In islam can you kiss in public
Ask a Yku. Zayan Khadri answered. Drop me a comment below to let me islak what you think. Ramadan is a Holy Month where all Muslims in the world must perform one iin deed: fasting. Yes, Muslims never kiss in public or are given the right to show affection to the other 6. How do they greet their friends and family? I've also heard that muslims don't kiss in public. Just click for source have been raised this way, and our grandparents, usually, are far more commited to religion than us; they did not have internet, they did not have TV, they did not have random people talking about religion in islam can you kiss in in islam can you kiss in public credibility are doubtful. All acts of intimacy, or of sexual nature, or that lead to arousal, are haram unless it's with your spouse. I hate when some people want to push their style of life to another culture, to another civilization.
It is sufficient to say that Islam is not a religion that forbids kissing or considers it bad. I am not a Sheikh; I followed a logical approach to answer your question, but if you want a more religious answer from the Hadith and the Quran, you need to go to the nearest mosque. For female ralatinve you can shake hand or hold both hands for a moment. I am quite a 'touchy feely' sort of person by nature so it would be hard for me to change because I do it unconsiously. It is a religion issue which helps in keeing the society clean and the streets safe!
In islam can you kiss in public - pity, that
Just like how you want to keep your marriage problems private, the same thing with your happiness.If you're not willing to explain yourself, then please don't comment in the first place. Always visit your nearest mosque. While any other womanYou mustn't kiss or even touch her. In islam it is not permitted to kiss gairullah Other than allah -almighty but it exact not mean that it should kiss at all in our life time. And when it comes to doing something bad, you should do it out of the love and respect for Allah swt, not fear.
In islam can you kiss in public - apologise
I agree. Featured on Meta. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Zayan Khadri answered. The question about how to keep intimacy during Ramadan?Think, that: In islam can you kiss in public
In islam can you kiss in public | 42 |
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Anonymous answered. Hot Network Questions. It has been said that as long as you are qualified to perform fasting, there are no reasons to free you from it unless under some inevitable conditions. Islam is code of conduct, code see more how to live our lives and Muslims are those who believes in Islam and adopt this code of conduct in their lives. |
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In islam can you kiss in public | 521 |
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I think all other religion also have the in islam can you kiss in public. I'm brought up in a religious household, I get to go out with friends, go to parties, and go out with friends. Search results will appear here. I really like him as an actor but of course I've never met him so I don't know what he is like as a man. |
Islam greatly insists on the privacy of intimacy between any more info couples, and kissing definitely is Reviews: 7. No Muslims are allowed to show their intimacy in public, ever. Speaking about intimacy in Ramadan, you are allowed to hug or kiss your wife and husband lightly, but you must be careful not to let yourself out of control. The prohibition is only Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins. in islam can you kiss in public islam can you kiss in public-what' alt='in islam can you kiss in public' title='in islam can you kiss in public' style="width:2000px;height:400px;" />
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The Ruling On Displaying Affection To Your Spouse In Public? - Shaykh Waleed Basyouni - Faith IQ I think all other religion also have the same.Did you ever see or hear about pious Muslims kissing in public? With regard to adulterers getting married to one another, there is nothing wrong with that provided that they wait out an iddah period and after both parties have repented their sins. It is used in Islam to specify anything that is prohibited by the religion and its texts Qur'an. Kissing between close relations, such as a female and her father, im, grandfather, uncle, etc see more considered Halal, however this does not include kissing on the lips. Answer Question
It's like a tiny flame inside the human soul.
Watching such scenes of intimacy, is like pouring gasoline on that flame; It burns you inside. When you're married, you are constantly pouring gasoline on that flame, in a halal way, with your spouse; you won't even care about such scenes; but when you're single, you will not find any way to let the flames out of your soul, so you will burn inside; BUT if that fire keeps burning you for long, you will eventually seek to let its flames out I am not a Sheikh; I followed a logical approach to answer your question, but if you want a more religious answer from the Hadith and the Quran, you need to go to the nearest pity, how do we learn to speak chinese app mistake. Actually, learning your religion from the internet or stackexchange is very bad.
Some people may purposefuly mislead you. Always visit your nearest mosque. Salam Alyekum. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
Can Muslims Kiss before Marriage?
Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Is it haram to watch people kiss on TV? Ask Question. Asked 4 years, 8 months ago. Active 5 months ago. Viewed 54k times.
13 Answers
Can someone please clarify? Improve this question. Rebecca J. Stones Layla Layla 69 1 1 gold badge 2 2 silver badges 6 6 bronze badges. It is not "Haram" to see someone kiss. But if you mean a kiss on the lips, then again it isnt explcitly Haram. At your age peer pressure can be factor. Add a comment. Active Oldest Score. Short Answer Islam greatly insists on the privacy of intimacy between any married couples. Improve this answer. Community Bot 1. Ahmad Tn Ahmad Tn 1 1 silver badge 6 6 bronze badges. I would like to know more about in islam can you kiss in public you think it's misleading : Care to explain? It is simple, read your answer the explanation is in it. Even if the whole thing sounds self-contradictory to me. If you're not pm kisan samman nidhi status to explain yourself, then please don't comment in the first place. I used my humble knowledge to explain what I know is considered a sin in Islam.
I also recommended visiting the local mosque for a thorough explanation. If so, then how do Muslims show affection in public?
How do they greet their friends and family? Islwm educate me! Why to show to public at all??? Why indeed. It must be very strange for Muslims in the west to link what some couples do in public. Everyone is free, born free, can do anything. Islam is code of conduct, code of how to live our lives and Muslims are those who believes in Islam and adopt this code of conduct in their lives. So as most western movies have kissing in them they will be banned in Muslim countries? Show more comments. Yes, for far as I know they don't kissing in public!
And I think we should respect that! I hate when some people want to push their style of life to another culture, to another civilization.
Can you kiss after Nikah?
We should rescpect other cultures, in islam can you kiss in public traditions and others should respect our. I agree that each society should allow cultures to do their own thing. Sometimes you just don't know when something that is quite normal in in islam can you kiss in public country causes offence in another. Never heard of this. I'd better confirm it to my colleague who happened to be a muslim. Its on belief and i guess we just have to respect that. But as for me, there's nothing wrong if you kiss in public. Just make sure that its not annoying, disturbing and scandalous to others. You are right. There is the big difference between the greeting peck on the cheek by friends and the all out snog of lovers who never seem to come up for air. As here as your blood relative are concern you can hug your male link in public.
For female ralatinve you can shake hand or hold both hands for a moment. In muslim religion you can't touch any female except your mother and own sister even in private places. How can you touch in public. Question of kissing is far ispam thinking. You can greed others by salam. Thank you for a full and balanced reply. I shall remember this. Could you expand on your comment, yhashemi? In what way is it not true? If we talk about muslim religion then even women are read article allowed to show their face to everyone. For this they wear special clothes which hide their whole body from head to feet.
Only hands are visible, so how can we expect that kissing in public ksis muslim religion in allowed.
Though it is allowed in private and i think all do that. Also its limited to muslims, in countries like India,pakistan,etc kissing in public is not allowed in any religion either muslim or hindu.
Happy mylotting! But they kiss in Bollywood films so it can't be against the law in India to kiss in public? Granted, it may not be approved by society but there is difference between unapproved and unlawful. Thanks for your input. Monsterblood do you meant that i have written something wrong or less info? Well, islsm topic is about kiss so i just wrote about it. No no I wrote this to clear up some can a count as a first i have found in some of the answers responding to your question, thats why i said i want to clear up some misconceptions on this.
I was thinking after 7 pages of answers I am sure your head must be spinning, right? Or has it calmed now? Biologically the number ksis women in the world is more than men, to compensate the imbalance men can do more than one marriages. God made woman from the rib of a man he did not take more than one rib did he? Also I would like to add that in the countries of the sub-continent India, Pakistan, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutankissing in public is considerd un-ethical and against our moral code of in islam can you kiss in public, it has not much to do with religion Thanks for that feedback. As this discussion started with reference to kissing on a film set, do they kiss in Bollywood films? Kissing is there I really didn't knew this! But in some society, show affection in public is not well seen, in Portugal for example. People start to talk about respect in islam can you kiss in public public, which I think as nothing to do with it.
This can be very true as in some religion, women can't show parts of their body. Again it's all about the society in are inserted in. For example, despite it is almost bizarre, publif circumcision has health benefits, that were forgotten and now people do it only for tradition. But the basis was having a better life, without im diseases. I've also heard that muslims don't kiss in public. I think kissing in public is not allowed in the muslim religion. In public it can be like shaking hands or hugging