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The Pros And Cons Of Western Parenting

The Pros And Cons Of Western Parenting

The Pros And Cons Of Western Parenting

The Basics of Eastern Parenting

Parenting styles across the globe vary click and are based on the culture, location, and resources of everything around you. The parenting styles in the Eastern world versus those in the Western world are certainly different but neither style is better than the other. They both have their positives and negatives.

The Pros And Cons Of Western Parenting

Each style has the potential to produce wonderful kids who become successful adults. The way we parent is based a lot on how we were raised and where we are raising our children.

The Pros And Cons Of Western Parenting

Individual cultures naturally form and the way we parent is fully influenced by our geographic location. The Eastern part of the world would be the region of China and India while the Western side of the world is considered the United States and Europe. Just thinking about these areas of the world, you already have an opinion formed on the cultures and the differences. Parenting styles have their own place in culture and have a huge influence on the whole world. How people are raised is how they will grow and in turn how the world functions and evolves.

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This all has a ripple effect and it all starts at the beginning. Childhood and how you were parented has a huge effect on adult life. The way we parent will influence our moral code, self-esteem, and ability to care for ourselves. A recent BBC article took a spin on Eastern vs.

Western parenting and focused on the more hands-off approach in taken in the US and Europe. They questioned if it was right and if Western parents were the ones doing things oddly. The Eastern and Western worlds have different parenting techniques and here are the differences.

The Pros And Cons Of Western Parenting

Parents in the Eastern part of the world commonly babywear and bed share since birth. Co-sleeping remains in place for the better part of childhood. Via Pexels This is also a parenting style influenced by economics and necessity. Homes are smaller in Asia and India, and multiple generations often live together in one home causing a need for co-sleeping. In the school years, more is usually expected of children in the Eastern world. Academic expectations are high and so is respect.

The Pros And Cons Of Western Parenting

Parents expect their children to obey them without a fight. Family is highly valued in the East and this is passed on from generation to generation. Parents are not going to encourage their children to move out when they reach adulthood. Everyone will live together. The Eastern style of parenting can be summed up as authoritative yet very loving.]

Exact: The Pros And Cons Of Western Parenting

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EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE THE SILENT GENERATION FORWARD INTO Mar 10,  · The way we parent will influence our moral code, self-esteem, and ability to care for ourselves. A recent BBC article took a spin on Eastern vs. Western parenting and focused on the more hands-off approach in taken in the US and Europe. They questioned if it was right and if Western parents were the ones doing things oddly. Throughout the ages, parenting has developed in many different ways. For some, more authoritarian parenting is preferred while others prefer more flexible ways to teach. In many western countries, emphasis is placed on independence and a child’s own decisions. The Pros And Cons Of Parenting. Words 5 Pages. As soon as you become a mother everyone around you starts acting like a parenting expert or childcare specialist. Your parents, in-laws, friends, cousins, colleagues.
The Pros And Cons Of Western Parenting

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