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Using Journals Effectively in Classrooms

Using Journals Effectively in Classrooms

Using Journals Effectively in Classrooms

This study was grounded in an interpretivist paradigm and a theoretical lens of symbolic interactionism. The guiding questions were: What are the experiences of three elementary teachers when integrating literacy and social studies instruction? What information do teachers use when making decisions about integrated instruction? In what ways, if any, do teachers use disciplinary literacy strategies to support social studies instruction?

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I collected data from teachers in kindergarten, third grade, and fifth grade classrooms in a K-8 Title One school. Data included audio-recorded one-on-one semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, lesson plans, photographs, and my researcher journal.

Data analysis then moved to the crosswalk I created using the pillars of effective literacy instruction and the NCLCE proven practices. Data analysis concluded with the cross-case analysis.

Using Journals Effectively in Classrooms

During the data analysis, member checks and three meetings with a peer reviewer occurred. Findings from this study indicate teachers continue to experience conflict between their beliefs and practices, often due to state, district, and school mandates.

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Additionally, the study findings indicate a desire for focused professional development, both face-to-face and through digital tools, on how to effectively integrate literacy and social studies. Moreover, professional development is needed to support teachers in their use of critical literacy.

Using Journals Effectively in Classrooms

Findings also indicate that the teachers in this study experienced censorship, imposed by others and themselves. The study concluded with my interpretation of the findings based on the reviewed literature, suggestions for future research, and a crosswalk for professional development to support teachers in planning for effective integrated literacy and social studies instruction. Keywords: elementary social studies, censorship, integrated curriculum, professional development, effective instruction. Graduate Theses and Dissertations.]

Good: Using Journals Effectively in Classrooms

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Using Journals Effectively in Classrooms Aug 23,  · Data included audio-recorded one-on-one semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, lesson plans, photographs, and my researcher journal. I began data analysis through inductive coding of each interview and observation, and then coded each through deductive analysis using Cunningham and Allington’s () pillars of effective literacy. 2 days ago · Motivation theory is indispensable when discussing processes of learning. Learners who are motivated can learn almost everything. Students’ motivation is probably one of the most important factors for teacher effectiveness both for engagement in the learning process and high academic performance. To have effective environmental education, it is not only necessary to inform the public about. 15 hours ago · The purpose of this paper is to show how a large group of students can work collaboratively in a synchronous way within the classroom using the cheapest possible technological support. Making use of the features of Single Display Groupware and of Multiple Mice we propose a computer-supported collaborative learning approach for big groups within the classroom. The .
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Using Journals Effectively in Classrooms Using Journals Effectively in Classrooms

Using Journals Effectively in Classrooms Video

What I Learned by Journaling for 30 Days



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