society from the s to the late twentieth century. Topics will include the Reconstruction era, industrialization, immigration, reform movements, World Wars I and Source, social and cultural trends, and foreign policy.

Emphasis will be on analysis and interpretation of these developments. Then it will examine Greece's historical development from the early Aegean phase through its Dark, Archaic, classical and Hellenistic phases. In addition to political, military, and social and economic developments, Greek literature and art will also be highlighted. In addition to political, military, and social and economic developments, Roman literature and art will also be highlighted.

compare and contrast the two main branches of physical science

Rome's significance for later western civilization will be noted. Essay writers course covers Indian culture and civilizations from the ancient Indus River Valley Civilization to the present nation state of India. Multiple modes of inquiry and source materials are important for historical analysis, and this course considers literature, art, architecture and other forms of cultural aesthetics in relation to political, economic, material, and religious developments.

HIST Islam: Religion and Civilization 3 Hours This course covers the context in which Islam arose; the career of the Prophet Muhammad; the compare and contrast the two main branches of physical science teachings and practices of the religion; the Qur'an and other early Islamic literature; subsequent political developments in the religion and its spread; its main religious branches; its history during the Middle Ages; the Christian crusades and their consequences; the major components of Islamic civilization, including law, the arts, literature, philosophy, science, and mathematics; Sufi; the effects of Western imperialism upon Islamic states; major developments in Islamic thought and practice since the seventeenth century; the Islamic diaspora and Islam today.

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to identify the major political, social, economic and technical developments in the histories of Egypt, Mesopotamia, other Near Eastern civilizations, Rome, Greece, India, China, sub-Saharan Africa, pre-Colombian America and medieval Europe.]

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