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Air Pollution Effects

Air Pollution Effects

Air Pollution Effects

It creates smog and acid rain, causes cancer and respiratory diseases, reduces the ozone layer atmosphere and contributes to global warming.

What are you breathing?

Causes of Air Pollution Air pollution is caused when air in the atmosphere is filled with particulate matter. The largest source air of pollution in cities is from vehicle exhaust fumes. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous, odorless, colorless gas that is formed when burning fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas. Filters Air Pollution Effects are not changed regularly in your air conditioning units will accumulate dirt and cause the spread of pollutants in the air you breathe inside your home.

Chemicals and toxic pollutants likes sulfur dioxide, Air Pollution Effects oxides and carbon dioxide react with water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acid rain. These pollutants come from factories, automobiles and any this web page or manufacturing plants. Another source of air pollution is from dust and dirt that goes airborne due to every day labor in the agricultural and construction industry.

Dust is lifted from tractors working on fieldsand from land clearing and general demolition in the construction industry. Using household chemicals without adequate ventilation is a major source of indoor air pollution. Volcanoes, dust storms, and forest fires are causes of natural air pollution. Effects of Air Pollution Air pollution causes irritation in the throat, nose, lungs and eyes.

Air Pollution Effects

Air Pollution Effects causes breathing problems and aggravates existing health conditions such as emphysema and asthma. Frequent exposure to polluted air increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Breathing air that is filled with fine particulate matter can induce hardening of the arteries, triggering cardiac arrhythmia or even a heart attack. People who exercise outdoors are susceptible to the adverse effects of air pollution because it involves deeper and faster breathing. Acid rain contains hydrogen ions, which can damage trees, crops, harm marine animals and induce corrosion in metals.

Smog causes harmful health effects in humans and animals.

Air Pollution Effects

Studies have shown signs of black lung disease in dolphins of due to high concentrations of carbon particles in the air. People afflicted with heart disease, children and older people are more sensitive to air pollution. Air Pollution Facts and Statistics Air pollution affects kids more than adults due to higher concentrations of polluted air in their systems per body size.

Air Pollution Effects

India is the country with the worst air quality in the world. The European Union would save billion euros a year if deaths caused by air pollution were diminished. According to the World Health Organization, there are as many deaths 1.]

Air Pollution Effects

Air Pollution Effects - your place

Lead Microscopic particles called particulate matter Both the outside air and the air in your home or workplace can have these pollutants. The amount of pollutant in the air and the length of time you are exposed to it determine how the pollutant will affect you. When you breathe in gases such as carbon monoxide or nitrogen dioxide, the cells that line the airways to the lungs absorb them. Once taken in, the gases can pass into your blood and travel to your internal organs. There, they can cause damage. If the pollution isn't absorbed into the blood, damage can still be done to the lungs. Large particles in the air are filtered out by the small hairs cilia that line your respiratory tract. But smaller particles reach your airways and lungs. Particles of all sizes also land on crops and in water. Over time, they are eaten by humans, and by animals that humans eat.

Pity: Air Pollution Effects

Persuasive Essay writing service Short-term effects of air pollution on human health are eyes, nose and throat irritation, pneumonia and bronchitis, headache, allergic reactions. Lung cancer, heart disease, chronic respiratory disease and damage of liver, kidneys, brain and nerves are long-term effects of air pollution (Santos, ). Air pollution is a major concern of new civilized world, which has a serious toxicological impact on human health and the. 1 day ago · A look at some of the major air pollutants and how they can affect you.
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Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration with our free essay samples on any topic. It's time for you to nail your grades! In other words, they enter into complex reactions due to temperature, humidity and other environmental conditions. Depending on the mechanism of formation air pollutants can be divided into two groups: primary — substances produced by human activity; secondary — substances produced through the interaction of primary pollutants with environmental conditions Yadav, Depending on the origin of pollution, it may be classified into three types: physical pollution includes solid particles, radioactive isotopes, heat emission; chemical pollution comprises gases and aerosols such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons; biological pollution are caused by bacteria and virus spores, fungi, and the waste products of living organisms Yadav, According to the scale of environmental pollution it can be divided into local photochemical smog , regional acid rain and global greenhouse gases Santos, Air Pollution Effects Air Pollution Effects.

Air Pollution Effects Video

Effect of Air Pollutants on Health - Environmental Chemistry - Chemistry - FuseSchool



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