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Sports Injuries Sports Injury

Sports Injuries Sports Injury

Sports Injuries Sports Injury

Gymnasts can sustain severe injuries if they do not land correctly. While gymnastics can be dangerous, it is not in the top riskiest Olympic sports mostly due to the excellent training of the athletes. The most common orthopedic injury among these athletes involves overuse due to excessive training.

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The high-risk Olympic sports involve contact. No matter how much training you have, you cannot always account for the athletes around you or unexpected terrain. These injuries usually involve broken facial bones and concussions.

Sports Injuries Sports Injury

Equestrian While this sport does Sports Injuries Sports Injury involve contact with people, falls with or from a horse can be devastating and result in severe fractures, sprainsconcussions, or bruising and cuts. So what happens if an athlete is injured during the Olympics? Olympic Injury Prevention and Treatment Behind the scenes, Olympians travel with a whole crew of volunteer orthopedic doctorssports therapists, and nurses. The goal of this sports medicine team is to prevent here, usually with stretches, taping, bracing, and adjustments to practice and techniques.


The specialists determine injury risks by studying how previous injuries have occurred and analyzing each individual athlete. The sports medicine team is also available to treat injuries at the Olympics, so they stay with the athletes and care for them Sports Injuries Sports Injury they can return to competition or begin a long-term recovery. While you may not be an Olympian or even if you are! ORTHOKnox has a team of sports medicine specialists, including on-site board-certified surgeons and physical therapists, available to diagnose your injury or help you stay injury-free so you can go for the gold!

Sports Injuries Sports Injury

For more information about how ORTHOKnox can treat you, callor fill out our easy-to-use online appointment request form. We look forward to hearing from you!

Sports Injuries Sports Injury

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Sports Injuries Sports Injury

Sports Injuries Sports Injury - for that

Pain along the shin bone How can I prevent a sports injury? The following are some basic steps to prevent a sports injury: Develop a fitness plan that includes cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility. This will help decrease your chance of injury. Alternate exercising different muscle groups and exercise every other day. Cool down properly after exercise or sports. It should take 2 times as long as your warm-ups. Stay hydrated. Drink water to prevent dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Stretching exercises can improve the ability of muscles to contract and perform, reducing the risk for injury. Each stretch should start slowly until you reach a point of muscle tension. Sports Injuries Sports Injury.

Sports Injuries Sports Injury Video

Prevention of Sports Injuries: Perspectives - Lars Engebretsen, MD PhD - Sports Medicine Division



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