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Records of men who have sex with men in Japan date back to ancient times. Western scholars have identified these as evidence of homosexuality in modernalternativemama.com these relations had existed in Japan for millennia, they became most apparent to scholars during the Tokugawa (or Edo) modernalternativemama.comical practices identified by scholars as homosexual include shudō (衆道), . Japan is a fascinating county, rich in culture, tradition, exotic beaches and boasting one of the most famous cuisines in the world. The traditional cuisine of Japan, called washoku, is so well regarded, it was added to UNESCO’s intangible heritage list in The Japanese are very welcoming, eager to please and well mannered. Jan 30,  · Japan to reform 19th century law that puts ex-husband on child’s birth certificate Published: 2 Feb Five Great Reads Five Great Reads: quiet . japan sex website

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What Japanese Women Think of Sex in Japan (Interview)