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The Slavery Of The South

The Slavery Of The South

The Slavery Of The South

Slavery at South Carolina College, — The Foundations of the University of South Carolina This website is intended to tell the largely unknown and unfamiliar story of slavery at South Carolina College, the institutional predecessor of the University of South Carolina.

Slaves played a fundamental role at the college between its founding in December and Februarywhen slaves saw themselves liberated by the arrival of federal troops in Columbia in the final The Slavery Of The South of the Civil War. The primary buildings of South Carolina College survive as the historic heart of the modern campus—known today as the Horseshoe—and were constructed by slave labor and built of slave-made brick. Slaves lived and worked in now-forgotten outbuildings located behind the buildings of the present-day Horseshoe.

The college prepared its students to assume positions of political leadership within the state and in Washington, D. These political and intellectual leaders are relatively easy to trace in libraries and archives through their writings and their records of public service.

The Foundations of the University of South Carolina

More challenging to research are the names, much less the lives, of individual college slaves or the full details of slavery at the college. Over the Spring semester, these nine history graduate students conducted research on slavery at South Carolina College, located relevant maps and images, conceptualized a design and format for the website, took the present-day photographs, and implemented their vision. Our class invites you to explore our preliminary findings through this website.]

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The Slavery Of The South - assured

Plantation system of slavery spread across Antebellum Florida after Andy Barbero Special to the News Journal Editor's note: This is the 25th of a series of stories that will be featured in the Pensacola News Journal to celebrate the th anniversary of Escambia County. Look for these stories each Monday in print. The formal acquisition of Florida from Spain in immediately transformed the area and its inhabitants. For centuries, Florida had been part of the Spanish empire. It had been subjected to Spanish laws and customs, and its occupants carved out space for themselves within that framework. The arrival of the United States, however, upended those structures of power, and they were remade as the plantation system spread across the landscape. Matters of slavery were at the forefront of this shift. Although the Spanish implemented chattel slavery in Florida, they were never able to capitalize on it the same way they had in Cuba, just 90 miles away, where sugar plantations fueled by slave labor from Africa garnered massive profits for the Spanish crown. Nor were the Spanish able to stop the growing influence of cotton planters from neighboring Georgia and South Carolina who looked at Florida as a site to expand the flourishing plantation system. As a result, the United States took possession of Florida in after an agreement was reached with the Adams-Onis Treaty two years earlier. The Slavery Of The South.

The Slavery Of The South Video

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The Slavery Of The South



Improbably. It seems impossible.

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