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Societys Construction of Reality

Societys Construction of Reality

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Basic concepts[ edit ] Social stock of knowledge[ edit ] Earlier theories those of, for example, Max SchelerKarl MannheimWerner StarkKarl Marxand Max Weber often paid too much attention to scientific and theoretical knowledge, but this is only a small part of social knowledge, concerning a very limited group. Customs, Societys Construction of Reality interpretations, institutions, shared routines, habitualizations, the who-is-who and who-does-what in social processes and the division of labor, constitute a much larger part of knowledge in society. Knowledge of how the socially available stock of knowledge is distributed, at least in outline, is an important element of that same stock of knowledge.

Societys Construction of Reality

Language links up commonsense knowledge with finite provinces of meaning, thus enabling people, for example, to interpret dreams through understandings relevant in the daytime. It can refer to experiences pertaining to finite provinces of meaning, it can span discrete spheres of reality Language soars into regions that are not only de facto but also a here unavailable to everyday experience.

Societys Construction of Reality

Regarding the function of language and signs, Berger and Luckmann are indebted to George Herbert Mead and other figures in the field known as symbolic interactionismas acknowledged in their Introduction, especially regarding the possibility of constructing objectivity. While individuals may visit other realities such as watching a filmthey Societys Construction of Reality always brought back to everyday reality once the film ends p. Individuals have the capacity to reflect on these realities, including their own social more info reality.

This type of reflection is often referred to as reflexivity. But, crucially, even reflexivity must draw on some "source material" or be rooted in intersubjectivity.

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It has, thus, been suggested that: "As agents exercise their reflexive capacities, they bring with them a past consisting of social experiences accumulated or sedimented into stocks of knowledge that provide the requisite guidance for going about their lives and interpreting their social reality".

Concomitantly, the interaction of both becomes predictable… Many actions are possible on a low level of attention. Social objective worlds[ edit ] Social or institutional objective worlds are one consequence of institutionalization, and are created when institutions are passed Societys Construction of Reality to a new generation.

Societys Construction of Reality

This creates a reality that is vulnerable to the ideas of a minority which will then form the basis of social expectations in the future.]

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Societys Construction of Reality Video

Social Construction of Reality, Screencast #1: Human Nature Societys Construction of Reality.

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