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Art Museum Curator Essay

Art Museum Curator Essay

Art Museum Curator Essay

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Pinson, Stuart W. Pyhrr, Jessica Regan, Jeff L. Stewart, E. Collecting Inspiration: Edward C. Easby, Jr. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, v. See more Aanavi, Don, Phyllis D. See more Abramitis, Dorothy H. See more Adlin, Jane. Vanities: Art of the Dressing Table. See more Ainsworth, Maryan W. Waterman with contributions by Timothy B. Husband and Karen E. Centeno, and Peter Klein. Bayer, Peter J. Boehm, Andrew Bolton, Sheila R.]

Art Museum Curator Essay - something

In large institutions such as National Museums, curators are often specialists in a distinct field, for example in sculpture or more specifically Renaissance sculpture. Curators organize exhibitions by selecting works and arranging them within a conceptual framework so as to create a narrative. In other words, Curators tell a specific story by choosing the material evidence and arranging it into a coherent account. An exhibition can have a thematic or monographic approach: the first follows a theme for example: female portraits from Ancient Rome, the history of perspective in painting or the development of landscape genres in England while the second concentrates, on a single artist or artistic current. The primary duty of a curator is the interpretation of art. Once an exhibition is outlined and decided upon, curators must write a statement that will then be used to generate all the literature for the exhibition: catalog, pamphlets, gallery texts and so on. This is the opportunity for curators to present their point of view and help the public understand the exhibition. If a specific work of art or more than one sparked the concept for the exhibition or was especially relevant for the building of the narrative, the statement should include that thought process to give the viewer additional insight.

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