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The Contemporary Art of Atomic Vacation by

The Contemporary Art of Atomic Vacation by

The Contemporary Art of Atomic Vacation by
The Contemporary Art of Atomic Vacation by

Source: RVA Mag For some reason or another, humans seem to be obsessed with the idea of the apocalypse. Western culture, for example, is full of writings and images that explore the concept of the end times. They are particularly prevalent in Christian art, and Western art is full of such imagery, which is usually inspired by the biblical book of revelations. The four horsemen of the apocalypse https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/custom/critical-thinking/the-judiciary-and-the-federal-budget.php a particularly common motif.

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Atomic Vacation is a modern day take on this apocalyptic art. In Atomic Vacation, he combines this childhood sense of foreboding with some stereotypical imagery of the time period. Here, we see the four horsemen of the apocalypse riding out of an atomic mushroom cloud composed of demons. Below the cloud, a smiling family prepares a picnic outside a camper van. Their faces are calm and impassive, seemingly unaware of the chaos going on above them.

The horsemen have red eyes and ride upon four wild-eyed horses; each of them bears the characteristics of their position.

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Pestilence bears an arrow and a crown, while war carries a flaming sword, and famine carries a set of scales; he is monstrously fat, a reminder of his all encompassing hunger. Death rides on the right in a black robe and carrying a scythe. The painting is a veritable psychedelic kaleidoscope of religious symbols and pop-culture icons. It is this contrast that makes the painting interesting. The mundane picnic scene serves to draw attention to the apocalyptic horror going on above.

The Contemporary Art of Atomic Vacation by

There is also a contrast of time at play. His style is obviously modern: clean and sharp with well-defined lines. Together, these elements create a thought provoking and fascinating piece of art.]

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This Is Modern Art / 1 of 6 / I Am a Genius / 1999 The Contemporary Art of Atomic Vacation by.



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