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The Oral History Project I Interviewed My

The Oral History Project I Interviewed My

The Oral History Project I Interviewed My

Are their generational differences?

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This assignment requires you to interview a person who is at least 20 years older than you. This person may be a family member or friend. The purpose of your interview is to investigate the cultural reception of new media among an earlier generation of living individuals. This medium could be a radio, television, camera, record player, cassette player, VCR, fax machine, DVD player, computer, cell phone, or some other technology, website, or software. These are just some suggestions, not a comprehensive list.

The Oral History Project I Interviewed My

Where did this medium come from? How did you gain access to it?

The Oral History Project I Interviewed My

In your home, with friends, at a store, in school, somewhere else? Were you the first in your family or peer group to acquire it or did you acquire it after seeing others with it? How did you learn to use this medium? Did you teach yourself, did someone show you, or did you read a manual? How did you use this medium? What exactly did you do with it? Did you use it alone or with others?

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How did you feel when you first used this medium? What emotions accompanied the experience? Awe, fear, pleasure, confusion, ambivalence, curiosity, envy, pride — some combination? These are just a few possibilities. Was this the first of many uses or a one-time experience? If it was the first of many uses, how did you incorporate this medium into your life? When did you use it and under what circumstances?

The Oral History Project I Interviewed My

At the time, how did you imagine that this medium fit into American culture and society? Your interview, which should be at least 15 minutes long, must be recorded via video or audio-only to assist you with your note-taking and written report.

In addition to personal reflection, students must reflect upon and incorporate insights from at least three of the assigned readings in this course. Papers should be words about 3.]

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EDGAR ALLAN POE S LIFE 1 day ago · Oral History Project - Interview - In , the Park will be celebrating 10 years since the successful Olympic and Paralympic Games took place and forever impacted East London. Our Parklife is proud to be delivering an Oral History project and help inform the ’10 years on’ story. The interviews aim to capture the fascinating memories and experiences of the people that worked, volunteered. 2 days ago · In the framework of my research project (to uncover the historical and social roots of Kabul, to explore the old city of Kabul and record the local oral history) I have interviewed some of the families who lived here for generations and who witnessed all the miseries and difficulties of civil war. 3 days ago · The Oral History Project: I Interviewed My Grandmother Words | 5 Pages. project, I interviewed my grandmother. Her full name is Imelda Laborce, while she is known as “Meldy” to most family members. She was born in a small town called Calapacuan in the Zambales region of the Philippines. She was born in and is 61 years old.
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The Oral History Project I Interviewed My.

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Please upgrade your browser to view this content. This is important: You are seeking access to an oral history recording. Oral history is by its nature spoken memory. It is a personal opinion and is not intended to present the final verified or complete narrative of events. The following end user licence agreement is intended to preserve both the rights of the interviewee as well as protecting the reputation of individuals and the Library. It describes the obligations of anyone who accesses the material in the collection. It is a requirement of use that you comply with these conditions. If You wish to use the recordings in a public way not specifically defined by this licence, You must seek permission for that purpose from the Library. Permission to use material in the Oral History Collection is conditional on You accepting the terms of the licence set out below. If You accept the terms, please click on the 'I Accept' button at the end of the licence.



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