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The Gilded Age And The Age Of

The Gilded Age And The Age Of

The Gilded Age And The Age Of

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The Gilded Age And The Age Of

The Gilded Age And The Age Of - words

In the context of capitalism, these so called titans of industry grew more and more affluent, exploiting the American worker in order to reap the fruitful rewards of exploitative, monopolistic enterprise. The appallingly low wages fostered the emergence of labor unions, though these unions rarely unified and it was not until later that their effect would be fully appreciated. While characterized by rapid economic growth, the ever-widening stratification between ordinary American workers and the monopolistic titans of industry threatened conventional social, economic, and political equality. Although labor unions sought to amend such economic maltreatment, sectional interests rendered their efforts futile. America, however, remained the land of opportunity, continuously attracting immigrants and providing the laissez faire framework for captains of industry to propel the United States to its subsequent position as a global superpower. The influx of Irish immigrants in the mid 19th century inspired a system of patron-clientelism, facilitating the rise of corrupt officials such as the famous Tammany Hall. A mutualistically dependent relationship thus arose, whereby immigrants voted for men like Boss Tweed in turn for their continued welfare.

The Gilded Age And The Age Of - there are

The research topic will focus on Gilded Age Golden Age. At this point stay away from online sources, try to find things you can actually get your hands on. The first resource to be used in this research paper is.. Both sources are books which are academic. The first book is the lecture book and the second one is the book written by Mark Twain the person who chose the word gilded age for this period time of US history The materials used is these two books are reliable and academic. The Gilded age and later novels books written by Mark twain is the most reliable source because the Author actually experienced the events that happened at that period of the time 5 THESIS: Is your thesis arguable from a historical perspective? The Gilded Age And The Age Of The Gilded Age And The Age Of

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