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Arnold Friend In Where Are You Going

Arnold Friend In Where Are You Going

Arnold Friend In Where Are You Going
Arnold Friend In Where Are You Going

Indeed, Arnold Friend is an allegorical devil figure for the main reason that he tempts Connie, the protagonist, into riding off with him in his car. Oates characterizes Arnold Friend at first glance as "a boy with shaggy, black hair, in a convertible jalopy painted gold" She lets the reader know that Arnold is not a teenager when Connie begins to notice the features such as the painted eyelashes, his shaggy hair which looked like a wig, and his stuffed boots; these features led her to believe he was not a teenager, but in fact, much older.

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Oates does make Arnold out to be a psychopathic stalker, but never objectively states the diabolical nature to his character. In "Connie's Tambourine Man", a critical essay on the story, the authors write about Arnold Friend: "There are indeed diabolical shades to Arnold just as Blake and Shelley could see Milton's Satan a positive, attractive symbol of the poet, the religious embodiment of creative energy, so we should also be sensitive to Arnold's multifaceted and creative nature" Tierce and Crafton Mike Tierce and John Michael Crafton suggest that Arnold Friend is not a diabolical figure, but instead a religious and cultural savior.

Arnold Friend In Where Are You Going

On a more realistic note, Joyce M. Wegs argues the symbolism of Arnold Friend as a Satan figure when she writes: "Arnold is far more a grotesque portrait of a psychopathic killer masquerading as a teenager; he also has all the traditional, sinister traits of that arch deceiver and source of grotesque terror, the devil" She also writes about how the author sets up the idea of a religious, link figure when she links popular music and its values as Connie's perverted version of a religion. Another hint is Arnold's Cited: Kiszner, Laurie G. Mandell, eds.

Arnold Friend In Where Are You Going

Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing. Fort Worth: Harcourt, Kirszner and Mandell, Wegs, Joyce M. Kirszner and Mandell Tierce, Michael and John Michael Crafton.

The Representation Of Arnold 's ' Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Essay

Oates clearly defines her point when Connie first discovers Arnold Friend at the drive in diner. Her more erotic interest comes in the form of his style and physical appearance. Unlike Connie, the reader sees Arnold Friend in all of his depravity, we see him as the predator.

Arnold Friend In Where Are You Going

Oates again uses carefully thought out word choice to prognosticate that we could see Friend later in the story to possibly confront]

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Arnold Friend In Where Are You Going The Representation Of Arnold 's ' Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Essay Words | 6 Pages. representation of Arnold Friend in Joyce Carol Oates’ “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” has often been discussed by scholars. Many, if not most, have come to the conclusion that Friend is an incarnate of Satan himself. "Who Arnold Friend Is In Where Are You Going Where Have You Been" Essays and Research Papers. - of Where Is the Individuality? hill. One of the main problems our generation has been facing is the dealings of judgment. It is so rare now if you can find. In Oates’s Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been by David J. Piwinski he goes more in depth of the characteristics of Arnold Friend. Piwinski focuses on the interpretation of Oates’s story by two other readers. In C. Harold Hurley’s explanation of the character Arnold Friend.
PERSONAL STATEMENT: BECOMING AN ADULT "Who Arnold Friend Is In Where Are You Going Where Have You Been" Essays and Research Papers. - of Where Is the Individuality? hill. One of the main problems our generation has been facing is the dealings of judgment. It is so rare now if you can find. 3 days ago · In the short story, ‘Where are you going, Where have you been,’ Connie and Arnold Friend are the main characters who portray the struggles of differentiating fantasy and reality. Connie is a typical fifteen-year-old teenage girl that is rebellious towards her family and mainly cares about her appearance. The Representation Of Arnold 's ' Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Essay Words | 6 Pages. representation of Arnold Friend in Joyce Carol Oates’ “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” has often been discussed by scholars. Many, if not most, have come to the conclusion that Friend is an incarnate of Satan himself.
Arnold Friend In Where Are You Going Arnold Friend In Where Are You Going.

Arnold Friend In Where Are You Going - much the

Connie portraying a double personality instead of one stable is a sign of confusion and struggle to find the balance between the two. This sense of confusion is common amongst adolescents as they still have the mindset of a child, but society is pushing them to continuously mature, hence having different identities. This is where Arnold Friend comes in to exploit her confusion and leads her to the harsh truth. One way that Arnold breaks down her adult-like identity is through music. Although she wants to be independent and want nothing to do with her family, she relies on them for a roof over her head, food, ride to school, and etc. Something clicked in her mind, changing from child to mature adolescent to think about the lives of her family over her own is impactful in her character development. Breaking down one of things she enjoyed most, music. Coming to her home, which is her time to act her age. Connie has a skewed idea of what independence is, as there is more to exploring her sexuality and trying to rebel against her family even though she loves and cares for them dearly. This could be interpreted as her transition from adolescent to adult or to her death.



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