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The Age Of Imperialism In Americ The

The Age Of Imperialism In Americ The

The Age Of Imperialism In Americ The

Unlike its handling of continental territories, the United States offered the new colonies no pathway toward equal statehood and citizenship.

The Age Of Imperialism In Americ The

American Imperialism combined the expansionist ideology that propelled Americans from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans with a desire to become a world power as well as the need for new markets and raw materials to feed the growing industrial base. Fueled by the technological innovations and cheap labor of the Industrial Revolution, American industry looked abroad for new markets and access to natural resources.

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An early and vociferous proponent of American Imperialism, Theodore Roosevelt aggressively and effectively promoted the cause through initiatives like the construction of the Panama Canal and the demonstration of American military power embodied by the Great White Fleet. How were these ideas applied to U. What do you see as the positives and negatives of American Imperialism?

The Age Of Imperialism In Americ The

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Overview[ edit ] Despite periods of peaceful co-existence, wars with Native Americans resulted in substantial territorial gains for American colonists who were expanding into native land. Wars with the Native Americans continued intermittently after independence , and an ethnic cleansing campaign known as Indian removal gained for European-American settlers more valuable territory on the eastern side of the continent. The United States promulgated the Monroe Doctrine in , in order to stop further European colonialism and to allow the American colonies to grow further, but desire for territorial expansion to the Pacific Ocean was explicit in the doctrine of Manifest Destiny. The giant Louisiana Purchase was peaceful, but the Mexican—American War of resulted in the annexation of , square miles of Mexican territory. President Ulysses S. Grant attempted to Annex the Dominican Republic in , but failed to get the support of the Senate.

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The age of empire - Rise to world power (1890-1945) - US History - Khan Academy The Age Of Imperialism In Americ The.

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