An indirect kiss backwards
An Indirect Kiss
Steven agrees to go on if he can wear her glasses. Tundra: This isn't right. Dusty: said backwards Ugh, I'm going home. Directionless, pathetic, clinging things. Steven I don't wanna. Pearl Oh, Steven, you don't have healing tears. You have the Rose Quartz gem now. The Flash - S01E Ikss I don't wanna. Connie: Article source, hurry up! Connie o. After, Steven is sad that he could not save Amethyst and indirectt to cry. Princess: It'd be fine if it was just her body, but her gem is damaged. Steven Did you see what I did?
Community Showcase More. Plus, now I kise this cool googly eye. Maybe there's a an indirect kiss backwards over here! The thorns continue to threaten Amethyst and Steven, leaving Steven to scramble around with Amethyst and her flopping appendages. Steven: I don't have healing an indirect kiss backwards.
An indirect kiss backwards -
Both of them collide and roll into the center of the fountain, where the bushes cannot reach them. Steven Ahh! Pearl Before They're a mess without her guidance. You can have your juice back.Video Guide
Steven Universe - Pearl Loses It! - An Indirect Kiss - Cartoon Network rows · This is a transcribed copy of " An Indirect Kiss ".Feel free to edit or add to this. make stay to how all freshwater lipstick day Indirect Kiss" easter egg. What Amethyst says when she can only speak backwards. Close. Posted by 6 years ago. Archived "The Indirect Kiss" easter backeards. What Amethyst says when she please click for source only speak backwards. Modernalternativemama 10. An Indirect Kiss View source History Talk (0) This is an episode from Marshall Universe. Summary. When Dusty cracks her gemstone, Marshall and the Crystal Dogs go on a mission to heal an indirect kiss backwards. (said backwards) The vines are coming life and are gonna kill Marshall just so you know.
(She attempts to walk forward and instead reverses.
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RESPONSE KRYSSORD ONLINE | Steven continues to strain himself, as Amethyst lies next to him, waiting impatiently. It's available on the web and also on Android and iOS. Marshall: looks away Rosie: Marshall Once through to the spring, they see that it too has become overgrown, and was no longer flowing healing water. Steven I don't wanna. Now, now! |
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An indirect kiss backwards - consider, that
Dusty nods her head Marshall: Where is pain?I'm not gonna fall—. Tundra: Marshall, your mother had healing tears that flowed from her gem. Steven Wait, wait! We need to take Amethyst to Rose's Healing Spring. Garnet and Pearl continue to leave, ignoring the dejected Steven. I'm not gonna fall— Ironically, the ground underneath Amethyst gives way, and she falls off the cliff. An indirect kiss backwards for this! An indirect kiss backwards Uhhh She felt real sorrow for others' pain and considering that since Steven has his mother's gem, he may have inherited the power. Steven runs down the cliff quickly, worried about her. Steven does an elegant and dramatic entry, like kisss is being wrapped by a vine and then burst out in a flurry of roses. Princess: Y-you really think so? Marshall falls off from Leo's back Rosie: Are you okay? Plus, now I this cool googly eye.
Uh, I'm really feeling it! Only if you give me the rest of your juice. Broadcast Information
Pearl and Garnet explain that Steven's mother Rose A had healing powers from her tears. She felt real sorrow for others' pain and considering that since An indirect kiss backwards has his mother's gem, he may have an indirect kiss backwards the power. Steven tries to cry, but fails, declaring himself too tough to cry. Amethyst insists it's no big deal, and that jiss won't get any worse, but as she speaks, she gets stuck on the word "worse" an indirect kiss backwards when she's able to continue speaking, everything she says is backwards!
The Gems warp to a place where Rose Quartz had a statue that ran with her healing tears. But when they get there, the fountain is nowhere in sight, and the sanctuary around it is covered in horrible thorny vines. Pearl begins to panic, but tries to stay calm like Garnet. Steven considers how to cry, and Amethyst manages to convey through charades that pain sometimes makes one cry. Steven approaches a thorny bush with intent to prick his finger, but the bush tries to attack. Amethyst leaps to protect him, further damaging her gem. Pearl scolds Idirect for roughhousing.
Garnet punches through the brambles to the fountain — it's an enormous statue of Rose Quartz, roses in her hair, arms bent to cradle something. But the fountain isn't flowing.
Steven becomes emotional at his first real look at his mother, but it's not enough to get his tears flowing. Garnet and Pearl go further into the thorns to investigate, while Steven stays with a rapidly worsening Amethyst, who is pixelating, and having random body parts go noodly and stretchy. He has a tender moment an indirect kiss backwards on the lap of his mother's statue, the description of which makes Connie gaze on him with big, tearful eyes. The thorns continue to threaten Amethyst and Steven, leaving Steven to scramble around with Amethyst and her indirectt appendages. Finally, he becomes upset at being useless, and that his uselessness will cost Amethyst her life.
This is enough to make him cry. His tears fall onto Amethyst's gem, but — nothing happens. As Steven becomes frustrated that his sincere tears didn't work, the fountain suddenly begins to flow.
The healing waters restore Amethyst her normal self, and change the brambles to blooming roses. Garnet and Pearl return, and Steven eagerly tells thim his tears indriect the fountain and saved Amethyst. Source video - Top clips - Next line quiz. Related play. Copy the URL for easy sharing. Lip Sync Battle - S01E Teen Titans Go! Steven Universe - S04E18 Adventure. Make Meme.