Making lip gloss with vaseline and kool-aid cream
Lip Balm Recipes
Bit by bit, add the Kool-Aid paste into the coconut oil. They are pretty! Please log in with your username or email to continue. Wigglebottom and the Monkey on His Back You'll need about 4 big spoonfuls. New Pages How to. Leave a Reply Your email address will not vasepine published. We are so excited to have you as a featured guest host making lip gloss with vaseline and kool-aid cream Artsy Play Wednesday! Comments This is awesome! Things You'll Need. Lynda Cook Sith 2, at PM. You will begin by making lip gloss with vaseline and kool-aid cream 1 tablespoon of Vaseline to a mixing bowl, then microwave it till it is melted. Start with 5 seconds. Meme July 25, at PM. What a wonderful compliment. Article source 2 to 3 drops of water just until the color is bright and a paste forms.
Anonymous April 13, at PM. Ninja Mommers February 28, at AM. It will only take a few seconds to heat up and soften. I love this craft! It is very important your Vaseline is basically pure liquid and super hot so that it will melt your Kool-Aid crystals and mostly dissolve these Kool-Aid crystals. Experiment with mixing packets for different flavors and colors. Optional - granulated sugar. Passionate about family and the challenge of raising good humans through the teen years, no less! It can leave your lips chapped, dry, and even discolored. You can use any kind of click to see more container with a lid.
Making lip gloss with vaseline and kool-aid cream - congratulate
We have a super easy DIY to learn how to make tinted lip balm.Let the mixture cool a little bit before adding the powder, as vadeline will dissolve better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. The Kool-Aid gives the lip gloss color and flavor, so pick a color that you'll like on your lips. Footer menu Home. Transfer the softened Vaseline to the four bowls, dividing the amount up evenly about 1 Tablespoon each.
May 19, · Instructions Place 1 teaspoon coconut oil in a microwave safe container. Heat in the microwave for 10 to 15 seconds. Stir until In a small 5/5(5).
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In this awesome Kool-Aid lip gloss video tutorial by Socraftastic, on YouTube, you learn how to make lip gloss makig a few easy steps. You will begin by adding 1 tablespoon of Vaseline to a mixing bowl, then microwave it till it is melted. Then you will mix 1/4 teaspoon of Kool-Aid into the melted Vaseline and stir well.
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Pinterest Busters: Kool-Aid Lip Click here width='560' height='315' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen>Making lip gloss with vaseline and kool-aid cream - really
Since the Kool-Aid dissolves it's not gritty or sticky when you put it on, it's sweet, like some lip balms are.Vaseljne February 28, at AM. Allow lip gloss to solidify at room temperature or cover and place in the refrigerator. It is for external use only to apply making lip gloss with vaseline and kool-aid cream your lips. NOTE : After melting my vaseline and before adding the kool-aid I waited a couple of to let the vaseline cool down so that it wouldn't cook the crystals. Share yours! Transfer the softened Vaseline to the four bowls, dividing the amount up evenly lip make lettuce wraps how iceberg to 1 Tablespoon each 3.
Rather possible: Making lip gloss with vaseline and kool-aid cream
Making lip gloss with vaseline and kool-aid cream | I got 5 gram pots from Amazon.
I hope you get some hits off of it! Now is it going to turn your lips. You can also try looking at Michaels and your local craft store. Can you make a Kool-Aid beeswax lip balm? Just Us Girls |
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Making lip gloss with vaseline and kool-aid cream | 19 |
McMuffins December 28, at PM. Divide up the liquid into as many containers as it takes. Instructions
Optional - granulated sugar.
Keri Lyn. Comments This is awesome! I love lip balm and when I was little I would of loved making this.
What a great idea for Valentine's Day or a birthday party. Thanks for sharing at the HomeMattersParty. I love this idea. Can you tell me if the pink lemonade comes out colored or natural? Forgot your password? Get help. Password recovery. February 6, Updated: February 7, Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn. Latest Post. February 11, Related Posts. Comment: Please enter your comment! Editor Picks. Stir until completely melted. Set aside. In a small bowl, stir together the Kool Aid powder and sugar.
Add 2 to 3 drops of water just until the color is bright and a paste forms. Mix the Kool Aid paste into the solid coconut oil. Mix together until well blended. Fill the lip gloss containers with the liquid lip gloss. Allow lip gloss to solidify at room temperature or cover and place in the refrigerator. Tried this recipe? Let us know how it was! Previous Post: « Keto Candy! Comments This Kool Aid lip balm recipe was so fun. I love this can you make a Kool Aid lip scrub?