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Utilitarianism Essay

Utilitarianism Essay

Utilitarianism Essay
Utilitarianism Essay

Virtue Theory, Utilitarianism and Deontological Ethics Essay Introduction Virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological theory have both similarities and differences. The foundation of utilitarianism theory is in the principle of utility.

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This principle emphasizes the need to rely on reason and not metaphysics. Furthermore, the law of greatest happiness is the main ideology behind this theory. Human beings seek to decrease suffering and maximize happiness. Hence, an action that is correct morally must lead to the greatest possible pleasure. Utilitarianism Essay the other hand, the theory of deontology embraces the concept of duty.

According to the proponents of deontology, actions should fulfill moral duties without caring whether they make people happy, or not. In other words, the theory of deontology holds that duties define right actions, regardless of their consequences. Main Body Utilitarianism Essay, both deontology and utilitarianism have different approaches to what is morally right.

Utilitarianism Essay

Proponents of deontology embrace moral duties while those of utilitarianism Utilitarianism Essay the greatest happiness. Nevertheless, both theories are similar in that they focus on moral actions. Utilitarianism judges actions depending on their consequences while deontology judges actions depending on whether they carry out some set duties.

Utilitarianism Essay

Virtual ethics is another theory that explains moral actions. Aristotle came up with this theory. Utilitarianism Essay theory describes the meaning of living well, Utilitarianism Essay humankind. It considers the result of human existence as eudaimonia. The meaning of eudaimonia is flourishing. That is, human beings wish to live well. However, this theory does not refer to physical happiness, but that of the mind and soul. Aristotle divides virtues into the intellectual and moral virtues, which correspond to the happiness of the mind and soul.

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He considers virtue as a moral tendency of the mind, which occurs as voluntary action. Moral virtue controls the actions of the emotional part. On the other hand, intellectual virtue determines suitable actions for particular feelings.

According to the theory, the greatest Utilitarianism Essay can only come from philosophical reflection. Virtue theory resembles the theory of utilitarianism as both theories mention moral action and happiness. However, the two theories differ whereby utilitarianism theory refers to physical happiness as virtual theory refers to the happiness of Review Of Mordecai Richler s The Apprenticeship mind and soul.

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The key similarity among all the three theories is that they try to explain morally right Utilitarianism Essay. A personal Incident to Explain the Relationship between the Three Theories As I grew up, I took care of my younger siblings, since I was the firstborn in a family of five. Two of my siblings were girls while two were boys.]

Utilitarianism Essay

Utilitarianism Essay - apologise

Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. Any subject. Any type of essay. Get your price writers online In the s the industrial revolution caused many people to reconsider the laws that were introduced to society. One of the people who wanted change was an English Philosopher named Jeremy Bentham. His views on the law came from this industrial revolution in the 18th century there was a lot of laws that were deemed unjust by Jeremy Bentham, this is what he wanted to change. And he did so, using utility. This essay will explain a little about him and what inspired him to reform law rather than practising it. It will also tell about his main belief known today as Utilitarianism.

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