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The Uneducated American

The Uneducated American

The Uneducated American
The Uneducated American

AND the grubers still fall for the crap, each and every time! All wrong. Donald Trump has done more than hold MAGA rallies since the media establishment declared his political legacy dead.

The Uneducated American

He has endorsed a slew of primary candidates. And on Wednesday, one of them won in a crowded Ohio primary field.

The Uneducated American

Mike Carey, a coal lobbyist aiming for the seat vacated by Republican Steve Stivers, overcame the odds and prevailed against stacked opposition.]

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Can You Name a Country?

The Uneducated American - what necessary

Origins[ edit ] American pollster and political scientist Samuel Popkin coined the term "low-information" in when he used the phrase " low-information signaling " in his book The Reasoning Voter: Communication and Persuasion in Presidential Campaigns. Low-information signaling referred to cues or heuristics used by voters in lieu of substantial information to determine whom to vote for. Examples include voters liking Bill Clinton for eating at McDonald's and perceiving John Kerry and Barack Obama as elitist for wind-surfing and golfing, respectively. Low-information voters are less likely to vote and when they do they generally vote for a candidate they find personally appealing. They tend to be swing voters and they tend to vote split-ticket more than well-informed voters do. Researchers attribute this to low-information voters not having developed clear cut ideological preferences.

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. The Uneducated American The Uneducated American.



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