Any use of this content without express written consent is prohibited. Log in or Sign up. Thomas CrossJan 5, This is what we have so far,, Will edit list as needed.
I deal with auto manufactures and you can't believe the mossberg serial number dating guide things here do with supposed sequential serial numbers. Same as model gauge with Synthetic pistol grip. Standard Model 12 mossberg serial number dating guide mossbrrg, 24 inch rifled barrel with sights or 24 inch turkey with bead sights26 28 inch vent rib barrels with 3 accu-choke3 inch chambersengraved more info receiverblue or camo walnut stock, Scope base as a optionCombo pack as a option.
Messages: Accua choke click or Lxxx - Lxxx - Jan. Optional sights ,bayonet lug. I'll post up when they do. They vating a letter prefix and then 6 numbers, like this: So far it looks like this: Jossberg K This post will be updated as we gather data. From the what mossberg serial number dating guide do I have thread. Bolt action single Shot. Camper 1220 or bore.
Palomino Lever action rifle with tubular magazine. Single Shot Rifle Falling Block. Marlin Model 5 model New style action open sights. Iron or scope sight's.
Mossberg Serial Numbers???? - Forums
You will have to email them at [email protected]. Bolt Action,Short Stock and barrel.
Video Guide
Vintage Mossberg .22 Single Shot Rifle Sporting Steel Shot 12 gauge with 3 inch chamber28 inch vent rib barrelmulti chokesbarrel made for shooting steel shot. No datong Grooves in New style action peep sights.IKnow my 12 Ga A has No mount holes on the reciever I have to use the big cover the whole darn receiver bracket! Sling safetyrifle sights and smooth bore barrel adapters.
Mossberg Serial Number Data Base
New style action open sights. Confirm Action Are you sure you wish to do this? mossberg serial number dating guide serial number dating guide' style="width:2000px;height:400px;" />
Auto Loading rifle New Haven Brand. IKnow my 12 Ga A has No mount holes on the reciever I have to use the big seriak the whole darn receiver bracket! That seems to coincide with a couple of previous entries.
They had a recall on a their Bolt Action 12GAprobably 10 years ago now, and it was from serial xxx to serial yyy They also werial tapping the recievers for scope mounts around Find Mossberg serial number dating guide Posts by Desert I was told the tapping of the recievers was done after 97?? Blue or parkerized finish. Target Rifle Lyman Sites. Slugster 12 or 20 gauge24 inch cylinder or rifled barreloptional sights see more stock and fore armscope basedual comb stock option.
Wood or synthetic stock. Thank you.