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Un Peacekeeping Has Become An Important Component

Un Peacekeeping Has Become An Important Component

Un Peacekeeping Has Become An Important Component

This is guided by the following principles: A. Provision of a high standard of health care that is acceptable to all participating troop-contributing countries in the Mission and that meets internationally recognised standards.

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Accessibility of medical facilities and services to all members of the peacekeeping force, and its availability in a timely and responsive manner. Continuity of medical care between different levels of medical support, linked by effective land and air evacuation services. Integration and preservation of local, national and UN medical infrastructure and systems, to maximize utilization of medical resources in a cost-effective manner. Developing the Medical Support Plan requires understanding of the Mandate for the Mission, its operating concept and an assessment of the existing medical infrastructure and prevailing health threats in the Mission area.

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Factors that influence planning of medical support include: A. Troop Strength and Deployment. Although not absolute, the extent of medical support is largely determined by the strength of a peacekeeping force, with a higher level of support for larger missions.

Un Peacekeeping Has Become An Important Component

The number and location of medical units also depends on the overall deployment plan for the force, in terms of both time and space. Type of Peacekeeping Operation. Medical support is determined by the Mandate of the Mission, the nature of peacekeeping activity and security risks within the Mission area. Standard of Local Medical Infrastructure.

Un Peacekeeping Has Become An Important Component

Should local hospitals and clinics within the Mission area fail to meet UN accepted standards, or where these are not readily accessible, there is a requirement to deploy a higher https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/research-paper/for-this-land-writings-on-religion-in-america.php of medical support within the Mission, regardless of its troop strength or deployment. Geographical Factors. Terrain, accessibility by land and air, physical distance, climate and other geographical factors have a major influence on the medical assets required and their deployment within the Mission area. Where access is poor, medical units of varying sizes and capabilities may be deployed throughout the Mission area.

Medical Threat Assessment. This would have to take into account common illnesses and endemic diseases particularly tropical infectious diseasesaccidents, hostile action and other potential hazards like land-mines, chemical and biological agents.

An assessment of available medical intelligence on the Mission area should be made, complemented by a medical survey of the https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/essay-service/phd-editing.php. Emphasis has to be placed on preventive medicine and disease prophylaxis. This is expressed as a daily percentage rate, and is an indicator of the daily workload for a deployed medical unit. It is Mission dependent and is affected by the area of operation, level and type of activity, weather conditions and the fitness level of the contingent. An average rate of 1. Combat Casualty Rate.

united nations peacekeepers responsibilities

Although not directly applicable in the context of peacekeeping operations, this is an estimate of the casualty rate in the event of a military encounter. Planning medical support for Nationalism And Foreign Policy Making peacekeeping operations generally follows similar processes as that for other military operations and exercises. The concerns and considerations have been discussed earlier, with the key requirement being the integration of independent multi-national medical units into a cohesive medical support system, often within a hostile mission area with limited medical infrastructure. This requires systematic examination of the Mission factors, as well as understanding of the UN medical support system and policies. Developing the plan requires close interaction and co-ordination with other departments, section and units within the UN organization and external agencies.

An outline illustrating the medical planning process is shown below, highlighting key components of the plan. Figure Medical Support Planning Process. The medical support plan This encompasses identifying the principal medical considerations and recommending steps to ensure maintenance of health and providing an integrated health-care system from Basic to Level 4 medical support, including the resources, logistics support and co-ordination measures required click here its full implementation.

Un Peacekeeping Has Become An Important Component

Each aspect is important to ensure provision of comprehensive medical support to the peacekeeping force. Preventive Medicine. Identifying and highlighting major health threats to UN personnel, including endemic diseases, occupational hazards, environmental factors and psycho-social stress factors within the Mission area.

Outlining disease and accident prevention and control measures, and advising commanders on their implementation. This includes immunization and disease prophylaxis requirements for the Mission and related training requirements for Mission personnel. Auditing process to assess the effectiveness of these measures, including collection and reporting of health statistics and epidemiology.]

Un Peacekeeping Has Become An Important Component

Un Peacekeeping Has Become An Important Component - advise

Army War College Strategy Research papers which tackled tough issues. Stabilization is a process in which personnel identify and mitigate underlying sources of instability to establish the conditions for long-term stability. While long-term development requires stability, stability does not require long-term development. Therefore, stability tasks focus on identifying and targeting the root causes of instability and by building the capacity of local institutions. Stability, ultimately, aims to create conditions such that the local populace regard the overall situations as legitimate, acceptable, and predictable. These conditions consist of: the level of violence; the functioning of governmental, economic, and societal institutions; and the general adherence to local laws, rules, and norms of behavior. Sources of instability manifest themselves locally. First, instability stems from the decreased support for the government, a result of the government failing to meet the expectation of the locals.

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Un Peacekeeping Has Become An Important Component.



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Un Peacekeeping Has Become An Important Component



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